All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 759 I'm Thinking

Chapter 759 I'm Thinking (15)

Not only Ao Bing saw the resolute monk standing on the blue lotus in the upper reaches of the Yellow Spring, spreading the meaning of compassion and light, but also saw the skeleton ghost emperor chasing after him, and the thousands of evil ghosts in the Yellow Spring also saw it.

A solitary figure is in stark contrast to the mighty and filthy Huangquan. It is lonely, small, and dusty, as if it will fall into the sea of ​​suffering and hell in the next second.

The evil ghosts and undead became angry and roared. They hated every living person and all human breath, and resisted light and mercy.

Countless evil spirits shouted: "Why should they live, we are going to die!"

If we can't live together now, let's all die together!Endless malice is always the main theme of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, affecting most of the undead in Huangquan.

"Oops!" Ao Bing's expression changed. He had thousands of escape methods to escape, but he caused the monk in front of him to suffer. The evil ghost of Huangquan is not a creature that can communicate.

The teacher, Emperor Dongyin, also has the authority of the Yin Division under his command. He once said that evil spirits are obsessions.

The spirit of living beings can be called the soul, and there are three souls, one is the heavenly soul, the second is the earth soul, and the third is the fate soul.There are seven souls, one is heavenly, the second is spiritual, the third is qi, the fourth is strength, the fifth is the center, the sixth is essence, and the seventh is heroism.

After the death of a living being, the soul of heaven returns to the sky, returns to the natural cycle of the prehistoric, and feeds the vitality of the body back to the heaven and the earth; memories and emotions.

Only when the three souls of heaven, earth and human are all reincarnated, a new reincarnation will be born, and those who are unwilling to die and indulge in the previous life will sink into the underworld and refuse to go to reincarnation.

Over time, in the endless years, the soul of fate became extremely extreme because it couldn't wait, and turned into a monster full of desire to kill and destroy.

The underworld calls it a ghost. In the eyes of the world, a ghost is another form of a dead person, but Ao Bing knows that ghosts and humans are completely two species and there is no connection.

Ghosts are just monsters who live for their obsessions. They are sweet-talking and stupid. They will kill even their relatives and friends in life because of their obsessions.

"Monk, hurry up, this is a ghost from hell, an incommunicable existence! If you don't want to fall into hell, follow me!" Ao Bing roared angrily, reminding the monk in front of him to leave quickly with him, so as not to suffer from this unreasonable disaster.

I am a Golden Immortal of the Dragon Clan, and I have the inheritance of two Black Emperors, and I am so embarrassed that I can only run for my life. The candidates in this Demon King Exam are no stronger than the Celestial Immortals. How can I be the opponent of this group of evil spirits?

The dragon's blue-black ruler sticks out slightly, indicating that the monk in the distance will grab his dragon's horn and run away together.

The monk on the cyan lotus slowly turned around and looked at the howling billions of evil spirits, his fortitude turned into compassion, and he murmured in a low voice: "I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell."

"You can't let this real dragon escape to the upper reaches of Huangquan!" The fire of soul in the eyes of the Skeleton Ghost Emperor suddenly jumped up. In the extreme anger and killing intent, there was such an imperceptible fear!

As the Golden Immortal of Huangquan, the Skeleton Ghost Emperor has already retrieved the soul of heaven and earth that symbolizes wisdom and virtue. He is no longer a ghost who only knows how to kill, but has the wisdom to think.

The real dragon cannot be allowed to reach the upper reaches of the Yellow Springs and come into contact with that monk, otherwise the hundreds of millions of years of waiting will be in vain!

My own A Li has no chance to escape from the sea of ​​suffering!
That sramana is not simple. Even if the gods fall into the underworld, they will lose their five virtues, but this sramana does not. Since he fell into the underworld, this sramana has been sitting cross-legged!
And this Samana has been staying in the upper reaches of Huangquan for hundreds of millions of years, maybe because of restraint, or because of fear of the underworld...

The Skeleton Ghost Emperor didn't know why, no matter what the reason was, if he grasped this point, it was a glimmer of life.

He took a deep look at the beautiful woman in white in his hand, and put it in the depths of his soul fire.
"Great meritorious deeds of yin and virtue. Complete the journey and surpass the three realms. The fairies of the ten directions perform their merits perfectly. You can see the true year of peace."

The Skeleton Ghost Emperor said loudly, no longer holding back his hands, no longer thinking about whether he would touch the taboo of the sea of ​​blood.

He was already dead, so what if he died again for Ah Li!


The air of the dark, the air of the nether world, the air of the underworld, the air of decay... Countless vitality belonging to the dark and nether realm rises by itself, without any mana support, without any consumption. The operation is the natural law of the universe.

This is the real power of the Golden Immortal. Earth Immortals can understand the space of Tao, and they can step by one light year. Heavenly Immortals can understand time, and they can live forever and never die. Golden Immortals understand matter, what is matter, matter is energy, matter is time and space, matter is cause and effect , Matter is everything that can be seen between heaven and earth, and everything that cannot be seen.

Comprehending a part of matter is the master of a part of the rules, and can be respected as the ancestor of the Tao. Because of the existence of the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing and Hongjun, and many Taoist ancestors, Jinxian Da Neng expressed humility and replaced the Taoist ancestors with the Taoist masters.

Because I think, everything is there, if the Water System Golden Immortal Taoist said that there is a happy water planet in the universe, the universe will have a happy water planet.

I, who rely on material things, think, this is the most powerful power of Jinxian!
The Skeleton Ghost Emperor thought that the Yellow Spring would stop Ao Bing, so the water from the Yellow Spring began to stop Ao Bing.

The torrential Huangquan set off endless waves, as if a sea of ​​blood covered the sky and covered the sky, overturning fallen universes and corrupted worlds one after another.

The Yellow Springs are nominally springs and streams, but the waters that can carry countless corruptions and emerge into the universe are so vast, the waters of the Yellow Springs can have another name-the Netherworld Sea of ​​the Yellow Springs.

Now a world sea is falling heavily, oppressing Ao Bing, Ao Bing showed despair, he has just entered the realm of golden immortals, he has not awakened my power of thinking, so he can't resist at all.

"Empty!" Like the roar of a lion in Leiyin Temple, after a word, the world is silent, everything is empty, and everything that belongs to the Pan Gu universe, including time, is stagnant.

Now, the only ones who can move are the monks, and the primordial spirit thoughts of the two golden immortals, Ao Bing and Skeleton Ghost Emperor.

The Golden Immortal unites time, space and matter, retrieves the two souls of heaven and earth, condenses his true spirit, and initially surpasses the restrictions of Pangu, and is not a member of Pangu Vientiane.

Ao Bing was in a daze, he was so lucky to meet big bosses every time he went out.

The Skeleton Ghost Emperor was extremely terrified, but for the obsession in his heart, he overcame the fear, gritted his teeth and said: "This great sage, you, you have crossed the line!"

Beyond the boundary, beyond what boundary?This is Huangquan, so naturally it has crossed the boundaries of Huangquan.

On the green lotus, the monk holding gold tin did not answer, but sighed slightly, his eyes full of compassion: "All living beings suffer from eight sufferings: birth, old age, illness, death, resentment, separation from love, not getting what you want. Suffering, the five skandhas abound in suffering, captured by the Truth of Suffering!"

"You, because of one suffering, fell into another suffering."

Seeing that the monk is not afraid of the limit of the underworld, the skeleton ghost emperor felt cold, and turned to pleading: "The heart is as happy as it is, why bother!"

"The great sage has already transcended the sea of ​​suffering, so why bother meddling in otherworldly affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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