All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 84 I'm not pretending anymore...

Chapter 84 I'm not pretending... (one more)
The world is phantom in Douluo Mian, suddenly seeing the prehistoric eternity, you must know that this is the prehistoric universe!
And it is a high-level prehistoric universe, not some kind of low-end prehistoric situation where Da Luo Jinxian can't even hit a single star.

No, the middle-end prehistoric situation that the saints can't even conquer the timeline.

In this prehistoric universe, the sky is high, the ground is thick, and the universe is long, and there are many stories buried.

The lower ones are not lower, and a dragon and earth immortal can drive the giant beasts on the mainland to walk in the sea, just like driving out planets in the cosmos of stars.

The taller is taller, living far away from the sky, the Taoist ancestor in the Zixiao Palace, playing with the universe, one side is a chess piece, purely for fun, such great power is unimaginable and unpredictable.

The origins of all myths, any gods, monsters, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, saints, and saints can all be traced and followed.

All kinds of legends and myths of the past can happen here, whether it is true or false.

It can be seen from one point.

In the orthodox Daomen, there is no such god Hongjun, the Sanqing Daozu is the orthodox!

Sanqing is the incarnation of the Dao, how can the Dao have a teacher.

However, in this wilderness, there is Daozu Hongjun, the ruler of the Tao of Heaven!
Shou Dao incarnated as a disciple, Qi Zhi Gao Haotian was a boy, and the three thousand Zixiao guests under his door were all famous and surnamed supernatural powers in various myths and legends.

A collection of many myths, high in Zixiao, and has not been killed.

This shows that Daozu is not simple.

At least, the Sanqing, Ersheng, Fuxi, Wahuang and the like in this world can't beat Hongjun Daozu!
Otherwise, it would not be Hongjun's turn to be the patriarch of the Dao, to take charge of the name of the teacher of the Dao, and to sit on the position of the teacher of all nature.

As for the origin of Hongjun Daozu.

At most, literally.

He Weihong?The throne of Wang Ye is also Emperor Hong.

What is average?One for balance, two for all.

The emperor's palm is balanced, and the world is even!

As for going deeper...

hongjun, hongjun, hongjun
Or, similar to Lao Tzu's three clean-ups, non-moral, non-Laojun...

Luo Feng didn't dare to guess, didn't dare to think, and didn't dare to ask.

Such a high-end version of the flood, how could he be careless!
I'm afraid that one day, when I go out, the little monsters and monsters I meet, the Taoist people in the mountains, seem to be superficial and easy to bully, but in fact they are a trumpet opened by Da Luo Jinxian.

Looking at the Thousand Spirit Demon King who fainted on the ground, Luo Feng couldn't help sighing.

After all, you are also a disciple of the interceptor!

How can you run out without becoming immortal? !

I always thought that you were an immortal who disguised himself as the Primordial Spirit!

This time, how to explain it.

The silver snake on the wrist jumped down and turned into a pink and tender boy.

After walking a few steps forward, he looked at the demon king who fainted on the ground, and exclaimed in surprise, "Master, it's really a thousand spirit demon king!"

After confirming the identity of the Thousand Spirit Demon King.

Careful little boy, there is a doubt in his heart.

If this is really the Great Demon King of Thousand Miles, why would he be stunned by the aftermath of Master's magical powers? !

It was the first time for a little boy with a heart, and he had doubts about his master's realm.

In the doubtful eyes of the careful little Daotong, Luo Feng glanced at the slightly weak Qianling Demon King, and his thoughts changed.

Immediately came to mind.

Luo Feng's face became straight: "Since you have discovered it, I will not pretend to be a teacher! I will showdown!"

"Actually, the teacher is an Earth Immortal cultivator. I pretended to be a primordial spirit before, just to test your heart."

"If you have the right temperament, you can pass it on personally."

"Children, when walking in the rivers and lakes, remember to guard against arrogance and impatience, and don't underestimate the people of the world."

The cautious little Daotong was stunned for a moment, hesitating to say anything, he still felt that something was wrong.

Earth Immortals and Primordial Spirits, is there a difference between a little demon general like yourself?

Luo Feng coughed lightly: "Tong'er, don't help Daoist Qianling up."

Immediately changed the topic and flipped the previous page.

The cautious little Daoist suppressed his doubts, nodded obediently, and helped the Thousand Spirit Demon King to sit in the pavilion on the side.

"Tai Shangtai Xing never stops responding, exorcising evil spirits and tying evil spirits to protect his life and body, his wisdom is bright and pure, his mind is peaceful, and his three souls will never lose their souls..."

Luo Feng pinched the seal in his hand, recited the divine mantra, and gathered a drop of divine liquid between the fluctuations of his vitality.

A flick of the finger.

Flying into the eyebrows of the Thousand Spirit Demon King.

"It hurts..."

The Great Demon King of Thousand Spirits sat up in shock as if he was dying of illness, and stared around in horror: "Where is the thief, sneak attack on the poor road!"

"Fellow Daoist, don't panic!"

Luo Feng looked apologetic: "Just now, it was Pindao who was in a hurry to hurry and accidentally injured fellow Daoist, and he has already healed his wounds."

"Good you..."

The Thousand Spirit Demon King was about to scold, when he suddenly saw Luo Feng Dixian's breath and spiritual pressure, he immediately changed the topic and said, "Well, you are a Taoist, why are you walking in a hurry and accidentally hurt me?"

"You need to give me an explanation."

The Thousand Spirit Demon King is unwilling to cultivate hard, so he is naturally a man with a smart mind.

If you know the elders of the self-destruction division, it depends on the timing.

Before there is a dispute, this is a kind of deterrence. When a dispute occurs, and then self-destruction, it is to force people to kill people.

Even if the teacher will avenge his own family in the future, but he is dead, revenge is useless.

Seeing the Thousand Spirit Demon King, he finds himself to go down the stairs.

Luo Feng pretended to sigh and said, "I also ask fellow Taoists to forgive me. I was just looking for someone, and I just messed up."

The Thousand Spirit Demon King asked casually, "Who dares to ask."

Luo Feng shook his head and said, "Pindao heard that there is a Thousand Spirit Demon King in the Qiandao Sea Area, who is a saint and a Taoist. He intercepts his disciples and admires them, so he hurried over and wanted to talk about it."

Qianling Demon King raised his eyebrows, he was not a fool, he believed whatever Luo Feng said.

The Thousand Spirit Demon King knocked and said, "Pindao heard that the Thousand Spirit Demon King is only a Primordial Spirit cultivator, and fellow Daoist is an immortal person, why should you look for him..."

Luo Feng said with a straight face: "Daoist friend's words are wrong, Qianling Daoist is from the Intercept Cult, what kind of sect is Intercept Cult?


After a while.

The Thousand Spirit Demon King's eyes turned, unable to distinguish the true from the false.

However, everyone is arrogant, everyone loves to listen to good words, and nods frequently.

The guard in my heart dissipated a little, and I decided that Luo Feng was not here to pick things up and smash the scene.

Seeing this, Luo Feng then shook his head and sighed, then changed the topic: "Actually, the poor Taoist also has selfishness. As we all know, the Intercept Jiao is located in the East China Sea, how vast the power is, and how exquisite the Taoist law is."

"If you can get acquainted with Qianling Taoist friends, see the wonderful method of interception, and make friends with masters, you will be lucky."

The Thousand Spirit Demon King immediately rejoiced: "It turns out that fellow Taoist is also a person who admires the great religion. The poor Taoist is Qianling. If you don't dislike it, you can discuss the Tao with me."

Luo Feng pretended to be surprised: "It turned out to be a Taoist friend, rude and rude."

A primordial spirit demon king, who intercepted and taught his disciples to make friends with immortal masters and win over Luo Feng.

A disguised Earth Immortal, Gu Dao warm-hearted, Dao Bone Immortal, dedicated to inquiring about information and getting closer.

After a while, the two will soon be chatting hotly.

Xiao Daotong was stunned and confused.

He was a stranger before, and he had a vaguely hostile relationship, but now he has become a confidant and a Taoist friend.

In the end what happened.

After a long time, Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The Thousand Spirit Demon King was really only a named disciple of the Intercepting Religion, and the fellow Daoists who knew the Intercepting Religion had not become immortals.

It is indeed not the disciple of the Great Immortal Interceptor, the Daotong pet,

Previously, he was also worried that a teaching camp like Donghai would be related to each other.

Accidentally provoked one, and a large group was pulled out from behind.

In this case, it is easy to do.

 Let you talk about the protagonist Gou all day long, this is not Gou, it is prudence!
(End of this chapter)

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