All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 85: The Mysterious Bird of Destiny, Born into Shang

Chapter 85: The Mysterious Bird of Destiny, Born into Shang

No background, no background, no foundation.

What does it mean?
Explanation, this product is so foolish!

Luo Feng smiled, neither humble nor arrogant, and many good words were poured out without money.

Although the Thousand Spirit Demon King has some thoughts, he has never seen this scene before.

The so-called restraint is only in the face of creatures of the same level.

An immortal gives affirmation and praise from time to time.

Just like when I was a student, the teacher often called and praised him, but he didn't say anything in the open, but his heart had already blossomed with joy.

The Thousand Spirit Demon King, as a cultivator, is not strong in Taoism, otherwise he would not be able to take charge of Qianling Island as a primordial spirit.

As a demon clan, cunning is not enough, otherwise, it would not only be in charge of Qianling Island.

In a few days, he got up with Luo Feng and called himself a brother, and he was happy and happy.

In this regard, Luo Feng secretly sighed, it is really a simple and unsophisticated monster.

It would be great if all the monks in the prehistoric wilderness were like the Thousand Spirit Demon King.


Qian Lingwei is a little weak, but it is true to intercept the disciples.

3000 years ago, I was fortunate enough to hear the preaching of the leader, and my spiritual wisdom has been enlightened since then.

Although he was admitted to the outside door, he also claimed to be a disciple of the sect, and he also had three or four friends on Penglai Island.

Following Qianling's line, Luo Feng also got familiar with several cultivators.

It's a pity that there isn't even a famous sect master immortal.

The four great personal legends and the seven immortals who attend them are all in the Biyou Palace on Penglai Island.

Luo Feng himself did not dare to go there without authorization, exposing himself to the eyes of the saint.

As for the Jinxian and Tianxian of the outer gate, most of them seek mountains to open up cave dwellings and turn the islands into dojos.

For example, the top disciple of the outer door, Zhao Gongming, who is said to have attained the Great Luo Dao fruit, practiced in Luofu Cave of Yu Emei Mountain in the Great Desolate Continent.

Like Sanxiao Niangniang and others, they are all golden immortals who have successfully cultivated Taoism. They moved out of Penglai Island and set up another cave house, and they dived in Sanxian Cave of Sanxian Island.

A thousand spirits, a primordial spirit, how can they have friendship with such great immortals.

After a year and a half, I couldn't get to know the Earth Immortals or the Heavenly Immortals. Among them, the highest status and the strongest cultivation base was Ji Shuibao, an outer disciple of the Heavenly Immortal series.

Seeing this, Luo Feng knew that it was time to leave.

All the disciples of the Intercepting Sect who can know them know each other, and they can be regarded as familiar.

If he stayed any longer, the Thousand Spirit Demon King would really pull himself into the Intercepting Sect and become an excellent Intercepting Sect disciple.In the future, either the true spirit will be placed on the list of gods, or he will go to the West to eat fast and recite Buddha.

This loss-making business must not be done.

Although the sectarians of the sect speak of loyalty, the loyalty is not enough for the four saints of the sect leader level.

Qianling Island, Qianling Cave

Luo Feng snorted: "I have been disturbing for many days, thank you Brother Dao for your hospitality, but the poor Dao still has important things to do, and he still needs to go to the Great Desolate Continent."

The Qianling Demon King reluctantly said: "Brother Dao will not stay for a few more years. After 300 years, my elder brother from the outer sect, Great Immortal Zhao Gongming, will return."

"He takes good care of me and other disciples. I will introduce him at that time. With the aptitude of Daoist brother, I will definitely be able to enter the outer door."

Luo Feng shook his head and said: "Pindao also admires the great sect, and I wish I was born to be an immortal, and died to be a sect ghost, but unfortunately I missed it!"

"Wait for the poor Daoist thing, and then come to harass the Daoist friends."

The Thousand Spirit Demon King sighed and said, "Since fellow Daoists insist on doing this, Pindao doesn't stop me, it's just that the Great Desolate Continent is different from overseas!"

"Someone is under the jurisdiction of the king, and it's not easy to do things. I intercept the sect who are a little greedy for wealth, and I go to work in a big business, and I also complain a lot about the rules."

Luo Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's natural for the poor Daoist to save money. Daoist friends can rest assured, but I don't know who Wang Linchao is today as a big businessman."

The Qianling Demon King pondered for a while and said: "3000 years ago, Emperor Wu Yi should have been in charge of the human dynasty, and he had ruled the human race for more than [-] years."

"3000 years have passed now, and the kings of all dynasties have never lived forever. Presumably, he should be the son of Emperor Wuyi, and Emperor Wending will ascend the throne as king."

Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully, Di Wuyi, Di Wending, Di Yi, Di Xin.

Four generations of grandfather and son inheritance, Yin Shang 64 years of luck inheritance, is coming to an end.

"Children, come."

Luo Feng snorted softly, and the Taoist Jinxin in the distance instantly turned into a silver-white line, coiling around his wrist.

Light and shadow linger, the space ripples, and the brilliance flows.

Luo Feng saw all kinds of spatial order laws appear in front of him, build nodes, intercept empty places, cross hundreds of millions of miles of mountains, rivers and seas, and send people to the land of Yin and Shang.

"Hey, this is space..."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Feng was taken away by the beam of light and crossed the void.

Leaving the Thousand Spirit Demon King to stay in place, confused, space?space what...

It can't be the law of epiphany space, this thing, even the gods can't figure it out.

The space teleportation array is separated by billions of mountains and rivers, and the speed is extremely mysterious. Luo Feng stretches out of it like a train.

A little brilliance passes through the void, uses the space to overlap, and keeps beating.

Staring at the law of space that enveloped him, Luo Feng was fascinated by the brilliance.

In fact, he can also use simple space spells, such as primary storage, which can open up a small space and use it as a storage warehouse.

However, there is one characteristic of the primary Tibetan technique, that is, it has to be supported, but it is a puppet, or a robe, or a flesh and blood...

The space teleportation array directly uses the void without any obstacles, and nakedly exposes the upper-level space calculation program to Luo Feng.

This is undoubtedly the same as the hamster entered Miku!
Luo Feng is full of happiness, contentment, and a fulfilling smile, and has gained a lot.

In short, he got it!

The primary Tibetan technique is upgraded to the intermediate Tibetan technique.


I don't know how much time has passed, it may be a moment, it may be a few hours.

A sweet voice came from Luo Feng's ears: "Dear cultivator, welcome to take this teleportation formation. In front of you is the starting point of Yinshang City. Please be prepared and don't get involved in the turbulent flow of space."

"If the life and death compensation agreement is not signed, the Kunlun Mountain Void Sect refuses to compensate!"

Luo Feng slowly withdrew, Xuanzhi's state of comprehension.

He has already understood the law of sublimation, but he is just indulging in which state of mind.

It's like knowing that it's a dream, about to wake up, but unwilling to leave, and it's like the rumored sage time, which is extremely ethereal.

The light is invested, and the void is opened.

Luo Feng stepped out and saw a majestic black iron city, thousands of feet high.

There are bronze armored guards patrolling the city, each with blood and blood like a dragon, and their momentum is not weaker than that of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

In an instant, Luo Feng seemed to understand.

Why, as a disciple of the Intercepting Sect, the Thousand Spirit Demon King has to abide by the rules of the world and complain that there are too many rules.

Because he can only complain and dare not have other thoughts.

The Mysterious Bird of Heaven's Destiny descended and was born in Shang, and lived in the Yin earth.The ancient emperor ordered Wutang to be in all directions.

After Fang Ming's death, there were nine of them.Shang Zhi successively, was ordered to be in danger, and was the grandson of Wu Ding.The grandson of Wu Ding, King Wu was invincible.

The dragon flag has ten rides, and the Daqi is the inheritance.The state is thousands of miles away, where the Uyghur people stop, Zhaoyu is the four seas.

The four seas come to fake, to fake Qiqi.View of the Wee River.Yin was ordered to be Xianyi, what is Bailu?

This is the great universe, the mythical world where gods, monsters and Buddhas gather!

As the Yin and Shang Dynasty, which suppressed the world for 64 years, how could it be so simple.

(End of this chapter)

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