All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 88 Evenly Fighting

Chapter 88 A Closed Battle (One More)
The Taoist sect believes that the innate Yi Qi, or the first ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty.It refers to the primordial Qi that gives birth to all things in life, and is the basic quality that constitutes all things in the universe.The Dao generates a Qi from nothingness, and Yin and Yang are produced from one Qi; Yin and Yang are combined into three bodies, and the three bodies give rise to all things.

All things in the heaven and earth are transformed by one Qi, and all the wonderful methods in the world, all the divine powers in the heavens, are transformed by one Qi in the final analysis.

In the world, there is only the innate Qi, which is neither born nor destroyed.It is neither dirty nor clean, neither increase nor decrease.

The Earth Immortal realizes the space and controls the power of the blessed land, so the life span reaches the limit, 12 years.

Heavenly Immortals have realized the time and are in charge of the power of the heavens, so they live forever and live with the heavens.

Jinxian has obtained a trace of the primordial ancestor Qi, also known as the ancestor Qi.It is neither dirty nor clean, neither increase nor decrease.

Ancestral Qi is the root of all things. Once it is attained, it will never turn back, so the golden immortal is immortal.

At the same time, in charge of the ancestor Qi, is in charge of the root of all dharmas in the world, so the golden immortal is also called the golden immortal of attaining the Tao.

This is also the theoretical basis for the self-generation of supernatural powers.

However, theory is theory and reality is reality.

If one becomes a Golden Immortal, one will be in charge of all dharmas in the world, will be able to master 36 heavenly gangs, 72 earth evil spirits, and communicate with all gods and gods. This is impossible.

Cultivation of immortals also pays attention to the Basic Law.

Even if the mind is in the world, there is no way to play like this, unless the person is a reincarnation of a saint, born with wisdom.

Any practice that jumps to conclusions without mentioning the quantity is a hooligan.

Just like in the field of alchemy and poisoning, talking about toxicity aside from the dose is pure nonsense.

It is a fact that Jinxian masters all methods, and when Taoism arrives, magical powers are automatically derived.

But it also takes time to grind.

Sometimes it is a flash of inspiration, and the magic method is born, but more often, it is based on the accumulation of years and years, and slowly turns from chasing enlightenment to epiphany.

Magical powers are like seeds, from germination to growth to maturity, they need a series of environments.

Waste a lot of time and effort.

It's just that Daozu Hongjun once said that there is no road in the world, and there are more people who walk and it becomes a road.

There are no immortals in the world. There are many people who practice, and the first person who realizes the Tao becomes immortal.

There are many roads in the prehistoric world, all of which have been traveled by powerful people, among them mysterious, good and bad.

The advantage of this is that you can leave behind a great mantra, the most truthful Bible.

Based on the mantras of these scriptures, later generations created the avenues of practice.

In today's prehistoric times, in different ancient times, there are predecessors who paved the way.

The sect practice method and various spells are the wealth that the predecessors have summed up the experience and specially left behind for the children of the future generations.

Although it is not a book or a biography, drawing on the life experience of the elders can also greatly reduce the time for the seeds of supernatural powers to mature.

Talented people can even comprehend new magical powers, plant a mysterious seed, and wait for thousands of years to germinate.

The mighty sect, three hundred exercises, in a word, prostitutes for nothing.

It's cool for a while, and it's cool all the time.

Luo Feng is holding a white...Bah, a pure enthusiasm, sincere and friendly heart, came to learn the knowledge of the sect, and brought love and justice to the great world.

Now, Luo Feng has encountered the first obstacle on his learning path.

Perseverance Pass - Mountaineering

How many should you be in? !
Immortal Sect accepts apprentices, pays attention to the four major factors, aptitude, luck, perseverance, and fate!
Perseverance is the most obvious and can be tested directly. The first level is perseverance.

There are green peaks and green mountains on all sides, hills and hills stand on both sides, and the mountains are full of green trees.Looking into the distance, in the vast sea of ​​clouds, there is a huge platform.

On the misty cloud platform, more than 20 primordial spirits and three earth immortal monks stood.

The white-haired Dixian from Huaqingguan smiled and said: "Daoist friends, I don't know how many immortals have climbed to Sendai with perseverance this time."

The red-robed Earth Immortal on the side sneered: "Huang Daoyou, all of them are my own, so don't talk nonsense. As far as my Xuanyuan Seven Sects are concerned, how many people have become immortals by perseverance."

Huaqing Guan was stunned by the white-haired Earth Immortal, and then smiled: "The ancient Taoist friend said something wrong... The ancient immortal said: Without great perseverance, no matter how talented you are, you are only a salted fish after all."


The red-robed Earth Immortal shook his head and said, "This sentence is also used to deceive the passionate young girls and young people at the foot of the mountain."

The last one, the pavilion master of Earth Immortal, Tianyi Pavilion, added: "The real situation is that the immortal seedlings with excellent talent, if they practice for a few years, they will form pills, congeal infants, and transform into spirits."

Hua Qing Guan's white-haired Earth Immortal's face froze.

What nonsense are you talking about, it's hard for me to do things like this.

However, the white-haired earth immortal also knew that the words of the other two earth immortals were for the convenience of selecting disciples with excellent qualifications.

As the earth immortal of Huaqing Temple, naturally, this kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen.

I saw the white-haired Earth Immortal smiled and said: "The four stages of immortality cultivation, the poor Tao thinks that aptitude is less important and perseverance is the most important. on the same level."

Earth Immortal, the owner of Tianyi Pavilion, sneered and said, "Young Daoyou Huang, what you said is biased. Some people become immortals in a hundred years, some people become immortals in a thousand years, and some people have been grinding for nearly [-] years, but they don't see the way of immortality. How can it be the same."

The white-haired earth immortal shook his head and said: "Some people become immortals in a hundred years, and some people become immortals in a thousand years, but they can only achieve the fruit of heaven and immortality, and the fruit of earth immortal."

"Fellow Daoists, have you ever seen a person who has been proving the Dao Jinxian for a hundred years, outside the sage Taoism, not to mention the East China Sea, even in the Great Desolation, I'm afraid there is no such thing."


The spiritual sense was withdrawn, Luo Feng was thoughtful, it seems that the seven Xuanyuan sects did not value perseverance.

Also, if the immortals are not achieved, they cannot live forever, what is the use of perseverance.

To cultivate immortals together, emphasis is placed on qualifications in the early stage, and comprehension and perseverance in the middle stage.

As for the later stage, those without great perseverance, great wisdom, and great fortune cannot be obtained.

Knowing that the seven sects of Xuanyuan do not value perseverance, Luo Feng understands how he should behave.

The top three must not be won. This is the gathering place of eyes and the source of disputes.

Counting down the last few is also not advisable, that is to take the waste material route, Long Aotian's face-slap routine.

In the wild, Long Aotian is no longer popular.

Long Aotian, who wanted to do things all day, was dealt with by Daozu.

The latter three are also not desirable.

Tens of thousands of people participated in the Immortal Ascension Conference jointly organized by the seven Xuanyuan Sects.

By convention, the top [-] can enter the Immortal Sect.

Therefore, Luo Feng decided to keep 35 and strive for [-]. The bottom line is [-].

Mountaineering is not simply mountaineering.

The masters of the seven sects of Xuanyuan set up a forbidden spirit realm on the mountain. No matter what their cultivation, they were all mortals.

Earth Immortals and Celestial Immortals can be unrestricted and can mobilize some mana.

But if there are earth immortals and heavenly immortals, the immortals of the seven Xuanyuan sects will immediately notice.

As for Jinxian?

Who would be so boring as a golden immortal.


After three hours,
Walking on the mountain road, Luo Feng was sweating profusely. There were more than 30 people in front and hundreds of people behind.

Everyone is gnashing their teeth and insisting, working hard for a trace of immortal fate.

It's really a close fight!

(End of this chapter)

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