Chapter 89 The Path Foundation Establishment Monk (two more)
Now even a few Earth Immortals can't be deceived, how can they fight with the disciples of the Three Sects, the great powers of the heavens, these old foxes who have lived for hundreds of millions of years.

The mountain road is winding and rugged, and there are countless forks from the foot of the mountain, but as it goes to the back, only the last road remains.

Staring at the more than 30 young men in front of him, Luo Feng's face was resolute and determined. He was obviously out of breath, but he refused to give up.

It was another three hours, and everyone who had climbed hard could already see the top of Yunwu Mountain from a distance.

Luo Feng looked around the mountain road. After a long test, at this moment, he was able to tell the difference.

roughly divided into thirds.

There are more than 20 teenagers and girls ahead. Most of them are the sons of princes and noble families.

There has never been absolute fairness in this world, only relative fairness. Reincarnation is a skill, and if you choose a good tire, the advantages surpass most people.

This group of teenagers from extraordinary backgrounds can persist in the present, which shows that their perseverance is not bad.

Congenital physique coupled with acquired training, to have this result, it should be.

Genius is not scary, what is scary is genius, working harder than you.

The middle part is scattered, there are about dozens of people, scattered in the middle of the crowd, front and back, in groups of three or five, like a long dragon.

Most of these people did not come from a royal family, and they were able to get here because of their own character.

In the end, following more than [-] people, the black crowd pressed a group, densely packed, and crowded together.

Many people have run out of oil, but they are unwilling to hang on with one breath.

Be sure to climb the mountain and meet the fairy!
Another hour passed.

Seeing the top of Yunwu Mountain, the immortals are faintly traced, and the immortal light is shining and the lotus flowers are blooming.

Greatly inspired people.

In the middle of the mountain road, some people in the second echelon couldn't help it. There were basically no fools who could participate in the Immortal Ascension Conference. Besides, the seven Xuanyuan sects accepted apprentices, and there were examples to follow.

In previous years, the faster you climbed the mountain, the more attention you would get from Xianmen.

The immortals of the Seven Sects of Xuanyuan don't value perseverance, but they are by no means neglected.

If it is the first to climb the mountain, it will definitely be cultivated by the seven sects. The immortal path is long, and no one knows what the future will hold. Give it a try, and you will not lose money.

The first to act was a dark-skinned young man, wearing a plain walking suit, with a straight body, staring at the people in front of him, growling lowly, and striding forward.

Obviously squeezing his own potential, forcing himself forward.

One has two, the dark boy's actions are like dominoes, interlocking.

The crowd in the middle followed and rushed forward. Seeing this situation, more than 100 people in the back were also unwilling to do so. More than a dozen experienced practitioners who had enough energy ran out, gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

The middle part and the rear part are like this. The most front-end sons and grandsons also feel oppressed, and they speed up their pace unknowingly.

Luo Feng seemed to be inspired by the power of fighting and blood all around him.

It shows that he is also a young teenager, and he has to fight for his future.

With tears in his eyes, he struggled to move forward.

It's a pity that he has a weak physique and can compete with others.

From the 25th ranking, it gradually fell down, 25...27, 28...thirty...37...

Seeing that he was about to fall behind the crowd, Luo Feng hammered the ground unwillingly.

Roll up all your strength and rush to kill a wave, but unfortunately you are still reduced to the point where there are more than 30 people.


It was another hour, and he was about to reach the top of the mountain, but the gravity on his body became stronger and stronger.

The sprinter who started the sprint before became more and more exhausted, was brushed down again, returned to the starting point, and even fell behind a lot.

Only a few people break through their limits and go beyond their original positions.

Luo Feng insisted on walking, and he was approaching the top [-].

After thinking about it, he accidentally bumped into a stone, Luo Feng paused, and almost failed to stabilize his body.

This time, it was reduced to the 33rd place.

After half an hour.

A ray of light exploded from the gate of heaven!

I saw the fish and dragons flying, the spirit flags in the sky closed in the twilight, and the sky light met.Yingche universe, all released.

Clouds and mists drifted away, and above the seven directions, there was a cloud platform, or a sword, or a lying or sitting, or a wine gourd in hand... All kinds of fairy family scenery, wash away the heart, forget the world.

A primordial goddess cultivator came into view and appeared in front of the exhausted crowd. She was wearing a blue blouse with flowers and a brocade tulle with a light foundation. The breeze blew, and the light veil was flying. Reiki.

Under his feet is a flying sword with water and light, and the bright brilliance illuminates a pair of snow-white jade feet.

"Pin Dao Zi Ning congratulates many fellow Daoists for breaking through the heavenly gate and entering the immortal way, which is gratifying."

The primordial goddess cultivator smiled lightly, and then flicked her fingers, the spiritual energy turned into rain, moisturizing everyone's bodies.

In an instant, all kinds of exhaustion disappeared.

"Thank you Fairy Zining!"

Led by a handsome young man, everyone gave thanks.

Luo Feng used the method of folding space to hide his height and blend in without being conspicuous.

With its light, with its dust.

If he continued to worship, Luo Feng was worried that the female cultivator of Yuanshen would be killed by himself on the spot, and even the seven Xuanyuan sects would be defeated.

Primordial Spirit cultivator Zi Ning nodded and said, "Holding the Ascension Order, you can go to each cloud platform by yourself."

As soon as these words came out, more than ten people came out, then bowed and left.

Obviously, I have already learned about this, and climbing is a transition.

Immediately afterwards, the primordial goddess Xiu Zining looked at the remaining hundred people, and said indifferently: "Since you have finished the mountaineering road, whether you have cultivation or not, you are all destined."

"Those who have not cultivated, come to my right side; those who have cultivation, come to my left."

"Go with me to test your qualifications."

Immediately, everyone separated from both sides.

Mountaineering ordinary people accounted for 33, and art apprentices accounted for [-].


Above the high platform, the clouds are isolated, but the monks can still communicate with each other through sound transmission.

The white-haired Earth Immortal of Huaqing Temple stared down and nodded with satisfaction: "The conference here is considered a success."

Then he looked at the owner of Tianyi Pavilion and said with a smile: "According to the convention, in the past 100 years, the leader of the mountaineering will return to Tianyi Pavilion."

The pavilion master of Tianyi Pavilion was silent for a while, then stood up and bowed to the immortals from all directions.

Immediately, the immortal monks avoided one after another, and the red-robed earth immortal sighed: "Fellow Daoist, what's the trouble with you?"

The pavilion master of Tianyi Pavilion sighed softly: "Every fellow Taoist knows the situation of my Tianyi Pavilion, and I will not answer."

"I would like to let go of the top disciples, here are only three talented disciples."


There was a moment of silence now, and Hua Qing Guan's thoughts changed, and he suddenly had an idea.

The seven sects cannot be chaotic. For Huaqingguan, there is only one earth immortal, Tianyi Pavilion, which is not a threat, but can check and balance the rest of the sects.



After some discussion, among the seven Xuanyuan sects, the first three agreed, the last two opposed, and the sixth was silent.

Four to two, draw a conclusion.

Luo Feng withdrew his spiritual thoughts, what about Tianyi Pavilion, I have no melons in the rain.

Anyway, next, the talent he wants to show must be mediocre.

In front of the stone tablet measuring talent, there is an old Taoist priest with a goatee and a serious face.

There are 33 art apprentices, and the highest cultivation level is a middle-aged alchemy monk.

Luo Feng was in the middle, and he was coming to him soon.

The old test host raised his eyelids and said indifferently, "Realm."

Luo Feng stepped forward with some restraint, and the young man's face showed a nervous smile: "Xiaodao Foundation Establishment cultivator, called Xiantian in Xiaodao's hometown."

(End of this chapter)

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