All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 882 The Emperor and the Empress

Chapter 882 The Emperor and the Empress

His Royal Highness Prince Edesak and the witch Triss knelt down indoors, praying devoutly, and whispered the honorable name that represented hope and the future:

"Fools who don't belong to this era, you are the mysterious ruler above the gray mist, you are the king of yellow and black in charge of good luck."

"I am the heir of the Loen royal family, the third heir in line, Edsaac Augustus."

"I am the witch Triss who is about to escape from the Witch Sect, and I am in charge of communicating with the royal family."

"We pray for your response, for your help, for your mercy..."

The sound of prayers made Klein, who was attending the ball, stung his ears, so under the thoughtful eyes of countless people, he applied to enter the bathroom again.

There was a discussion behind him.

"Unexpectedly, our Mr. Detective, at such a young age..."

"Hey, I'm still going to introduce Miss Haiyan to him, tsk tsk..."

Klein felt that he was not a magician, but a clown. He entered the bathroom with a tense expression, arranged the items, and walked four steps backwards to the gray mist.

I'd like to see who is the fool who is free in the afternoon and prays.

In the next second, two strange figures came into view.

In the ancient palace above the gray fog, Klein sat at the top of the long bronze table, tapped his fingers and looked at the light curtains swaying in circles beside him, admiring the begging figure expressionlessly.

My heart is full of roaring, how many people does the wise elder want to fill in his Tarot Society? !
Even the witches came out today!

What will run out next time? !

He sighed with great sadness in his heart, and then, as usual, he summoned the prince and the witch, and the crimson starlight faded away like a tide.

Luo Feng, the prince, and the witch came together above the gray mist.

Triss found herself in an ancient and majestic palace, sitting at a long mottled green table, the bottom of her feet was covered with endless gray and white mist, and there was a tall figure looking down at her in front of her.

Filled with wireless shock in her heart, Triss lowered her head humbly and asked:
"Are you the mysterious ruler above the gray mist?"

Klein glanced at Triss, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart for the charm of a witch. She was obviously converted from a male, but she was no less inferior to Backlund's jewel, Miss Audrey.

It's no wonder that Emperor Roselle would talk about it all day long, the taste of a witch is really good.

Then he glanced at Edessaac Augustus, and a thought came to Klein's mind. His Royal Highness seems to be quite rich, and the Tarot Society seems to have another wallet.

"You can call me Mr. Fool directly, sit down." Klein said calmly: "On Monday, at 3:[-] pm, the Tarot Society holds a regular meeting, and there are still [-] minutes left."

"Follow your will." Whether it is His Royal Highness or a witch, at this moment, facing an existence that resembles a god, they are extremely humble and wait quietly.

As time passed, streaks of crimson light rose up, solidifying into different human shapes on both sides of the long bronze table.

Miss Justice Audrey, Mr. Hanged Man Alger, Mr. Strength Luo Feng, Mr. Lover Moe, Miss Magician Forsi, Mr. Fool Trumpet World.

Mr. Sun Derrick, Mr. Pope Dunn, and two newcomers who just joined.His Royal Highness Prince Edsaac and Triss the Witch.

"Good afternoon, Mister Fool~"

Audrey raised her skirt slightly, and saluted the figure shrouded in gray mist:

The joyful voice made His Royal Highness Prince Edsaac and the witch Triss realize that this mysterious party does not seem to be that serious.

Then everyone noticed that the two newcomers who just joined couldn't help but recall how they were when they first joined the Tarot Club.Begin to analyze the origin and role of these two.

Only Little Sun Derrick felt purely happy, because the members of the Tarot Club had increased again.

According to the Tarot Club's practice, the two newcomers have to choose their code names and have their own chairs.

As a witch, Triss didn't hesitate too much, and said instinctively: "I choose the queen card."

"Queen, this lady is a proud person." Miss Justice Audrey started the analysis from the viewer's perspective: "It looks very elegant, but it must be a beauty in reality."

Triss chose the queen, and Edsaac, the prince, said without hesitation: "I choose the emperor card."

Emperor Card, as soon as the word came out, everyone's eyes changed.

Miss Justice Audrey and several other careful gentlemen keenly noticed that Mr. Emperor looked at Miss Queen from time to time. The two of them might be lovers in reality.

Above the gray mist, Klein, who was hiding his appearance, couldn't help taking a deep look at Mr. Emperor at this moment. Do you also think that the taste of a witch is really good?It seems that Emperor Roselle has a kindred spirit.

Luo Feng thought about it a little deeper. If Prince Edesak chose the Emperor card, then what would Roselle, the real brand, the Black Emperor, choose when he came to Tarot? !

In the silence, Mr. Little Sun asked bluntly: "Mr. Emperor, are you and Miss Empress husband and wife?"

Little Sun's action drew applause from everyone in the Tarot Society.

Among a group of thoughtful old yinbis, a frank and honest man is needed to break the deadlock.

"Husband and wife?" Prince Edsac was stunned for a moment, glanced nervously at Triss, and stammered, "It should be..."

"It's not husband and wife." The witch Triss said calmly, "It's the relationship between imprisonment and being imprisoned."

Prince Edsaac turned pale, and nodded with difficulty
However, the witch Triss said immediately: "That was before, now it should be a cooperative relationship."


Everyone in the Tarot Society's eyes lit up.

Miss Magician Fors, as a famous Backlund novelist, has already begun to fill her brain with a series of literary works.

And from the 21st century, Klein, who has experienced the baptism of many green and green literature, can't help but appear in his mind, the names of various novels, the overbearing president, the imprisoned princess, love, my little wife...

Reserved, reserved, Klein, you are the mysterious Mr. Fool.

While Klein was satisfied with eating the big melon, he secretly warned himself to be careful.

Accompanied by Mr. Luo Feng skillfully handing over the Roselle diary he invented and created, he successfully consumed the fool's wool again.

The Tarot Club has officially begun.

"You can start communicating." Mister Fool said to the Tarot Society with a smile, and acted as an arbiter after hiding the gray fog.

Triss has been in contact with many secret gatherings and is too familiar with the process, but this time the Tarot Club has a higher standard than any gathering she has attended.

The host is a great being that is almost a god.

Only in this way can one's own destiny be broken.

Mister Fool Trumpet World asked, "Who has any news about the real Creator?"

Triss took a deep breath, thinking in her heart that it was indeed the case, high-level gatherings and discussions were all about evil gods and true gods, major issues related to the world.

Mr. Ah Meng's eyes became sharper, what do you want from my father.

(End of this chapter)

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