All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 883 Amon is in the Tarot Club? !

Chapter 883 Amon is in the Tarot Club? !
Mr. Ah Meng smiled and said: "I know, I can tell everyone publicly."

Mister Fool nodded, and praised, Mr. Ah Meng is really a generous person, unlike Mr. Power, who asks him for gold pounds every time.

Mr. Ah Meng snorted and knocked on the table, attracting everyone's attention. He said calmly, "I know a lot about the real Creator."

"He is the Creator of all, the Master behind the Veil of Shadow, the Fallen Nature of all living things."

"The Aurora Order, an organization that believes in the true Creator, secretly preaches in Backlund."

"They do have a large number of believers and organizations in the Eastern District. One of them is the Patriarch, and he is divided into eight bishops. The bishop organizes various teams to preach to the workers in the Eastern District."

In an instant, the atmosphere of the Tarot Club became serious.

Is this an evil god, a fallen creator?True Creator?Known as the oldest and most powerful existence among the gods.

Not to be underestimated.

Except for a few people who know the inside story, such as Dunn.

He looked weird, he didn't know whether he should speak or not
At this time, Miss Justice raised her hand.

Miss Justice Audrey asked: "Mr. Ah Meng, why do the workers in the East District believe in the real Creator? Are the three official churches not good enough?"

"This is an evil god!"

"If coercive means are used, there should not be a large number of believers."

Mr. Lover, Ah Meng smiled and said: "Because the three major churches will not provide bread and milk."



Everyone in the Tarot Society almost thought they heard it wrong.

Mr. Lover Amon repeated: "The three major churches will not provide bread and milk. Believers of the true Creator will use bread and milk and a warm family in the future as temptations to confuse them into believing in the true Creator."

"On the one hand, there is a real death, and on the other hand, the illusory belief in the true God. The workers have made a choice."

At the Tarot meeting, Miss Magician sighed inwardly. As a friend of the arbitrator in the East District, she had seen gangsters, homeless people, and the real situation inside.

It is not difficult to understand why there are a large number of evil god believers in the East District.

The evil god just wants you to die in the future, but the reality is to let you die now.

Moreover, judging from the real believers of the Creator this time, they seem to belong to the moderate faction, and they did not hold horrible rituals such as blood sacrifices.

Mr. Dunn raised his hand and said calmly: "I used to see and hear about a large number of child laborers who died in their teens in the East District. Most of the workers who rarely survived the age of 30 due to extreme fatigue and harsh conditions survived. The old people who have been tested before, but because of old age, unemployment and lack of security, can only wander in the streets, and died of hunger and cold."

"Heh, there's even an investigation report that mentions that it's hard for workers in certain factories to survive five years."

"And in Backlund's Eastern Borough, there is a saying that the residents living there must belong to the generation of grandpa, without exception."

"The real meaning of this sentence is that people there will not have a third generation, and there will be no grandchildren."

"Poverty and hunger make their children very thin, and it is difficult for them to adapt to hard work. They will soon wither in Backlund, let alone get married and have the next generation."

It was the first time that Audrey, who heard Mr. "Pope" say so many words, fell into deep shock and confusion.

This seemed to be a completely different world from the Backlund she was in and stayed in.

She is in heaven and the workers are in hell.

"It shouldn't be like this." Compassion surged in Miss Justice's heart, and she wanted to remind her father, Earl Hall, to help those poor people in the factory area live and establish some laws and policies for implementation.

His Royal Highness, the prince who had just joined the Tarot Society, was also in deep shock. He had heard about the misery of the workers, but he had never imagined that it was so bad that he couldn't even survive.

"The kingdom of the father, the honor of the royal family, the justice of the nobility, is everything right?"

His Royal Highness fell into deep thought.

He wanted to do something, but found that he was already in danger.

After all, he is just a prince if he really wants to change the country.

"Perhaps, I can become the king. Change the fate of the workers, change the fate of me and Triss."

His Royal Highness suddenly had a wonderful idea.

At this moment, he is not alone, the God of War of the Xuanwu Gate, the ax wielder of the Great Song Dynasty, the King of Yan in Beiping... Each and every one of them gave him inspiration.

Alger, who came from a similar environment, felt turbulent and touched, but he found another problem as an old fritter.

"Mr. Lover, do you have any special channels for the detailed layout of the Aurora Society in the East District?"

Alger the Hanged Man inquired euphemistically, asking if there were any undercover agents inside the Aurora Society.

Mr. Lover, Ah Meng smiled slightly, it wasn't that I would have an undercover agent in Aurora, Aurora would be my undercover agent.

"I think this question can be answered." The taciturn Mr. Dunn raised his hand and said slowly: "The Aurora Society has eight bishops in the Eastern Region, and I am the bishop in charge of the mining industry in the Eastern Region."

Mr. Lover, Ah Meng nodded and said, "That's right, I am the Patriarch of the Eastern Region."


In an instant, Tarot will fall into silence.

The villain turned out to be me? !
Mister Fool, who was hidden behind the gray fog, swallowed his saliva, and operating the trumpet, Mister World asked cautiously: "Can I ask Mr. Lover, you are in the Aurora Society..."

Before Klein could finish asking, Mr. Lover, Ah Meng smiled and said, "My father is the real creator, you can call me Ah Meng."

The second silence, the silence of death.


Amon the blasphemer, who tried to pollute the little sun and invade the Tarot Society? !
Everyone was frightened.

Except for the newly joined prince and Triss who were full of surprises, they had close contact with Ah Meng, and had close contact with a son of God.

At the same time, they have a better understanding of the personality of the Tarot Society, and a son of God is actually a member of it!
It seems hopeful to break free from fate.

Mr. Fool is really great.

The great Mr. Fool was almost scared to death. If Mr. Lover was not talking about Ameng instead of Amon, there would be a difference between the two.

Mr. Fool may disband the Tarot Society on the spot.

Ah Meng entered the Tarot Club, which was a surprise that Mr. Fool couldn't figure out.

Looking at the silence of the Tarot Society, at the motionless Mr. Fool, and at Little Sun's fright and vigilance despite being separated by the mist.

Mr. Lover, Ah Meng smiled and said: "I used to be Amon's clone, and later I became independent with the help of the wise elder."

"Amon and I have two different attitudes towards the true Creator of our father."

"I want my father to get rid of his madness and become a normal god."

It turned out to be the case.

The furry Mr. Fool secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

It turned out that it wasn't Amon who was in the Tarot Society.

But Ah Meng is in the Tarot Society.

(End of this chapter)

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