All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 918 Emperor Wa, Hou Tu, Luo Feng

Chapter 918 Emperor Wa, Hou Tu, Luo Feng
I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have gone to find the Yin-Yang Patriarch in the first place, if I didn't go to the Yin-Yang Patriarch, I wouldn't be detached;

If I hadn't chosen to be detached, I wouldn't have fallen into such a sad place, and if I hadn't fallen into such a sad place, I wouldn't have been angry with you.

A sad and sad voice echoed, causing people to look sideways.

Ancestor Kunpeng glanced at the gold watch and said calmly, "You still have half a minute!"

The Lord God of Reincarnation smashed the jar, and said with great grief and indignation: "Senior, I really don't know, I don't know about Yin Yang Patriarch, I don't know about Heavenly Emperor!"

"The most I know is the Peng Demon Emperor!"

Ancestor Kunpeng sneered: "That's not necessarily true. My Daluo has millions of incarnations. If your boy is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven in a certain life, then there will be a good show!"

"By the way, you still have ten seconds!"


The Lord God of Reincarnation is incomparably fearful. He does not have an innate aura. Once he falls here, his three souls and seven souls are destined to be drained dry by the entire Tai Chi era. a part of.

All in all, after death, I'm not for me.

For practitioners, the true self is undoubtedly the most important. After reincarnation, the other self is no longer me.

Unless there are some bald donkeys who insist on the way of reincarnation, and schizophrenic perverts, for them, reincarnation is commonplace.


"I am the Emperor of Heaven! I am the Emperor of Heaven!" The Lord God of Samsara roared madly, regardless of his future, let's talk about living first.

Patriarch Kunpeng smiled indifferently: "Just admit that you are the Emperor of Heaven."

The Lord God of Reincarnation said cautiously: "What if I am not the Emperor of Heaven?"

Ancestor Kunpeng said meaningfully: "There must always be a Heavenly Emperor who is responsible."

The Lord God of Reincarnation shuddered, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.Maybe death in the future isn't the worst possible outcome.

The convoy drove all the way, and the final destination was unknown. The Lord God of Reincarnation had already prepared for the worst, so he simply pretended to be brave and searched for some information

"Senior Kunpeng, where is the Hunyuan Taiji Realm? Why does it take Da Luo to ascend here?"

Ancestor Kunpeng smiled: "What do you think is Da Luo?"

What is Daluo? As the congenital golden immortal, the main god of reincarnation has naturally explored the ultimate question of this practice, which is the ultimate goal of practice.

Only Da Luo can be detached, only Da Luo can be eternally free.

The Lord God of Reincarnation struggled for a while, and said slowly: "Daluo means that all spaces are eternal and free, and it means indestructible, that is, all time and space are eternally free and immortal."

"The Daluo, transcending all time and space, is eternally free and at ease, once certified for ever, once obtained forever, playing with time and space, reversing cause and effect, subverting fate, what is there is nothing, what is not is what is, the supreme is the highest, and the strongest is supreme. Karma, fate, time and space, become Da Luo, and the time is constant, and because of the realization of Da Luo, one is born with Da Luo."

"Not bad, not bad!" The ancestor Kunpeng was very satisfied, and even applauded, and then asked a question: "Does Da Luo have something to ask for, and is there nothing else?"

The Lord God of Samsara was stunned for a moment, Da Luo was already omnipotent, and of course he had nothing to ask for.

No, if Da Luo had nothing to ask for, many myths and legends in the heavens and worlds should not exist.

"Da Luo is omnipotent, so he should have nothing to ask for." The Lord God of Samsara said cautiously, looking at Patriarch Kunpeng.

Ancestor Kunpeng sneered and said, "Da Luo has something to ask for in the heavens and ten thousand realms, but he has nothing to ask for in the Hunyuan Taiji realm."

The Lord God of Reincarnation was stunned: "That is the Holy Land, it can even be called the Dao Realm!"

"Put your mother's bullshit!!!" Kunpeng Patriarch looked ferocious, smashed the glass of the car with his fist, and said gloomily: "No desire, no desire, hehe, after staying in the Dao world for a long time, you will become Dao, become the master of Dao Part of it will become an innate spirit treasure!"

"This is a prison!"

The Lord God of Reincarnation was dumbfounded, the legendary Ascension to the Immortal Realm turned out to be a prison!
The so-called eternal freedom, all those who are free and easy, were actually imprisoned.

This is simply the greatest irony!

Ancestor Kunpeng seemed to vent his emotions, found someone to listen to, poured out the bitter water accumulated for countless kalpas, and sighed: "At the beginning of the sky, all the gods rose together, and the three thousand ways coexisted. against each other."

"The Taoist ancestor of Miluo Palace was calculated by two great goddesses and imprisoned in this Hunyuan Taiji Realm."

"The Emperor of Heaven then fell, alas, this was a good thing! The Emperor of Heaven fell, and the gods rose, and they should enter the realm of vigorous vitality and all things competing for development!"

"But who would have thought that Miluo Palace Daozu directly lifted the table and yelled, since I am not allowed to play, everyone should stop playing."

"The former Hunyuan Taiji Realm is an eternal holy place, where the true spirit of every golden fairy will be entrusted, and Da Luo's innate immortal aura will also be here!"

"But now the two levels are reversed, and it has turned into a prison. Tell me, what is going on."

The ancestor Kunpeng chattered, the heart of the lord of reincarnation became colder and colder, and he doubted whether he could survive.

The ancestor Kunpeng was so unscrupulous, no matter how he looked at it, he looked like he was talking to the dead again.

There is a way to die called knowing too much.

The vehicle stopped, and the lord of reincarnation followed the Kunpeng ancestor into a courtyard. They were all masters dressed as gods and demons, starting with Daluo and Taiyi.

When I came to the third floor, I saw a room with three large characters written on the door plate - detachment.

The Lord God of Reincarnation looked over, only to see beams of light emerging, attracting countless Da Luo demon gods to watch.

Ancestor Kunpeng looked over with great interest: "I'm lucky today, I can meet someone who transcends and proves the way."

I saw a shout coming from the detachment point:
"Heavenly immortals, with divine light shining everywhere, have thousands of incarnations, once obtained forever, once certified forever, with magnificent supernatural powers and boundless mana. The world is closed differently from time to time, and when the world is opened, it opens up to save people."

"There are also Sanqing sages, who live among the illusory; ten extremely high and true, who are above the Brahma Qi Miluo, and are called Daluo Tianxian."

"Immortals, use the immortal body to receive the divine talisman, use the divine body to seek the way of immortality, if there is a great opportunity to study the immortal, if there is a great fortune to achieve the innate divine way."

"Earth Immortals evolve a blessed land, open up caves, control the space-time universe, and are as honorable as the Emperor of Heaven."

"Human immortals, fighting the sky and fighting the ground, dominating martial arts, cultivating the great orifices of the blood and body, proving the way with power, and finally breaking the void and opening up the world!"

"The five immortals of heaven and earth, all four have a way forward, only my generation of ghosts and immortals is sad, everyone regards my generation as a ghost, and immortals despise my generation as a yin, a spirit is not ignorant of reincarnation, and there is no hope of surpassing Daluo .”

"The road ahead is confused...the road ahead is desolate..., the old man is not willing to be a ghost in Yujing, not to be called a fairy but a real ghost. I hope my generation of ghosts and immortals will continue, this road to death!"

"A fight to the death!"

"Detached today, Hunyuan Taiji Realm!!!"

After a burst of brilliance scattered, a ghostly Dao Daluo with a bone and fairy style appeared in the reincarnation point.

Numerous demon gods came forward to shake hands and greet warmly

"Oh, hello, hello, new inmate."

"Fellow Daoist Yujing, congratulations on Chaotao, and welcome to the Hunyuan Taiji Realm."

"Ah, yes, yes, go through the formalities first, and the ID card will be approved later."

The freshman Da Luo Yujing looked at the enthusiastic Da Luo, and couldn't help being stunned, and subconsciously asked: "Is this the Hunyuan Taiji Realm?"

The big Luos looked at each other and burst into laughter: "It's called Hunyuan Taiji Realm, and it's called Da Luo Prison!"

(End of this chapter)

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