All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 919 The Patriarch of the Holy Dao bowed and ruled

Chapter 919 The Patriarch of the Holy Dao bowed and ruled
"The Hunyuan Taiji Realm is a besieged city."

"People on the outside want to come in, people on the inside want to get out."

The ancestor of Kunpeng looked very melancholy, looking at this scene, brought back the past that he didn't want to recall.

At that time, the sky was still so blue, the water was still so clear, even the air was so sweet, and the heavens and worlds were so free.

Except for a certain unharmonious Luo Pangu, this multiverse was created by him and is his home field.

All the leader Pangu wanted to avoid him and give up some of their benefits.

But who would have thought that Zhang Tiandi, who doesn't want Bilian, is getting thicker every day!

Originally, in Zhutian Daluo's plan, Zhang Tiandi was to be the emperor of three calamities, and at most nine emperors of calamities.

But never imagined!
Zhang Tiandi didn't even want to lose face, and played a show operation, that is, reincarnation, reincarnation, and a total of 750 calamities. During the reincarnation, the power of the Emperor of Heaven has always been on him. Even if someone breaks through the heavens, there is no way to take him. authority over the body.

It’s fine if he just reincarnated to escape, but the problem is that each time Zhang Tiandi reincarnated, he was reincarnated in a different race and sect. One day he was reincarnated to a human race, the next day he was reincarnated to a Taoist sect, the day after tomorrow he was reincarnated to a dragon clan, and the day after tomorrow he was reincarnated to a Buddhist sect.

Every time Zhang Tiandi was reincarnated, he shamelessly made a large group of friends and met a large group of elders. This kind of friends and elders are also willing to form a good relationship with a heavenly emperor.

Slowly, the heavens and worlds are full of Zhang Tiandi's relatives and friends, 750 races, major religions, sects, and orthodoxy, all are his own people, all are relatives and friends, and all are the emperor's relatives in the heaven.

Relying on this trick, Zhang Chulan forcibly survived to the hundredth calamity, and for the whole hundred calamity, it was an unbelievable situation, but it happened.

Zhang Tiandi demonstrated what a big Luo can do if he is completely shameless.

A hundred calamities have passed, and the heavens and myriad worlds can't wait any longer. The great masters, and the great supernatural powers began to form an alliance to deal with the emperor of heaven.

Zhang Tiandi was just an appearance, he was able to reincarnate so many times without being beaten to death, it was because there was a Luo Pangu behind him.

The three elements of heaven, earth and water seem to be the battle between Emperor Wa, Houtu, and Luofeng.

In fact, Yuanshi, Fuxi, Jieyin, Zhunti, Lingbao... A group of big bosses who couldn't wait any longer were pushing behind their backs and plotting against Luo Pangu.

Trying to let Luo Pangu enter the Hunyuan Taiji Realm, high above, the Holy Dao Patriarch hangs down to rule!

The Daoist Patriarch of the Miluo Palace is ruled by the arch, and the multiverse masters reluctantly help the Patriarch to take care of it. Everything is so beautiful.

If it was carried out according to the plan, the ancestor Kunpeng would not lead the main god of reincarnation to come here now, but as the ancestor of the demon way, he would occupy the land of Beiming, establish himself as the ancestor, and be reckless.

In the last step of the plan, there was a little mistake.

Luo Pangu was indeed ruled by the ancestor of the Holy Dao, but all the big Luos from the heavens and the world were also imprisoned, and there was no big Luo in the outside world.
And Da Luo restricts personal freedom, except for the Hunyuan Taiji Realm, you can only go to the Eternal Da Luo Heaven.

If you want to pass the Eternal Great Luotian, you have to pick up Pangu's axe. This is worse than being imprisoned. If you are not careful, the innate immortality will be broken, and you will not be able to return for countless kalpas!

I, Kunpeng, have had enough of these days!
"There is finally a turning point today!" Kunpeng Patriarch smiled sinisterly, and brought the main god of reincarnation to a room, and came to a goddess with a mask and a snake tail.

"Emperor Wa! This kid is one of Zhang Tiandi's reincarnations, and he wants to take this opportunity to rescue Luo Pangu!"

Ancestor Kunpeng pointed at the main god of reincarnation, and loudly reprimanded:
The Lord God of Reincarnation glared at me, shit, I'm just an innocent passerby!Is your Da Luo's heart so dark?Open your mouth and come.

Emperor Wa glanced at it and saw through the lifetimes of the main god of reincarnation, from a grass at the foot of Buzhou Mountain in the first life to the original imprint of reincarnation, every trace of soul, every cell was fully exposed.

The lord of reincarnation trembled, as if he was attracted by the source of life. This was the suppression from the life position.

Emperor Wa said indifferently: "He is not, you made a mistake with Kunpeng. Next time such a mistake occurs again, I will eat dried fish."

The Kunpeng patriarch was dripping with cold sweat, and said in a panic, "Mother, forgive me, I will definitely track down Luo Pangu's successor."

Wahuang hummed, turned around and continued to apply the mask.

Ancestor Kunpeng led the main god of reincarnation out, and the main god of reincarnation tremblingly looked at patriarch Kunpeng in horror. He thought that his value was gone, and he would die in the next second.

However, death is not rewarded.

The ancestor Kunpeng brought the main god of reincarnation to the third basement level, knocked on a door, and a graceful and luxurious goddess with six reincarnations on her back slowly emerged from the void.

"Hou Tu empress! This kid is one of Zhang Tiandi's reincarnations, and he wants to take this opportunity to rescue Luo Pangu!"

Ancestor Kunpeng pointed at the main god of reincarnation, and loudly reprimanded:
The Lord God of Reincarnation has a numb face, is this the Da Luo Zhe?I didn't even bother to modify the lines.

Hou Tu glanced at the Lord God of Reincarnation, and smiled calmly: "He is not."

The same script, the same plot, the main god of reincarnation survived again.

Walking among the high-rise buildings, the Lord God of Reincarnation, who seemed to have seen through life and death, asked, "Where are we going next?"

Ancestor Kunpeng smiled slightly: "Here we are."

The door opened, and Luo Tian, ​​who was wearing a blue palace dress, was still sitting there, but she was holding a piece of pastry in her hand, and she was eating with great relish, while a man in white sat on the screen behind her.

The man in white looked back and said with a smile, "Kunpeng, you are here."

Ancestor Kunpeng said solemnly: "Luo Pangu, everything has been done according to your instructions, and everyone knows about it!"

Luo Feng nodded as a signal, and patted Patriarch Kunpeng on the shoulder: "You did a good job. The next time you open up the world, I will drive Hong Yun away and give you a holy seat."

Ancestor Kunpeng had a helpless expression on his face: "Oh... this, it's not very good. It's a great honor for me to walk out of this prison with Luo Pangu."

"Yes, yes." Luo Feng said with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and the ancestor Kunpeng left with a smile, leaving behind the main god of reincarnation.

Before the Lord God of Samsara could react, he was horrified to find that two goddesses had stepped out from behind the screen.

Emperor Wa and Houtu.

The two goddesses and Luo Feng looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison: "It's done."

The main god of reincarnation is the bait.

The ancestor of Kunpeng is a cover.

The truth about those who really want to cover up and deceive everyone, Daluo, Taoism, Buddhism, and everything is that the two goddesses and Pangu put aside their previous suspicions and joined forces again.

Without Luo Pangu's permission, no one can leave the Hunyuan Taiji Realm.

Without the cover of Emperor Wa and Houtu, Luo Pangu's every move was monitored.

Cooperation will benefit both, and failure will hurt both.

(End of this chapter)

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