All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 933 2 Realm Mountain God Liu Boqin

Chapter 933
Fighting on the battlefield, the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, the iron armor reflecting the cold light and blood, the incomplete battle flags with Tang characters fluttering in the wind, the tragic killing sound resounded through the sky, and the drums of war were deafening.

The brilliance of the magic weapon shines, the flesh that the monster race is proud of is like dry fallen leaves, shattered into powder, and the sharp Tiance spears penetrate the enemy's heart like the hand of death, and the blood spurts.

Sword lights flew by in the air, and the soldiers in heavy armor were instantly beheaded, and the heads rolled on the horses one by one, rolling down in the ranks of the enemy troops. Frightened, panicked.

Whether it's a human or a demon, they have already turned their eyes red, and they don't take their own lives, let alone the lives of others.

Blood stained the sky, thousands of miles across, and the flames of war burned all over the two realms. The battlefield was shrouded in blood and death, corpses were everywhere, and blood and death covered the earth.

Luo Feng's battlefield here is tragic, but it's only partial, but as more and more monsters die under his hands, blood and flesh are turned into materials, and the achievements of monsters are the nodes of the magic net. .

"The north of the Central Plains looks like a mountain." Luo Feng groaned softly, using his hand as a sword to roll up the dust and dead branches all over the ground, and quickly swept towards the distance, turning into layers of Mount Tai to press down.

"The building boat is crossing the snow in the night, and the iron horse is dispersing in the autumn wind."

Between the songs, the sky changes, the wind and snow suddenly fall, and a little magic net node spreads out, mastering a small world and becoming the master of the domain.

By the way, several golden core monsters were frozen into ice cubes, and became works of art on the battlefield of blood and tears. The mighty iron cavalry rushed past, and the army of monster clan turned into ashes, and dispersed with the autumn wind.

"This is not the Golden Core Sword Immortal, he is a Yin God Taoist!"

The expression of the wolf general of the monster clan changed, and he roared: "The army surrounds three and releases one, and the rest of the generals follow me to surround and kill this lifeless Taoist!

Many yin gods and monsters shouted, with blood in their eyes, they all rushed towards Luo Feng.

"A mere monster general dares to shout in front of our human army,"

A martial sage came from the air, shouted angrily, and his blood was surging to the sky. He broke through many Yin gods in an instant, and then threw a sword down and shouted

"This sword was lent to you by my general."

Luo Feng raised his head and smiled, turned his palm over, and an ancient black and white interlaced sword floated out of thin air in his palm. The ancient sword was engraved with complicated runes, and the sound of the sword was wafting, as if it came from outside the sky, making it hard to hear clearly.

"Great Thunder Sound Sword?"

"What is the name of your general?"

Luo Feng asked with a smile

Wu Sheng raised his head proudly and shouted: "My general's surname is Liu and his name is Boqin. The emperor conferred the title of Taibao of the Tang Dynasty with the honorary title of Zhenshan. This sword is a magical weapon bestowed by Li Jing, the Duke of the Tang Dynasty, on the day my general was canonized. "

"You use this sword to kill monsters, and you will not be humiliated!"

"Zhenshan Taibao Liu Boqin, Li Pharmacist Li Jing!"

Luo Feng nodded to indicate that this Great Tang is indeed a mixture of dragons and snakes, with three religions and nine streams gathered together, on the surface it is the generation of Huang Tian Laojun, Li Tang is the descendant of Taoist ancestors, according to the true prosperity of Buddhism, in fact, a Li Yaoshi can be seen.

Not to mention the Tripitaka who is known as the Mahayana Heaven, Huineng, the founder of Zen Buddhism, and even the Great Sage Zetian who was born as Maitreya.

With such a combination of Buddhism and Taoism, even the Taibao of Zhenshan can accept it, and with such a large number of talents, it is possible to stand against the court of heaven.

Seeing that his general was killed, the wolf general was so angry that he turned into a prototype of a sky demon and displayed his bloodline supernatural powers.


A gigantic wolf demon with horns and green scales all over its body raised its head to the sky and roared. The Sirius swallowed the moon, and the infinite starlight attracted it down.

The wolf slammed its limbs into the void and rushed towards Luo Feng, biting Luo Feng with its big mouth that devoured the sky and the sun. The wolf's teeth pierced Luo Feng's chest like a spear, but it didn't hurt Luo Feng at all. .

"Tengu swallows the moon, the supernatural powers of the stars?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, using the power of the star god to deal with me, you are going too far."

Luo Feng shook his head, the star god has supernatural powers, he is a disciple of Doumu after all, and he can find flaws in it with just a glance
The big thunder sound sword rotates in the hand, the black and white air flows, one bell, two drums, the morning bell and the evening drum sound, turning into a big thunder sound and a lion's roar, awakening the sinking demon in the sea of ​​bitterness.

In a trance, the wolf demon saw a compassionate Buddha sitting cross-legged under the bodhi tree, the infinite Buddha light bloomed, illuminating the ten directions, and there were endless thunder echoes, which made people feel peaceful and wanted to take refuge in him.

He thought of his children who died in battle, the wolf mother who died of starvation, and the arrogance of the nobles in the monster clan.

A kind of compassion, a kind of Dharma, just like this diffuses out, it will lead people to be good and Buddha, enlighten people, and want people to convert to the Three Jewels
The wolf general was stunned for a long time, with tears dripping from his eyes, his expression turned peaceful, and he bowed his head and said, "May I take refuge."

Luo Feng smiled slightly and said, "Good, good, you can be my little Dian's optimistic guardian of the mountain gate."

The wolf rolled over and turned into a huge wolf dog. It lost some of its viciousness and revealed a simple and honest look.

When the wolf is tamed, it is a dog.

One side of the Martial Saint's eyelids twitched, first the way of sword immortality, then the magic of searching for monsters, and now the technique of Buddhist enlightenment, what is the origin of this person.

After following Li Jing for many years, not to mention the Yin God, even the Daoist Yuanshen, even Tianxian Zhenjun, has seen it, and even saw the scene of gods and demons falling from the sky.

But in front of Luo Feng, the Martial Sage surnamed Li couldn't hold back his arrogance, he guessed its origin in his heart, he cupped his hands neither humble nor overbearing and said: "The Taoist priest has supernatural powers, my general has been waiting at the city gate for a long time."

Luo Feng also wanted to meet Li Jing and surprise the general, so he rode on the wolfhound and headed towards the border.


The magnificent city gate was opened, and the ancient city was full of prosperity, like a country, with three religions, nine streams, farmers and craftsmen.Standing on both sides of the street are countless soldiers in iron armor, with bloody spots on the bluestone boards, proving the danger of resisting the first level of the Yaozu.

In the middle is the big man surrounded by the generals like stars and moons. Instead of wearing armor like the generals, he wears a moxa leaf spotted leopard skin cap; two snakes.

Although it doesn't look like a prince, it has a vast and noble aura.

"The so-called Zhenshan Taibao Liu Boqin turned out to be the Mountain God of the Two Realms, but although he has the boundless majesty of the divine way, his authority is indeed insufficient."

"It seems that the eastern half is under the control of the Tang Dynasty, and the western half is the territory of the Yaozu. Liu Boqin can't be regarded as the mountain god of the two realms, at most he can be regarded as the mountain god of the first realm."

"I am willing to accept the canonization of the Tang Dynasty, probably because I want to use the power of the Tang Dynasty to defeat the demon clan and take away the other half of the authority."

After Luo Feng watched for a while, he had already seen through the details of Zhenshan Taibao Liu Boqin.

However, the scribes on one side shouted: "The Taoist is so courageous, he won't show respect to General Taibao!"

(End of this chapter)

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