All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 934 Ancient law repair, modern law repair

Chapter 934 Ancient law repair, modern law repair

Zhenshan Taibao Liu Boqin, in terms of human level, is a first-rank Taibao, and in terms of divine level, he can defend a side of the monster battlefield, and even suppress the authority of a certain monkey, how low can it be.

There are brilliance scattered in the talismans of the fourth-grade divine way, and the runes explaining the heaven, earth and Tao are intertwined and scattered, and a little true spirit at the core is majestic and sacred, which is a symbol of being ordered by the sky.

The talisman looks sacred, but in fact it is incomplete. It only has half of the authority. It is not the Mountain of Two Boundaries, but the Mountain of One Boundary. If one can obtain the full authority, one will surely become a third-rank god.

This is the charm of Shinto. Daoist monks have worked hard for thousands of years to polish their vitality and break through their own nature. Buddhist monks have been reincarnated for hundreds of generations.

One second he was a mortal, the next second he was a god talking and laughing happily with the real immortal arhat, in a few days he would become a celestial guest on the seat of a bodhisattva, and in a few years he would be an emperor who could attend the Longhua Dharma Assembly.

This is the power of the organization. The three realms of heaven, earth and man recognize the rule of the heavenly court, lend their power to the authority of the heavenly court, and the authority of the heavenly court canonize the gods to govern all living beings.

Of course, gods are all made by humans, and some parts are wrong, using the power of sentient beings to bully sentient beings, but the greatness of heaven cannot be denied, because with the great unity of the three realms of heaven, they are no longer scattered.

In the future, even if the Great Tang replaces the Heavenly Court and becomes the Celestial Dynasty, it will also be unified, and it is impossible to exclude Buddhism, or the underworld, or other forces.

Zhenshan Taibao Liu Boqin is a group of gods who are optimistic about Datang's ability to replace the Heavenly Court. Datang also reciprocates, sending a large number of talents to Liangjieguan.

The clothes of hundreds of officials are purple at the third rank, crimson at the fourth rank, light crimson at the fifth rank, dark green at the sixth rank, light green at the seventh rank, deep blue at the eighth rank, light green at the ninth rank, and yellow for foreign officials and ordinary people.

The third rank has the power of prime minister, and the fourth rank is a Shangshu. The scribe in front of him is the best representative. He is dressed in scarlet clothes. He is only under the prime minister and sits on an equal footing with the Shangshu.

Facing the scolding of the No. [-] scribe, Luo Feng looked indifferent: "The poor way comes from the clouds and water, so I don't worship."

In a word, turning martial fighting into literary fighting, the gods of the aristocratic family pay attention to face.

Matched with goldfish, Bo Gaoguan's scribe turned his eyes and asked, "What is cloud water?"

Luo Feng said with a smile: "My heart is like white clouds, always at ease, and my mind is like flowing water, letting things go."

There was a sudden silence in the two realms pass. They are all practitioners, quick thinking, familiar with poetry and books, so they can naturally detect that this Taoist has something.

Cultivation is not simply a matter of pumping out vitality, meridian circulation, alchemy tempering, and inscription culture formations all require profound knowledge and wisdom.

Every three years, there will be a top scholar, and there will be a hundred strong scholars in 300 years, but a saint will come out once every 500 years, let alone a real person.

If you can't even pass the exam of a strong man, what kind of immortals and Taos are you still cultivating.

Those who really aspire to the Dao of Heaven and Immortals must study the arts of the heavens and know the ancient and modern times. When the knowledge has accumulated to a certain level, then seek subtraction, find wisdom from the knowledge, and obtain the mysterious way.

The mountain god Liu Boqin asked with great interest: "Where do you go when the clouds and water dry up?"

Luo Feng smiled slightly: "The clouds are scattered and the bright moon is in the sky, and the water-dried pearl appears."

Liu Boqin was overjoyed immediately, cupped his hands and said, "The Taoist is such a great talent, where does he come from?"

"Poverty Taoist family surname is Feng, and there are only a few elders and a few juniors in the family. They are not considered nobles."

Liu Boqin's expression changed, half of his joy faded away, he put down his hands and asked, "It's not from a famous family, but have you ever worshiped a famous teacher?"

"Daily ginseng Huanglao, night worship Doumu."

Luo Feng said frankly

Many literati and generals shook their heads. The world's practice paths are all passed down from Huang Lao. Even the magic way cannot escape this category. It is true that it is a fake.

The Yellow Emperor Laojun is the root of all Qi refiners.

As for Doumu, it's even simpler, even the wild foxes know how to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, let alone them, all the monks can worship the supernatural powers of the stars, but it's just how much the essence of the stars can be absorbed.

Liu Boqin was completely happy, and said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist is a man of meritorious service, so you must reward him. There is a mansion in the two realms where you can rest, and you are willing to make an offering here."


Luo Feng smiled indifferently, and didn't pay much attention to it. Most of the post-acquired gods are shallow-minded, and occasionally ascend to a high position, without fine-grained grasp, and only rely on the promotion of their superiors, Tianting.

Every time there is a catastrophe and a 12-year restart, the first to suffer is Shinto.

An envoy led Luo Feng to search for the mansion, and the others dispersed, only the scarlet-robed scribe who scolded Luo Feng before sighed and said, "The gods shouldn't treat meritorious ministers like that."

Liu Boqin sneered: "Your Great Tang Five Surnames and Seven Wangs structure is here, and the family background is the most noble. I can't do anything about it. I can't do anything... Hehe, I can only blend into it."

"Isn't this what you expected, and now I'm blaming me instead."

The scarlet-robed scribe was at a loss for words for a while, most of them cared about their immediate interests, those who could see the future were heroes, and those who could see the overall situation were saints.

The world is like this, so why ask others to be heroes and sages?

The escort envoy took Luo Feng to a place to register, but there was no bloody incident on the way. The aristocratic family and the fourth-rank gods can look down on Yin Shen Taoists, but they dare not.

The so-called blood splattered three feet when a man is angry, it is not worth risking his life for a few bribes.

The registrar honestly took out a form, filled it out, and asked, "Where did the Taoist come from, and what realm did he..."

These are all fairly standard questions. When it came to the last column, the registration officer asked, "Is the Taoist practicing the current law or the ancient law?"

"What is the current method?" Luo Feng asked curiously

"It seems that the predecessors practiced the ancient method." The registrar laughed and said, "This current method was created by His Majesty ordering monks all over the world to set up the Dengxian Academy. It is only spread in my Tang Dynasty, and it will not be long."

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Please tell me, my little friend."

The registrar saw that Luo Feng was kind and he had no pretensions, so he talked about things that everyone in the Tang Dynasty knew.

"This ancient practice is for those who are gifted. For example, the seniors breathe out the vitality, comprehend the Dao, lead to the unity of heaven and man, condense the Dao seeds and step into the door of practice. First build the foundation, and then refine the Qi."

"The practice of this method is for people like us who have no talent to practice. First plant the spiritual root, drive the spiritual energy, master the supernatural powers, use the spiritual root organs as the foundation to seek the perfection of the five elements, first refine the energy, and then build the foundation."

The registrar talked eloquently, and said excitedly: "Your Majesty is indeed a sage who comes out every 500 years, and he has opened up a fairy road for us ordinary people."

"I was originally from a small family and had no talent. The family planted a ninth-grade wood spirit root for me, and now I am also at the seventh level of Qi refining. I plan to stay in the battlefield of the Two Worlds Pass for a better future!"

Luo Feng nodded approvingly: "There are also sages and heroes in the Tang Dynasty."

There are not only mountain gods who seek fame and fortune, but also saints who open up new paths.


(End of this chapter)

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