All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 940 5 lines, 1 monkey head under the mountain

Chapter 940
Buddhism is divided into Mahayana and Hinayana. The Hinayana crosses itself and has a perfect natural system, but the Mahayana is different, because in order to save the common people from the sea of ​​suffering and save all predestined people, it is necessary to keep pace with the times and constantly change.

Sakyamuni is the source of causality in response to Buddhism. With a pinch of flowers and a smile, he is connected with his heart, hides the eyes of righteousness, nirvana and wonderful mind, reality has no phase, subtle method, does not establish words, teaches outsiders, and entrusts Maha Kasyapa.

Mahakasyapa is the ancestor of Mahayana, and he was divided into half of the Buddha, and then passed on to Nagarjuna Bodhisattva to form a system, until Bodhidharma is a small achievement.

In today's Chinese Buddhism, there are many schools and sects, and the Dharma is intricate. He says he is the righteous Dharma, this one says he is the Dharma, and that one is the evil Dharma, and he can't tell the truth from the fake.

If you have to wait until Xuanzang travels westward to learn Buddhist scriptures, go to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, master the scriptures, laws, and treatises, he sits on the lion seat, and Chen Yi establishes the sect. Within eighteen days, no one can ask questions, and no one dares to come out and confront him. Fighting for the front, fighting invincible hands all over the west, honored as the Mahayana Heaven of the Mahayana, and the Liberation Heaven of the Hinayana.

Returning from the west to the east, he suppressed many sects of Buddhism, distinguished the true from the false, and became a great master of Buddhism to continue the past and open up the future.

Now Xuanzang is not even born, and Buddhism is flourishing, but good and bad are mixed together.

The old monk was astonished, not sure which branch of Buddhism Luo Feng came from, after all, these days even a ghost or a snake can approve a Buddhist skin.

After hesitating for a while, the old monk came forward to pay respects: "Poor monk Yuantong, dare to ask the master, what is the magical effect of the giant vehicle."

"Good, poor monk Dongfeng."

Monk Dongfeng smiled slightly and said: "The Hinayana teachings can't save the dead from exaltation, they can only be humble and light. If you want an Arhat, you are a self-made man."

"The Tripitaka of Mahayana Buddhism can surpass the dead and ascend to heaven, can save the difficult and escape suffering, can cultivate the body of infinity, and can do neither coming nor going. In the final analysis, it is the heart. It is the salvation of the dead, which is no different from the living."

"I have the Great Vehicle Dharma, which was passed down by the Ultraman Buddha. It can relieve the suffering of the people in Liming. It can produce tens of thousands of catties per mu. It can protect the fortunes of the Tang Dynasty, kill gods and demons with nuclear bombs, open up territories, and build starships to swim in space. Can prolong life..."

"This is infinite light."

Not only the old monk was dumbfounded, even the passers-by and the people who were eating melons were also stunned. This mother's Dharma is simply unbelievable!

Everything was silent, and there was no sound for a while.

There was a chuckle from above the chariot of the heavenly carriage, as if a girl sneered: "Monk, if you really want that ability, I invite you to enter the palace, sit on the altar, and say for my king of the people of the Tang Dynasty, I respect you as the national teacher and saint." , tied with Chen Ziang."

"If you don't have that ability, according to what our Buddhists say, you will go to hell with your tongue pulled out."

Monk Dongfeng chuckled: "The monks don't tell lies, and please ask the girl to take me to see Tang Wang."

The scene was quiet again, and the big guy vaguely felt that the matter was serious. If it was fake, it would be a liar at most, but if it was true.

Everyone breathes heavily, because they know that they seem to be witnessing history.

The little girl in the chariot seemed to be taken aback. She didn't expect to meet the real Buddha, so she didn't dare to speak out.

"Dongfeng... Dongfeng." The shocked monk Yuantong chanted these two dharma names, as if he was recalling something, suddenly, his body trembled and murmured: "When is the third calamity?"

"I am protecting the way." Dongfeng Buddha smiled slightly

After my family proved Pangu, his status in the Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures was elevated in an instant. From an outlier and idle Buddha who was not popular at first, he became a big boss who lived in seclusion behind the scenes. His status is magnificent and inconceivable.

Monk Yuantong immediately bowed his head, put Dongfeng on his chariot, and asked respectfully, "I have seen Master Dongfeng, may I ask where the stars are in the future?"

Monk Dongfeng glanced at Yuantong, and said meaningfully: "You are the disciple and grandson of Kasyapa Dharma, and Kassapa is one of the top ten disciples of Buddha."

Monk Yuantong fell silent for a moment, and it was the same reason for him to be placed in the Buddhist sect once he was an emperor and a courtier.

Since Maitreya Buddha did not come, it is best never to come.

"Master, please get in the car." The little girl in the car raised her head carefully, with a standard baby face and a pair of vivid and moving eyes, showing a bit of panic.

"Good," Dongfeng Buddha and Monk Yuantong boarded the chariot, and only then did they see the little girl's appearance clearly.

She was wearing a brocade collar with a blue pattern, and her lower garment swayed slightly, which turned out to be an embroidered gold satin dress. She wore a white jade bracelet on her white as green hands, a sachet with a golden silk pattern of begonia hanging lightly on her waist, and a pair of smoky satin Save pearl shoes.

It is indeed a wealthy family, a descendant of an aristocratic family, worthy of being the family of three generations of foreign relatives, no wonder he dared to introduce someone to the king of Tang.

"Master. Shall we go to Chang'an?"

The little girl asked cautiously. She had a hunch that this matter was beyond her control, and the best way was to find a big shot to take over.

"Go and pay a visit first, General Li Jing."

Monk Dongfeng said calmly, since he wants to intervene in Buddhism, then this incarnation of Medicine Buddha in the world has to visit.

Moreover, Li Jing is not only the incarnation of Medicine Buddha, but also has national rituals and sacrifices, and is worshiped by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

In Buddhism, he is the king of heaven, in Taoism, he is Bishamon Tianzun, in Confucianism, he is enshrined as a military god, worthy of martial arts temple, and ranks among the top ten philosophers, in Shinto, he is the marshal of soldiers and horses, holding heavy soldiers in his hands.

In a family who is awesome is not a big shot, but in the three religions and nine streams, the heavens and the world, and the gods and demons in the heavens are all mixed together, he is the real boss.

General Li Jing, the little girl was a little surprised, but then she calmed down and sat quietly in the chariot.

Li Jing was very good in Datang, but he was different from others.

For example, when Li Yuan rebelled, he went to report it, and when Li Shimin's Xuanwu Gate changed, he sat on the sidelines... In short, although he is not the emperor's confidant, he can be reused.

His personal ability is already so great that he can leave Datang, and Datang cannot do without him.

In this era, there is a monkey who is almost as good as Li Jing.

At the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, Luo Feng walked back and forth slowly with a fruit basket in his hand, just to fish, oh, to catch monkeys.

Time passed little by little, and finally Sun Houzi couldn't help it anymore, and shouted: "That Taoist, give me some peaches to taste."

Luo Feng asked with a half-smile, "Who are you and what have you to do with me? Why did I give you a peach to taste?"

"Hey, you look like a Taoist."

Sun Monkey Wang Po sold melons and boasted: "I also recognize the three Qings and the four emperors, and the nine obsidian stars, the five generals, the 28 constellations, the four heavenly kings, the 12 yuan, the five elders, the universal astrology, and the gods of the Milky Way. , treat each other only as brothers."

"Give you a peach today, and it will benefit you in the future."


Luo Feng couldn't help but put on his monocle, praised him, and then asked, "You are so awesome, why are you still being pushed down the mountain?"

Sun Houzi gritted his teeth immediately and said, "It's all the Tathagata..."

(End of this chapter)

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