All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 943 Yin Division Wrong Case, Monkey Writes Off

Chapter 943 Yin Division Wrong Case, Monkey Writes Off

The court was arguing endlessly, Emperor Li Tang sat on the Diaoyutai, Emperor Shimin watched coldly, and had no intention of intervening.

For the imperial power, the so-called religion does not have a good thing.

When you need it, you can enshrine Gao Gao and spend a lot of luck to confer many names. When you don't need it, you can destroy the Buddha and Dao!

In the eyes of the emperor, there is no belief, no orthodoxy, and everything is just a tool to maintain balance.

The emperor is the referee, not allowed to sing on stage.

Just when the courtiers thought that the debate on Buddhism and Taoism would come to an end without a problem, Duke Wei Li Jing came out and said: "There are two families of Buddhism and Taoism, there are big real people, and there are people who are fish-eyed people. Your Majesty might as well give a water and land law Meeting, let monks and Taoists distinguish between Buddhism and Xuan, so as to distinguish between fish and dragons."

"The inferior ones go down, the good ones go up, and they can also select talents for the country."

Li Jing's intervention was something that no one expected.

Li Shimin was surprised at first, and then his pupils were deep, with complex emotions that he couldn't see clearly.

Above the court, civil servants can speak freely and express their positions, but military generals cannot. Military generals symbolize military power, and every word and deed symbolizes a certain attitude of the emperor.

And Li Jing is an extremely important part of the military power system, ranking among the top among the gods and generals of the Tang Dynasty.

It can be seen from its title - Wei.

In terms of title, Wei is second to Qin, Chu, Qi, Yan, Zhao, Wei, and South Korea, and belongs to the second-rate duke.

However, when Wei and the country were combined, earth-shaking changes took place, Wei Guo, Wei Guogong!
Among the gods and generals of the Tang Dynasty, only Li Jing did not participate. The change of Xuanwumen back then was still reused. All kinds of things all showed that Li Jing played a pivotal role in the Tang Dynasty.

"Water and Land Conference?!"

Li Shimin said in a deep voice, "How many years has Zhenguan been?"

Yuan Tiangang, an official of the Time and Space Administration, came forward to pay homage: "Report to Your Majesty, it is now the 31st year of Zhenguan, and His Majesty's blessings are measured. The age is Jisi, the world is peaceful, all parties pay tribute, and the world is a minister."

Li Shimin smiled indifferently, if the whole world surrendered, no one would have a dream, but it is common for ministers to fart, and everyone carries the sedan chair in the court.

"It's been 31 years. I vaguely remember the Chunwei Imperial Examination in the 13th year of Zhenguan. The son-in-law of Yun Guogong Yin Qiao, the number one scholar, Chen Guangrui, paid homage to the Governor of Jiangzhou. Time really flies by."

Li Shimin suddenly sighed with emotion, as if he was really sad for the passing of time.

Yin Qiao, Yin Kaishan, one of the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion listed below, suddenly prostrated himself on the ground and burst into tears: "Your Majesty, please be the master of the ministers!"

Li Shimin was surprised and said: "What is the request of the Duke?"

Yin Qiao, the Duke of the State of Yun, reported back: "Now there is Chen Guangrui, the number one scholar-in-law, who led his family Xiaojiangzhou to take office. He was beaten to death by Liu Hong of Shaoshui. He took his daughter as his wife and pretended to be his son-in-law. He has been an official for many years. It is a change."

"I have been confused for many years, and I didn't know such a disaster until my grandson Xuanzang came to visit!"

"I beg Your Majesty to send troops to wipe out the bandits."

Li Shimin was furious immediately, so he sent [-] soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army to lead Yin Guogong to supervise the troops.Yin Kaishan led the decree to go out to the court, and immediately ordered soldiers in the teaching ground, and went to Jiangzhou.

Xiao Xing stayed at night, the stars fell and the birds flew. The Duke led [-] gods, demons and heavenly soldiers. He disappeared for a moment, crossed the eight hundred states of the Tang Dynasty, and arrived in Jiangzhou to rescue his daughter.

The son-in-law Chen Guangrui was also resurrected by the Dragon King he had saved, and the family reunited.

Yin Kaishan told his son-in-law: "I will lead the heavenly soldiers here, and you cannot stay for long. You should follow me back to the court immediately, see Your Majesty."

There was starlight in Chen Guangrui's eyes, and he smiled calmly: "Master Taishan, my son-in-law understands it."

Within a day, the Duke of the State led his son-in-law back to the court, and above the court, all the civil servants, military generals, and even the emperor of the Tang Dynasty were waiting patiently.

Fortunately, all of you are practitioners, whether you are a heavenly immortal who has attained the Tao, or a demon god who commanded troops, no matter how bad you are, you are also a god general conferred by the Tang Dynasty.

Yin Guogong made a detailed report of the previous and subsequent events, and recommended Guangrui to be of great use.

Li Shimin smiled slightly, played one by one, and ordered Chen E to be promoted to the post of bachelor, and governed by the court.

At this moment, Li Shimin asked Chen Guangrui, "How many years has Aiqing been to Jiangzhou?"

Chen Guangrui, the newly-appointed scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, reported back: "It has been 18 years since Your Majesty, and my minister Xuanzang has grown up. The poor minister is in deep water and has no chance to be with him."

Li Shimin clicked his tongue twice, and sighed straight away: "Poor, poor, father and son recognize each other, and a family reunion is a family joy."

"I really can't bear Aiqing to suffer like this."

"Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng, you are in charge of the Space-Time Management Bureau, and you have moved the wheel of time forward eighteen beads, which is all loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness."

Yuan Tiangang, the director, and Li Chunfeng, the deputy director, were ordered to go to the Qin Tianjian to turn the wheel of time, change the timeline, and reset the Nanzhan Buzhou Datang Kingdom to 18 years.

For a time, the color of the years changed, the Three Realms shook, the immortal Buddha looked sideways, and the God bowed his head.

In the netherworld, ghosts cry and gods howl, ghost kings big and small tremble, and ten yin gods cry and cry.

Yama of the Tenth Hall was furious and gathered in the Senluo Hall
King Qinguang, King Chujiang, Emperor Song, King Wuguan, King Yama, King Pingping, King Taishan, King Metropolis, King Biancheng, and King Zhuanlun.

All of them are great gods of the underworld, who are in charge of life and death, and have the most authority. They are only under the three statues of Dongyue Emperor Taishan Fujun, Ziwei Manifestation Fengdu Emperor, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"Who tampered with the life and death of yin and yang!" King Qin Guang scolded, and ordered the judge to fetch the book of life and death.

Judge Cui gave a wry smile, and presented the general book of Tianlu, the king of all kingdoms, and said: "Yan Jun, it is Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

When the ten kings looked at it from the beginning, they couldn't help smiling wryly when they saw that Li Shimin's name was destined for 33 years.

King Qin Guang said helplessly: "It used to be reincarnation once every 20 years, but now it has changed to 18 years, then Emperor Li Tang will not know."

The Zhuanlun King complained: "Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in Nanfangbuzhou was doomed to Zhenguan for 13 years, and he should have paid for it. I don't know who added it, so this disaster happened."

"It will be reversed in 33 years. When Li Shimin will never live, it is hard to be a real emperor in the world."

"In the past, it was rotated every 20 years, but now it is rotated every 18 years. In the future, it may be rotated every year, every day!"

"Do I still need the power of the Yin Division?"

Judge Cui looked at his nose and his heart immediately, without saying a word, as if he was thinking about who changed the book of life and death.

Yan Luo Wang smiled lightly: "Perhaps when the monkey changed it, he scratched the wrong place by the way and changed Li Shimin's longevity."

The other Nine Palace Kings of Hades sneered immediately, what a monkey to write off the accounts, all the unjust, false and wrong cases in the past, life and death, merits and virtues for private use, all pushed on the monkey, and the white land was really clean.

Those who were courageous in the past had no ability.

Those who are capable know the horror of the book of life and death, and dare not modify it without authorization.

At the beginning, I don't know who came up with this good way to let the daring monkeys who illegally live forever enter the underworld.

For 12 years, there has only been one stunned young man.

(End of this chapter)

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