All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 942 Destroying the Buddha begins, attacking with heavy punches

Chapter 942 Destroying the Buddha begins, attacking with heavy punches
The power of final interpretation is an extremely rascal thing. All scriptures, laws, and dictionaries need to be interpreted by it, so as to educate all living beings.

"Wukong." Luo Feng smiled and said, "How about I tell you a story?"

Sun Wukong has been in the Marble Mountains for 500 years, and he is so boring that he is about to get moldy. Naturally, he is very happy to have a story, so he nodded quickly.

Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a debate between the Buddha and the devil.

Demon King Bo Xun said: "After you Nirvana, I must destroy your Dharma."

The Buddha said: "Buddhism is the righteous law, which comes from the heart, and no force can destroy it."

"Everyone has Buddha-nature, and one can become a Buddha after enlightenment, and there is no end to killing Buddhas."

The demon king Bo Xun said: "Hehe, the Dharma will last forever, and the magic will not disappear. The Buddha and the demon are one."

"When you were alive, not everyone believed in you. Didn't I have many disciples and grandchildren? Human nature is evil, and it is easy to learn from bad and difficult to learn from good. After you die, there will be fewer and fewer people who believe in you, and those who believe in me will more and more."

The Buddha said: "I have a monk preaching, and the scriptures are handed down."

The demon king laughed wildly: "The classics are dead words. If you want to educate all living beings, you still need people to explain them. If you want to educate all living beings, you must introduce new people."

"I'll get into it, wear your cassock, destroy your Dharma, distort your scriptures, and destroy your precepts."

This is one of the koans that Buddhism often talks about.

Under the seat of Patriarch Bodhi, the monkey learned the skills of the three teachings, integrated them, and naturally understood them.

After Luo Feng finished speaking, he looked at the monkey and asked, "What do you think of this story?"

The monkey shook his head and sighed, "I'm so upset. If my old grandson becomes a Buddha, he can beat the devil to death with a single stick, and it will be over once and for all."

"Isn't it a demon, fight and defeat it!"

"That's good." Luo Feng laughed loudly: "That's true, the final right of interpretation needs to be maintained by monopolizing violence."

"Monkey, are you willing to be your master's violence?"

"Whether it's the mount of the Taoist ancestor, the boy of the Buddha, the fish of the Bodhisattva's family, or the relatives of Tianwang, can you kill him with a stick?"

The monkey quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no, murderer shall pay for his life, robbery shall have his hand cut off, robbery shall have a short life, and stealing shall have no children."

"The Heavenly Palace belongs to the Jade Emperor, the west belongs to the Buddha, the north belongs to Zhenwu, and the south belongs to the Emperor Ren."

"I can do violence, can Daxian give me a method?"

"Also let my old grandson have laws to follow and act according to the law."

Luo Feng was stunned for a moment, as if he had gotten to know the monkey again, and couldn't help admiring: "The talent of the great Luo, the inner alchemy is perfect, and the great immortal."

This kind of ability can be described as the golden mean, and the golden core is perfect.

Gold is something that is firm and indestructible; elixir is something that is perfect, bright and clean.The ancient immortals used the name of the golden elixir to describe the nature of Yuanming's true spirit.

This nature is called Taiji in Confucianism, Yuanjue in Buddhism, and Jindan in Taoism.

Although the names are divided into three parts, they are actually one thing.Those who practice Confucianism are saints, those who practice Buddhism are Buddhas, and those who practice Taoism are immortals.

The saints of the three religions all take the original true nature as the foundation of enlightenment.

Keep upright and peaceful in dealing with people, adapt to the times, things, events, and local conditions, not going to extremes or being restrained, and staying in the middle.

Things carry yin and embrace yang, and the line where the two meet is Dzogchen.

The monkey chuckled, cupped his hands and said, "Thanks for the compliment, thanks for the compliment."

This means that the Taoist Luo Feng is communicating with the monkey spiritually, and the monk Luo Feng is integrating the power of the Buddhist monks on the other side.

In the 480 temples of the Southern Dynasties, there were as many towers and towers in the misty rain, and the power of Buddhism was as chaotic as it was!
Xuanzang's journey to the west was certainly to pray to Buddha to seek scriptures, but it was also to obtain the final right to interpret Buddhism in China.

Monk Luo Feng wants to integrate Buddhism, so it is impossible to learn scriptures, so he has to rely on reason!
With my Buddha's merciful great physical nuclear explosion magic fist, I will save countless sentient beings, praise with joy, and be reborn in bliss.

Touching his bare forehead, the monk Luo Feng delivered an ordinary punch, smashing the dharma body of the immeasurable Vajra Arhat, and then a serious punch, shattering the light and dark Sumeru Ordination Formation, and finally a super serious punch that beat all Buddhist invincible hands.

Punching three prefectures and six prefectures, kicking both sides of the Yellow River, 480 five Buddhist abbots with bruised noses and swollen faces are the best proof.

"My Buddha is merciful, and the east wind is boundless."

The monk Luo Feng proclaimed the Buddha's name, and behind him all the big monks, junior monks, and little novice monks also proclaimed.

For a time, there were countless Buddha lights, showing mercy.

"Whoever has a relationship with Li Yaoshi, send me a greeting card." The monk Luo Feng put his hands together and said
A group of monks trembled, this master must be going to challenge Marshal Li Jing.

An old abbot dressed in patchwork clothes asked cautiously: "Is the holy monk going to discuss martial arts with Marshal Li?"

"The monks are merciful, so it is natural to talk about Buddhism."

The monk Luo Feng asked in surprise, is he such a violent person?
"Good, good."

Countless abbots with bruised noses and swollen faces breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the opponent is Li Jing, the general of the world's soldiers and horses. When it comes to martial arts, even if Jiang Taigong, Champion Hou, Killing God, and Zhuge Wuhou are all included in the Wu Temple, he can still protect the big shots.

Among the military generals of the Tang Dynasty, the only one who can match the military exploits of General Tiance
This is the god of war who is destined to be famous in history, and the three religions try their best to win him over!

The monk Luo Feng visited Li Jing, he had nothing to say all night, and the next day he rose.

Just in time for the court meeting, all civil and military officials paid homage to Emperor Li Tang and made a work report once every five days.

The exhibition palace hangs advocacy, Chen chariots and chariots, and the emperor wears a crown of clothes, and the imperial court comes out. It is the "Great Court Meeting" held only on Yuan Day and Winter Solstice
The "Shuowang Chaoshen" held on the first and fifteenth day of every month, everyone who has completed the ninth grade of civil and military affairs in the Jingsi must be on duty.

For today's regular ginseng, only officials of rank five or above can participate.

Li Shimin, the emperor of Zhenguan, sat upright in the Taiji Hall, with civil and military on both sides, and sat on the floor according to the rank.

The ministers are discussing major events in the Three Realms, where monsters have appeared, where the Xingjun has to be controlled, and where the monks have become immortals, they need to be canonized.

Suddenly, Tai Shi ordered Fu Yi to stand up and ask the Buddha to be exterminated.

This is an anti-Buddhist fighter. From Gao Zu to Li Shimin, he has been asking the court to destroy Buddha.

Although some of them have achieved some results, they are far from reaching the level of extinction. Instead, they rebounded afterwards, and Buddhism became more and more prosperous.

Tai Shi ordered Fu Yi: "Qi Zuo Your Majesty, I heard that the great governance of the world must follow the teachings of Li Dao, Confucianism, and there is no reason for Hoover."

"From the Taihao Fuxi clan to Han Gaozu, there have been 29 generations and more than [-] monarchs!"

"But I heard that God is worshiped in the suburbs, the government governs the people, and there is no bronze statue in the temple. Ningbang was built!"

The court was silent for a moment, if you destroy the Buddha, you can destroy the Buddha, but if you use the metaphor of the three religions, you will also bring out God.

That's no ordinary extermination of Buddha, you have to strike hard!
Except for the eunuch Zhang Daoyuan who agreed, the rest of the civil and military officials faltered.

Li Shimin frowned, and asked calmly: "Zhu Qing, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I have objections!" Zhongshu Ling Xiao Yu couldn't wait to jump out, and shouted righteously: "Buddha, sage also. Tai Shi ordered Fu Yi to speak nonsense, and please Your Majesty to impose the death penalty."

Fu Yi sneered: "Courtesy is what matters to relatives, and it is finally offered. This is the principle of loyalty and filial piety, and the deeds of ministers will be accomplished."

"But the Buddha went out of the city to become a monk, escaped from his father, fought against the emperor with his husband, and rebelled against his relatives with his body. Xiao Yu did not come from Kongsang, but followed the teaching of no father. I heard that those who are not filial have no relatives. You can call it that!"

Xiao Yu was dumbfounded by Fu Yi's rebuttal, and was speechless. After all, this is what the court governs the country, and Buddhism cannot rule the country.

In the end, he could only put his hands together and murmured: "Hell is just for this person."

(End of this chapter)

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