All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 953 From the beginning of breaking the devil to the end of breaking the devil

Chapter 953 From the beginning of breaking the devil to the end of breaking the devil

"When Elder Tang comes, Qingtian will be there. When Elder Tang comes, Xiniu Hezhou will be peaceful!"

Monk Tang and his disciples traveled westward all the way and announced loudly: "I, Tang, come to Xiniu Hezhou to do only three things!"

"Subduing demons, eliminating demons, worshiping Buddha!"

A group of people rejoiced, bowed down together, and shouted: "O Holy Monk of the Tang Dynasty!"

Tang Xuanzang lifted the crowd up and said solemnly, "Buddha Sakyamuni has passed into Nirvana, no one is worthy of your kneeling."

A white-haired old man stood up and said tremblingly: "Holy Monk, the Buddha is well on the Lingshan Mountain. Why did he pass into Nirvana? Could it be that our place is high and the road is far away, so we haven't heard the news?"

Tang Xuanzang said calmly: "On the Lingshan Mountain are not people, but gods, not Sakyamuni Buddha, but Tathagata Buddha."

Another young man with shining eyes stood up, as if he was a monk with Taoism, and asked solemnly: "I have gods and Buddhas in my heart, how can I not worship gods and Buddhas?!"

Tang Xuanzang laughed loudly: "Have you ever heard that the first sentence the Buddha said when he was born?"

The young man was taken aback for a moment, and then thoughtfully said: "I am the only one in the sky and on the earth?"

The so-called heaven and earth are not in the world, not in the world, but in the heart.

There is no such thing as self-respect in the world, only one's own mind is the only one. This is the first truth of Buddhist practice.

Sakyamuni Buddha gave up his throne to seek the soul, and the practice of Buddhism came from this.

"Ao Lie, the third prince of the Jade Dragon of the West Sea, was originally a dragon and elephant of the Buddhas, for the master to practice."

Ao Lie, a young man, pays homage

The dragon can turn rivers and seas, move clouds and spread rain, and is the king of water; elephants are powerful, spiritually intelligent, and are auspicious land beasts.

The dragon elephant refers to the body, and it also means the disciples of the Buddha.

Yulong was going to turn into a dragon horse for Tang Seng to ride on, which made everyone look enviously.

Unexpectedly, Tang Xuanzang refused, saying: "If you want to be a Buddha, a dragon, or an elephant, you must first be a horse and an ox for all living beings."

"It's not my method to be a mount under my sect for 23 years and change to a golden body."

"Only by forming a wide circle of people can we get the fruit of the Dao."

The Monkey King on the side moved his ears and chuckled: "Teacher, I have heard a Taoist say this before."

"He said that if you want to realize Daluo Bodhi, you must serve all living beings, and only in this way can you obtain the great fruit."

Tang Xuanzang was suddenly surprised: "There is such an expert near the Five Elements Mountain?"

To be willing, to be willing, to be willing to have a gain.

The more you give up, the more you will gain. When I pass all sentient beings to the Dao, why not all the sentient beings take me to the Dao.

A person who understands that affliction is Bodhi, and Bodhi is affliction, is definitely not a so-called first-class immortal in the world, at least a real person, or a perfect person.

The monkey scratched his head and recalled: "That Taoist claimed to be Taoist Luofeng."

Taoist Luo Feng? !
"Luo Feng?!"

The little white dragon looked terrified, the kind of fear that originated from the depths of his blood swept his heart. Luo Feng's reputation ranged from a five-clawed real dragon to a golden dragon carp.

"Yo, do you know this Taoist?" Sun Houzi grinned.
Little White Dragon Ao Lie said with a trembling voice: "Our ancestors taught us that if we meet Taoist Luo, we should avoid him if we can, and we must never disobey him if we cannot avoid him."

"He is a million times more terrifying than the Garuda Dapeng."

Sun Wukong's expression immediately changed when he heard this. He knew that the Garuda Dapeng had good supernatural powers. It had experienced the three major calamities of birth and death, so it knew everything. Its wings could cover the sun, the moon and the stars.

During the solar eclipse, there are five hundred dragons, big and small, among which the big dragon is Jiaolong, and the little dragon is python. They are the biggest enemies of the dragon clan.

The way of the dragon clan is to multiply the blood, and the Dapeng bird eclipses five hundred dragons, which is to break the foundation of the dragon clan. It is more hateful than eating a few real dragons, and the dragon king.

What is there are hundreds of millions more terrifying than the Dapeng Garuda? It is impossible to remain anonymous in the Three Realms!

"I know who he is."

Tang Xuanzang sighed and looked at Lingshan: "This world is going to be in chaos, not only Xiniu Hezhou, South Zhanbuzhou, Dongshengshenzhou, North Juluzhou, all four major continents will be in chaos."

"Wukong, let's travel westward a little faster."

"Speed ​​pass."

Sun Wukong: ? ? ?

Little White Dragon: ? ? ?

Speedrun, what does this mean?
Next, they saw what is called, Tang Seng's speed, three steps and two steps, traveled through the country of Xipanha, and another five or six thousand miles, ran to Heifeng Mountain to pick up the big black bear eating honey in its sleep Pull it out, then ask the cassock to throw it into its arms, pinch its neck and ask the evil animal if it will take refuge or not.

Black Wind Monster nodded with tears in his eyes, what can I do after you have said that.

In the end, he handed over the certificate of customs clearance to the attached government office, and asked the local county guard to lead troops to surround the Guanyin Temple.

The so-called, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Elder Jinchi is usually a majestic landlord, and his disciples are also lustful hungry ghosts. He has violated various precepts all over the place.

In a mighty Guanyin Temple, after hiding the filth, except for a few old monks and newcomer monks, none of them is innocent, all of them are big sins.

Tang Seng appointed a handyman monk named Mengqi as the leader, and passed on a set of Tathagata God's Palm and Shurangama Sutra.

This is the number one scripture in Buddhism, because in the Dharma-ending era, the Shurangama Sutra was extinct first, and the rest of the scriptures followed.If the Shurangama Sutra is not destroyed, the era of Dharma will be here.

The purpose of this scripture is: from the beginning of breaking the devil to the end of breaking the devil.

The cause was that Ananda fell into the madangya woman, and the Buddha asked Manjusri Bodhisattva to point out Ananda with a great light mantra, which was the beginning of breaking the demon.

Then Ananda asked for instructions on the method of meditation. The Buddha said fifty kinds of yin demons, and taught Shurangama practitioners how to discover demons and how to destroy them.

In the end, you will get the Tathagata Tibetan—Miaozhen Ruxing.

It's a pity that after breaking through all the fifty yin demons, the Matanga woman had an epiphany and became a Han.

Ananda, who is known for being well-informed and good at debating, didn't realize it. Just now, there is Kasyapa who doesn't write, uses subtle methods, pinches flowers and smiles, and teaches outsiders.

"From the beginning of breaking the devil to the end of breaking the devil?"

"True determination, wonderful truth is like sex!"

"Ha ha……"

Meng Qi, a handyman monk, sneered, and casually took this book out: preface, three points of knowledge, ten points of insight, dissection of falsehoods to reveal the truth, proficiency in four subjects, comprehensive interpretation of the seven majors, examination of subtle confusion, and solution from the root. Knots, 25 holy circles, four kinds of pure instructions, the Shurangama mantra, twelve types of births, calendar practice, seven destinies, and fifty yin demons.

It is said that from ordinary people, all people have the heart, understanding, practice, proof, enlightenment, and practice until the Tathagata's scriptures are burned to ashes.

Then he shouted behind him: "Go, move the statue of Guanyin to the side hall!"

"The main hall enshrines Yuanshi Tianzun to me!"

The handymen who stayed behind had their faces covered, and the remaining old monks were crying like ghosts and howling like wolves, and they were going to risk their lives to stop them.

Meng Qi rubbed her head with a headache, waved her hands and said, "It's fine if you don't worship Yuanshi Tianzun, then worship the Holy Buddha."

All of a sudden, the hall became quiet, and an old monk asked hesitantly, "Who is the Holy Buddha?"

Why hasn't he heard of this Buddha Bodhisattva? !
Suddenly another old monk beside him kicked him, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry about who, it's fine if it's a Buddha!"

Meng Qi chuckled.

Human nature always likes to make compromises.For example, if you say: If you want to remove Guanyin Bodhisattva and worship the holy Buddha, everyone will definitely not allow it.But if you say you want to remove Guanyin and worship Yuanshi Tianzun, they are willing to remove Guanyin and worship the holy Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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