All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 954 On Lingshan, acting is king

Lingshan Baocha, Daleiyin Temple.

Under the green pine forest, there are excellent women, and among the green cypresses, there are good men. It is a scene of the world of bliss, and the light of countless Buddhas shines everywhere.

Eight Bodhisattvas, five hundred arhats, three thousand Jiedi, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, lined up in two rows, and sitting on the throne is the solemn Tathagata Buddha. All the Buddhas gathered together to discuss the matter of traveling to the West.

Suddenly, a vajra dressed in golden armor ran in recklessly, with a precious umbrella in his hand, which was almost unsteady.

Bodhisattva Xukongzang scolded: "I have heard about the heavenly king, and the Buddhist gate is quiet, why are you panicking?"

The Heavenly King of the North Duowen hurriedly bowed, with a horrified look on his face, he said: "Return to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Luzhou is in chaos in the north, the Nine Heavens Xuannv is here, and the fairy Qin will rise again!"

There was an uproar in the Lingshan Great Hall.

At this time, there was a shout from outside the door, a cyan vajra, holding a sword upside down, came in panic, and shouted: "Starting from Nanzhan Buzhou, the holy Tang was recast, all the saints salute, a school of humanity ~!"

"Growth is not working, survey Nanzhan Buzhou."

Before the words were finished, another white vajra strode into the hall and said in a loud voice: "Dongsheng Shenzhou is moving, the gods are revived, and the gods are coming! Please come to decide."

The Heavenly King of the East also missed.

The Buddhas were moved by it.

"Tell, Vairocana Vigorous Vajra!" Bodhisattva Xukongzang shouted loudly

Pilu Shamen Dali King Kong is the fruit position received by the Western Guangmu Heavenly King in Buddhism.

The four brothers are also of the three religions. When they were in Tiangong, they were the four heavenly kings, guarding the gate of heaven. When they were in Buddhism, they were the four kings, guarding the four mountains.

They are: Wutai Mountain's Mystical Demon Rock with great supernatural powers and Dharma-spreading Vajra; Emei Mountain's Qingliang Cave with immeasurable magic power and supreme power; Mount Xumi's Mo'er Cliff Pilu Shamen Powerful King Kong; Kunlun Mountain's Golden Shizuku Ridge.

The Western Guangmu Heavenly King resides in Mount Sumeru, and has a heavy responsibility. He does not report major incidents in the other three continents.

This can only mean one thing.

That is, the calamity in Hezhou, Xiniu, frightened the king of heaven, King Kong, who knew about it and did not report it. If he could hide it for a day, it would be a day.

A white vajra stepped into the main hall, with its arms wrapped around two great beasts, the purple gold dragon and the flower fox mink.

"Guangmu, quickly report the traces of Tang Seng and his party." Kongkongzang Bodhisattva shouted loudly.

Guangmu Heavenly King couldn't help smiling wryly, bowed his hands and said: "All Buddhas, let me explain in detail."

The three major states are full of turbulent winds, and Xiniu Hezhou is no exception. The Buddhist scriptures team rolled up a storm and pushed across it all the way. Buddha lights shot up into the sky.

Tang Xuanzang put on cassocks to avoid the disaster of being devoured by Dapeng, and gained the magic of transcending the ordinary and becoming holy.Even when sitting in meditation, there are all gods paying homage; when walking around, there are seven Buddhas with you.

One of the Buddhas is the Zijin Holy Buddha, who holds the Three Treasures Ruyi, the treasures are solemn, and has the mystery of opening up the world.

Exchanging the holy Buddha for Avalokitesvara made all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas terrified. What is Jin Chanzi going to do? !

Could it be that it is impossible to open up a second spiritual mountain in this world!

Also, where did the unclear and unclear holy Buddha come from? Why did he have the guts to overwhelm a great bodhisattva? There is no news of him in the three realms and six realms.

"Good, good." The Great Bodhisattva Maitreya smiled and said, "It's really a happy event that a Buddha came out of my Buddhist sect. How about recruiting him to Lingshan and enrolling it in the Buddhist book?"

"Not right, not right." Beside the Buddha, Da Kasyapa snorted coldly: "I have never had a holy Buddha in my Buddhist school. It should be a demon heretic. After the journey to the West is over, I will remove them together."

The Great Bodhisattva Maitreya raised his brows, looked at the side of Kasyapa, and couldn't help laughing: "What Kassapa said makes sense, how about sending Venerable Ananda?"

The treasure hall of Lingshan was silent for a while, and many Arhats and Bodhisattvas had discovered that Kasyapa Ananda, who used to follow the Buddha, is now the only one.

Ananda, where did you go? !

Lingshan was silent all of a sudden, we dare not say, we dare not ask.

Another person sitting on a lotus flower, with an ancient Buddha with lights emerging from his palm, sighed. There was chaos in Xiniu Hezhou, and the bright side of Lingshan was harmonious, but there were two factions in the dark.

The Great Bodhisattva Kasyapa, headed by the ten major disciples of the Buddha, is directly supported by his own people, Subhuti, Jin Chanzi, and Tang Xuanzang, the second disciple of the Buddha.

In their view, Tang Seng's behavior is nothing out of line, it's just a smooth succession.

Whoever takes over is naturally the current seat of the Buddha, and the succession from master to apprentice is a matter of course.

In this way, the future Buddha and the Great Bodhisattva Maitreya resisted. You master and disciples enjoy themselves happily, and the inheritance is orderly. Where will I, the future Buddha, be placed.

In the past, the Buddha was not qualified to be in charge of Lingshan. Could it be that I, Maitreya, am not qualified? !

He was enshrined by the Buddha Sakyamuni as "the future Buddha, which is also logical and justifiable.

The battle between the Buddha's disciples and the future Buddha gradually involved the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp.

Da Kasyapa bowed from a distance and said, "Ancient Buddha, you are the ancestor of all Buddhas, and you are in front of my teacher. Is this holy Buddha real? Please open your eyes to see."

Now the Buddha Tathagata is a god, the god is high above, just and selfless.

It is impossible to participate in the struggle between disciples and heirs, which will lose the majesty of the current Buddha.

Now the Tathagata should be a referee.

At this time, the attitude of the ancient Buddha on Lingshan is extremely important, and it can even have the effect of finalizing the decision.

However, he just didn't comment.

The ancient burning lamp Buddha proclaimed a Buddha's name: "Namo Amitabha Buddha, the Dharma is vast, within the week, countless creatures, hundreds of millions of people, bathe in the Buddha's grace."

For a moment, the Buddhas were speechless, and it was the same as saying nothing.

And mud, it has to be your old man.

The future Buddha Maitreya also smiled and looked at the past, and bowed slightly: "Please enlighten the Buddha."

The ancient burning lamp Buddha, with a calm expression, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "The Dharma is equal, there is no superiority or inferiority. Since all sentient beings also have their own minds and bodies of the Tathagata, they can also cultivate to the Buddha's Land like all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Fruit position."

"It's called Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi."

At this time, Bodhisattva Xukongzang couldn't stand it any longer. He was the great steward of Lingshan and the existence of the patriarch of law. He asked bluntly: "How to deal with the holy Buddha is still clearly given by the ancient Buddha."

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp pinched the flowers and smiled, put his hands together and said: "The Buddha said, don't say it, don't say it."

The Buddhas of the past, headed by the Tathagata of Burning Lamps and Fixing Light, stand still. They don't care who is the Buddha, they will always be the Buddhas of the past.

Bodhisattva Xukongzang asked: "Then, it is to kill, to beg, to surrender, and to ask the ancient Buddha for an idea."

At this moment, the three thousand Buddhas in the past sang and sang, the Zen sound was faint, majestic and majestic.

"Don't say it, don't say it, just like the Buddha pinches a flower, and Kasyapa smiles, only the benevolent can realize it."

A series of gazes focused on Dao Dao Kasyapa, and Venerable Kassapa's expression froze, "I know a hammer."

The Buddha squeezed the flower and smiled, it was a test of my understanding.

You burn lamps and pinch flowers, purely a riddler.

However, these words cannot be clearly stated, Venerable Kassapa showed great relief, great ease, and great insight on his face, and he was very moved: "The Buddha said, you can't say it, only the mind is enlightened, and enlightenment will become a Buddha."

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas trembled suddenly, not weaker than others, and all showed signs of enlightenment.

Have you realized it? !I realized.

really?I do not believe.

Believe it or not, I got it anyway.

On this spiritual mountain, acting is king.

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