All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 955 [One body of Buddha and demon, Rahu is born]

On Lingshan, acting is king.

We are all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, people with status, naturally it is impossible to end the debate. Buddhism pays attention to the word enlightenment, and enlightenment is the most important thing.

As for true enlightenment and false enlightenment, only self-knowledge.

Anyway, I realized that under this kind of atmosphere, no one from the Buddhas in Lingshan asked and answered.

Manjushri Bodhisattva is the representative of the supreme wisdom of the third fruit, the mothers of the Buddhas of the ten directions, and all Bodhisattva teachers, when they saw the images of the Buddhas in Lingshan, they couldn't help sighing softly. Lost, infected by all living beings, under the incense, has been reduced to a statue of a god.

If it is the Lingshan Mountain in the past, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have the past and future Tathagata Dao and fruit, and the original mind is not lost, so it is impossible to lie.

"There is no Buddha in Lingshan." Manjushri sighed again in his heart, and closed his eyes completely, not looking at the turbid world of mortals.

The other Bodhisattvas who maintain their wisdom and aura are also imitating Manjusri, closing their eyes and guarding their spiritual altars.

Bodhisattvas save all living beings, which is the way of Mahayana.

Now they are mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, unable to protect themselves, their fruit status has been lowered again and again, and they have retreated to become arhats.

The Daleiyin Temple, which lost the protection of the spiritual light of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, became more and more jeweled and magnificent, and the voices of quarrels became louder.

Maitreya said meaningfully: "Kasyapa, what have you realized, why don't you tell me?"

Mahakasyapa pinched the flowers and smiled, and said sincerely: "The disciple's enlightenment is nothing more than ordinary. The past Buddhas became enlightened in the past, the future Buddhas enlightened in the future, and the present Buddhas enlightened in the present."

"The so-called ten directions and three worlds are nothing more than that."

Some of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan agree with it, but some do not agree with it.

Maitreya Bodhisattva burst out laughing.

Mahakassapa asked again, "Why is the Great Bodhisattva laughing?"

Maitreya Bodhisattva's precious face is solemn and compassionate, saying: "A big belly can tolerate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world; smile when you open your mouth, and laugh at the ridiculous people in the world."

"Good, good."

On Lingshan, amidst the sound of thunder, the confrontation was continuous and ups and downs.

Headed by Buddha's top ten disciples, facing the future Buddha Maitreya camp is not destined to be a short rule.

At this time, Guanyin Bodhisattva sighed compassionately: "In this case, let me try Tang Xuanzang."

The Tathagata old Buddha sitting on the lotus platform finally opened his eyes, nodded and said, "Your Majesty Guanyin can go."

"I am coming too!"

"I am coming too!"

The two Bodhisattvas, Manjusri and Samantabhadra, also got up one after another, firstly to test Tang Seng, and secondly to avoid the confrontation between the two factions of Lingshan.

The Tathagata Buddha also promised one by one that some pure practitioners left with the three great bodhisattvas.

In addition, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is not in Lingshan, but in hell.

Since then, there has been no wisdom or compassion in Lingshan.

Greed, hatred and ignorance, the seven emotions and six desires, and many evil spirits quietly lurked in the heart, which made Kasyapa and Maitreya break up unhappy.

Afterwards, Kassapa called his brothers to discuss countermeasures.

Sitting cross-legged on the lotus leaf, Venerable Upali clasped his hands together and said, "The only way to stop Maitreya is to let Junior Brother Luo Hou Luo take action."

The ninth among the top ten disciples is only before Ananda.

At the mention of this name, Xiancheng was silent for a moment.

Rahula, not breaking the precepts, can recite without slack, so it is called "the number one secret practice"

As one of the top ten disciples of the Buddha, he should have a respected status, not the suzerain of a sect, but also a big bodhisattva with a name and surname on Lingshan.

However, it is only No. 11 among the sixteen Arhats.

Moreover, fame does not manifest Lingshan.

The reason is that he was the son of Shakyamuni before he became a monk, and was born to the Buddha and his wife Yasodhara when he was the prince.

Luo Houluo also means covering obstacles and demonic obstacles.

Mahakassapa looked extremely complicated and said: "Luohou..."

Middle-earth is used to translating the names and taboos of Buddhas into what they know well.

Mahakasyapa, referred to as Kasyapa.

Ananda, referred to as Ananda.

Luohouluo, the same is true, it should be called Luohou
The star that suddenly appears in the night sky and threatens everyone is called Kedu; the star that robs the sun and moon of light and causes a solar and lunar eclipse is called Rahu.

However, Luo Hou happened to be born on the night of the lunar eclipse.

Rahu and Rahou, Ananda and Ma Buddha... This seems to be an extremely interesting phenomenon.

Why do you say that the Buddha and the devil are one body, you are the Buddha and I am also the devil, and you are the devil and I am also the Buddha.

This is a concept, a kind of comprehension, and it is also a fact.

As a great wise man who founded Buddhism, like Lao Tzu, he naturally knows that flowing water does not rot, and the hinges of households do not moth.

The opposite is the movement of Tao, the use of Tao for the weak, everything in the world is born out of existence, and what is born out of nothing.

Buddhas can suppress demons, and demons can also destroy Buddhas.

And the person who destroys Buddhism must not be an enemy of Buddhism, at least not a real enemy.

Therefore, the Buddha handed over the power to the person he trusted the most.

A generation of demon ancestors was born.

Shariputra, or Venerable Shariputra, sighed: "Rahu is a credit to our Buddhism. He settled in the prehistoric world back then. If he hadn't planned in every possible way and fought against Na Hongjun, how could there be two holy places in the west."

"I propose to release him."

"Inappropriate!" Fu Lou's round face showed a tinge of anger, and the originally kind and respectful demeanor of the elderly disappeared at this moment, and he said loudly: "He has made great achievements, but he has also made great mistakes."

"He made the magic gate bigger and completely out of control, letting the authority of the magic way fall aside."

"As a result, the second Demon Ancestor, the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon, and the Maha Demon Monarch...have risen one after another. Since then, my Buddhist luck has been lost, and I have lost control over the demonic way."

"Besides, we didn't kill him, we just suppressed him."

Other Buddha disciples also praised
"Good, good, he is the son of the World-Honored One, how could he suppress it so easily."

"Yes, Luo Hu has made great achievements, but my Buddhism has never treated him badly. He used to be just a little god of the magic star, who came to the world with the help of the son of the Buddha. We supported him to become the demon ancestor and become a big man who competed with the Taoist ancestor. .”

"But he wanted to be self-reliant, wantonly expanded the magic door, diluted the original shares, and was finally succeeded by outsiders, dividing up a lot of power."

"According to me, sealing him in Guixu is taking advantage of him!"

"Besides, the Buddha is not here, and there are god statues on the Lingshan Mountain. If you really want to release him, who can surrender."


Discussions arose one after another, and finally all the venerables looked at Mahakassapa together, and none of them obeyed anyone, except this great Kassapa.

Mahakasyapa is the ancestor of the Mahayana, and he was divided into half of the Buddha. He has a complicated relationship with the Buddha. He is also a teacher and a friend, and even treats him like a guest.

He has the same journey as the Buddha's cultivation. If he does not meet the Buddha in this life, he can also become enlightened and become a single enlightened Arhat.

It can be called a half priest.

Many people here are introduced to Buddhism by this elder brother.

Therefore, Mahakassapa can convince people.

After pondering for a moment, Maha Kasyapa looked up at the sky and sighed: "I realize that the sky is about to change. Sakyamuni is not in the spiritual mountain, and the golden body cannot protect the orthodoxy."

"Let the devil come out."

"The demon rises and the Buddha disappears, after all, it only disappears, not extinction."

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