All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 956 Bodhicitta, Demon Ancestor Moves

"Good, good, Senior Brother Gao Ming!"

Many venerables changed their minds and laughed at the same time.

Mahakassapa cleverly used the extreme of the game. As long as I beat myself to a residual blood and got stuck in the bug, I couldn't die.

The magic rises and the Buddha disappears, after all, it only disappears, not extinction.

In the future time and space, there will be a catastrophe. If Buddhism wants to preserve its strength, it must retreat and sacrifice its own part in exchange for the prosperity of the magic way.

In this way, the future risk is to be resisted by the soaring demon.

When the risk has passed, the Demon Sect will definitely be hit. At this time, the Buddhism Sect can rise again from the Dharma-ending era.

Even if the risk does not pass, because of the special relationship between Rahu and the Buddha, the Buddha and the devil are one. Buddhism needs the devil to refine his mind, and the devil also needs the Buddha to dedicate himself. If the roots are broken, it will only weaken, not break the inheritance.


Among the Buddhas and venerables, Jianglong Arhat sighed: "Poor all living beings are suffering."

Da Kassapa said calmly, "Is it possible to save the world by killing one person?!"

Today's Buddhism has to face this problem, just like a train on a fork in the track, there are ten children and one child, you can control the direction of the train, what will you do?
One child is the present sentient beings, and ten children are the countless sentient beings in the future.

A venerable said sharply: "Kill first and save later. If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell."

"Don't kill, don't save." An Arhat shook his head in disapproval.

"So, you are just a fool!" The venerable laughed loudly.
There was a commotion at the scene, and all the Buddhas and venerables expressed their different opinions one after another. Da Kassapa frowned and shouted: "Buddhist pure land, cultivation can make a lot of noise."

"Now is the time to talk about the catastrophe, not to debate the scriptures."

"Subduing Dragon, what do you want to do?!"

Venerable Jianglong showed compassion, and said very calmly: "Kill one person to save the world, then please kill the monk."

"Killing you will not save the world." A white Buddha suddenly spoke to dissuade: "Good man, good woman, those who have the heart of Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi should have such a heart: I should destroy all sentient beings, and destroy all living beings. Save all sentient beings, but there is not a single sentient being who is truly saved.”

Saving sentient beings is just a name, just like the number of three thousand, more than three thousand, it is just a vocabulary.

Saving all sentient beings is just a wish, and even strictly speaking, it is a beautiful obsession.

It means that Buddhist practitioners should have the Buddha's heart to save all living beings, instead of pursuing to save all sentient beings, because it is impossible to save all living beings, that is obsession.

With obsession, it is impossible to become a Buddha, but only to become a demon.

The Buddha pursued liberation, Nirvana, and extinction for joy.

Only by letting go can we reach the other shore, without taking a boat.

Da Kasyapa nodded and said: "Subduing the Dragon, if you are obsessed with sentient beings being crossed, you will fall into self-attachment. There are really no sentient beings to cross."

Venerable Jianglong nodded, clasped his hands together and said: "The Buddha said, it is a vow to save all sentient beings. It is sentient beings who save me, not me."

"The monk does not take it as his duty to save the lives of the common people. He is willing to arouse the mind of Bodhi, and if he saves one person, he saves the lives of the common people."

The void vibrated, and lotus blossoms bloomed, as if a celestial being was singing praises, and a celestial maiden was dancing.

All the Buddhas praised: "Jianglong has developed the heart of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi and entered the Mahayana way, which can be the tenth place."

"May this merit be used to adorn the Buddha's pure land. Reward the four kinds of kindness and help the three kinds of hardships. If anyone has seen and heard it, they will all arouse the bodhicitta. After completing this karma body, they will be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss."

If a bodhisattva has a self-image, a human image, a living being image, and a life image, he is not a bodhisattva.

Jianglong is dedicated to saving the common people in the world, and he doesn't keep a single thought in his heart. He is not asking for himself, but for others.

In the human world, this is the realm of a selfless saint, and it is also the beginning of realizing him in Buddhism.

The birth of a Juhe Bodhisattva should have been a happy event, but it happens that the great kalpa is coming, and this happy event is not happy.

Da Kasyapa sighed, waved his hands and said, "Since you have entered the Mahayana, then go down the mountain."

Jianglong Bodhisattva showed compassion on his face, bowed his head and bowed his head, raised his bodhi heart, and recited a Buddha's name: "From beginningless to present, the sins and karma created are immeasurable and boundless... Today, when Bodhisattva is issued, there are thoughts of distinction, equality and no thoughts..."

"I only wish that all beings are equal!"

A round of light emerged from behind, swaying in the wind, and a white lotus bloomed in it, with a fragrant fragrance.

A rainbow bridge emerges from under your feet, spanning Mount Gandhara, Mount Ishadara, Mount Diloga, Mount Sudarishana, Mount Shivagana, Mount Vinataga and Mount Nimindara , went down to the pure land of Buddhism, and entered the world of mortals.

A venerable on Lingshan sighed, "It's been many kalpas."

Da Kasyapa smiled indifferently: "Affliction is Bodhi, and Bodhi is affliction. Jianglong who left today may not be my Buddhist school, a glimmer of life in the future."

All the Buddhas are thoughtful, they are all people of great wisdom, and they naturally understand the truth that all eggs cannot be put in one basket.

What I said before is just my own position, the ass decides the head.

The Buddha speaks the Buddhist language, and he speaks the pure language since the Han Dynasty, and Da Kassapa needs to start from the perspective of Buddhism and look at the overall situation.

Those who opposed all left Lingshan, and they no longer had the strength to prevent the release of Rahu.

A document crossed the space and stepped into the annihilated place of Guixu.

The big Luos in the world are all sealed in the Hunyuan Realm, but there are a few unlucky ones, such as the first demon ancestor Arhat, such as Zulong, who were already sealed before Pangu turned the table, and there is no need for a double seal .

This was originally a tribulation, but as Luo Feng went into a frenzy, he locked all Da Luo in the small black room and sealed the people outside, but there was hope of getting out of trouble.

Guixu is vast, like a silent universe, in which stars shine.

Rahu lives in it, manifesting the supreme dharma, and the upper body turns into a dark god and demon, with four hands, one hand supports the life of the universe, one hand supports the movement of the universe, one hand supports the creation of the universe, and one hand supports the creation of the universe. Supporting the end of the universe, the lower body evolved into the shape of multiple dragon tails, just like a river of stars.

Looking at the outside world, although he can't go out, he can interfere with the world through demon energy and demon thoughts.

All living beings have Buddha-nature, and they also have evil thoughts, and the demons in their minds are endless. Rahu can always see the great world.

The Buddhas on the Lingshan Mountain had a mortal mind, partly because they were influenced by the incense, and partly because Rahu cast spells secretly to promote this process.

Lingshan not only has no Buddha, but also has demons!
The document exploded, revealing the ten-thousand-character imprint unique to Buddhism, and turned around to undo all the seals.

"finally come!"

Luo Hu couldn't help but let out a long cry, soothing the joy in his heart, the silent and dark universe shrank, and turned into a mole in the hand of the Demon Ancestor, in which countless lives were preserved like images.

This is a small way for him to pass the time in the cell.

However, now that it's out, naturally there's no need to entertain yourself!

"The heavens are not here, this universe is me..."

"Wait, what is that!"

Luo Hu paused as he stepped out of the cell, and immediately looked at Beiju Luzhou.

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