All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 964 The Riddler Gets Out of the Pangu Group

Chapter 964 The Riddler Gets Out of the Pangu Group
"Guess?" Luo Feng said with a smile

At the level of a few people, there is no need to hide it, just say something directly.

So Taoist Dihong sneered and said contemptuously, "The riddlers get out of the Pangu Group."

Empress Houtu also shook her head, and smiled lightly: "You can't learn Sakyamuni, come from wherever you come from, go wherever you go."

Luo Feng shook his head, but did not speak.
"Fellow Taoist, is it possible that we are going to walk the road of detachment?" Emperor Fuxi said in amazement: "Throughout the ages, only Laozi, Sakyamuni, and Taiyi have walked up."

"Neither of us left."

"The mirror of detachment may not be stronger than Pan Gu Tianzun."

"After detachment, perhaps, just a book flipper."

"I wait to make the rules in the book, and the plot must go according to my wishes, no better than a book flipper."

Emperor Fuxi's words are true. Many people in Pangu have the foundation of detachment, but in history, only three people went to walk, which explains everything.

It's not that I can't, but I don't want to.

You Pangu feel that there are things that you cherish in all ages, and struggles that you want to leave behind. For example, Zhulong wants to resurrect all living beings in his own Pangu era. Even if he has the ability to transcend, he will not transcend.

The road of detachment is a road of selfless dedication and a road of no turning back. It is similar to the ancient way of deification, but it is higher.

It takes a great spirit of self-dedication, self-sacrifice.

"How can I go detached."

"I'm not such a careless person."

Luo Feng curled his lips and said: "It's not a catastrophe that even Pangu can't deal with. It needs me to transcend, to quell the darkness and turmoil, and to overcome the unknown."

"One thought arises and one thought dies. If there is a disaster in the world, it must be caused by Pan Gu Tianzun himself."

Emperor Wa smiled: "Fellow Daoist Luo, could it be that you are connoting the big red-haired Tianzun?"

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

Luo Feng immediately gave a negative three times. He has full respect for the red-haired patriarch, so how could he make enemies for himself at will.

Although the red-haired patriarch is already unknown in his old age, but at the level of the Great Tianzun, one thought arises and one thought dies. As long as one thinks about it, it is easy to get rid of the unknown old age and live a second life.

"Where is that friend going?"

The four Great Heavenly Venerates asked in surprise

"I'm just going out to have a look."

Luo Feng laughed

"Taiyishen also said to go out to see the scenery, and then he didn't come back."

Dihong said with a gloomy expression

Luo Feng choked suddenly, this is really a ghost story.

"Luo Pangu's mouth is a deceiving ghost."

Empress Dowager laughed lightly

It was agreed to leave behind the goal of building a prehistoric Datong society together, pursuing the goal of everyone being big, and all beings like dragons.

In a blink of an eye, she was about to hook up with other Xiaotiantians, and she even called her Mrs. Niu.

The Honghuang where Luo Feng's disciple Ao Bing is located is the Supreme Honghuang, and the Honghuang where Luo Feng is located is the Shenhan Honghuang. Although the universe is different, they all belong to the same Honghuang system.

Similar to Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and Sakyamuni Buddha’s Pure Land of Posa, everyone lives at the gate of Buddhism. If you say they are familiar, they are not that familiar. After all, they are two families. If they are unfamiliar, they are not so unfamiliar. Everyone Both are bald with a little incense money.

Homologous, but different sects.

However, for Da Luo, the coordinates can be defined by listening to the names of the worlds, and the endless sea of ​​chaos can be extremely large or extremely small.

In the similar prehistoric universe, myths and legends are roughly similar, but it is just a matter of crossing a door.

Once the Shenhan multiverse loses the suppression of the founder of the world, then the supreme and prehistoric Da Luo will fight for it with all his strength,

It's not like it is now, Zhutian Daluo sees no hope, goes through a cutscene, and leaves early if he can leave early.

The ability of any big recruiter to do things should not be underestimated.

A Tai Chi Luo may not be able to become a Great Heavenly Venerate, but he can destroy the career of a Great Heavenly Venerate.

At that time, the pressure on the four Great Heavenly Venerates will double.

The four Great Heavenly Venerates hope that Luo Feng will stay and be a ballast stone.

"Will be back."

Luo Feng is serious
The Four Heavenly Venerates scoffed, Luo Pangu would come back, just like some authors who said they were writing and writing, it was unbelievable.

"It takes a while."

Emperor Fuxi's Way

"Well, let's set a time."

Luo Feng thought for a moment: "When the end of the kalpa is over, I will return and reorganize the creation of the world."

"Be specific."

"What is the end of the catastrophe?"

Emperor Hongda Tianzun said solemnly, he had been Pangu, the ancestor of Taoism, and experienced the rule of the Holy Heavenly Emperor.

The experience of being cheated is extremely rich, and the experience of cheating people is also extremely rich.

It is very clear that the right to explain is the most important thing.

"Heaven's heart is merciful, I keep a chance of survival."

"In the past, the end of the catastrophe cannot be crossed without Daluo."

"Today is the end of the catastrophe, may all human beings survive."

It was rare for Luo Feng to make a serious wish and said: "I only hope that all sentient beings in the Human Dao Alliance will possess the characteristics of Da Luo, be contaminated with Da Luo's nature, prove the true god of the void, and cross the great calamity of the universe to be immortal."

"Now the end of the catastrophe is coming, and Pangu can return."

Booming, the laws of the heavens and worlds changed with Luo Feng's words, as if they had been established at the beginning of the world, ancient and profound.

The original system of the heavens and myriad realms is the three realms of earth immortals, heavenly immortals, and golden immortals, for space, time, and matter.

Above Jinxian is Da Luo.

Now, between Jinxian and Daluo, there is an additional realm, which is the true god of void.

The existence of the Golden Immortal is full, and the Daluo has not arrived, is the true god of the void.

The ancestor dragon of the Xianqin Empire raised his head, thoughtfully, and ordered to start exploring this realm and start the promotion of the whole people.

In any case, Zulong is a representative of perseverance and hard work, and a representative of everyone like a dragon.

Among the prehistoric gods, Zulong has the highest Taoist heart, and is countless times stronger than Zhulong and Qinglong.

Therefore, the first thing for any Pangu superior is to cut Zulong. If he is given a chance, it will really overturn.

The Heavenly Emperor of the Shenhan Empire, with a calm expression, seemed to have known it for a long time, so he took his time and promoted Lidi to be a citizen of the Void True God Empire, and went to the now empty Void to open up the world and build the universe.

Be ahead of everyone and take the dominant position. When the time comes, the real world will be mine, and the heavens and myriad worlds will also be mine. Even if the gods of the heavens come, they must abide by the game of the Shenhan Empire.

As for the violent turnaround, guess who turned the chessboard in the current situation.

The sage of the Shengtang Empire, with a helpless face, looked at the national teacher and asked, "The rules have been changed, what should I do?"

The national teacher looked calm: "Slow step by step, slow step by step, but don't worry, I still have a fellow Taoist."

Saint Tang asked in surprise, "Who?"

"Your ancestor." The national teacher smiled slightly, looking outside the door, a white-haired old man came slowly riding a green bull.

Saint Tang was taken aback, and said in a low voice, "Didn't Daozu collapse?"

"I'm not Dao Patriarch, I'm Li Er." The old white-haired Taoist smiled slightly: "It's all juniors like Zhang Daoling messing around, I'm just an ordinary cultivator."

The national teacher said with emotion: "This is detachment."

Pangu made the rules, detached and jumped out of the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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