All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 965 The end of the whole play

Chapter 965 The end of the whole play

Over the years, Xianqin Zulong, Shenhan Tiandi, and Shengtang sages have formed a Human Dao Alliance, which is the source of the Dao, radiating the endless void universe, forming a mighty river of civilization, covering the heavens and the world.

Only humanity dominates, and the pressure is overwhelming, so they can only go public on the backdoor. Zu Xia, Emperor Shang, Tian Zhou... have joined this alliance.

However, due to congenital deficiencies and insufficient background, he can only make up for the original worldview, such as Dao Song, who can never get rid of the interference of Taoism and cannot become independent.

After all, it is not as good as the three pillars, Qin, Han, and Tang, standing on the peak of the heavens, the end of humanity, majestic.

The Void God of the three pillars governs one universe after another, creates life, maintains order, enlightens civilization, spreads its own information downward, and cultivates one universe after another like farming, turning wasteland into fertile soil.

The ascending civilization, joining the Humane Alliance, is like a tributary flowing into the trend of civilization, becoming the fresh blood of the three pillars, the big river rushing forward, constantly moving forward, and always innovating.

Compared with the ultimate dream of everyone being big, all beings are like dragons, this kind of lofty and brilliant blueprint, the true god of everyone in this prehistoric multiverse, is more realistic, at least it is a small goal that can be achieved with hard work .

It is now in the initial stage of the prehistoric humane construction, first elementary, then intermediate, advanced, and finally ultimate.

Meals are eaten at one bite, and the road is walked step by step.

"Always on the road."

Luo Feng smiled knowingly, and took one step beyond the endless void universe, two steps out of the infinite space-time dimension, and three steps out of the multiverse.

There is no time and space here, no cause and effect, no way, no law, there is nothing, but there is also existence. It is said that it is an infinite sea of ​​​​chaos, but in fact it is just a concept forcibly defined by the master.

One thought arises, one thought dies, existence is non-existence, non-existence is existence, this state cannot be understood by Da Luo, the sea of ​​chaos is convenient, and the creatures under Da Luo can understand it.

Looking back at the multiverse, it seems that there is a mighty mother river of time running through the worlds, multivariate and multivariate, universe after universe, every timeline has a multiverse, and every multiverse has a time mother river, infinite Endless, endless.

The Dao Bodies of countless Daoists are fighting to cross the mother river of time, in the past, in the future, and in the present.

However, they couldn't take a step forward, they could only spin around in place, forming time and space vortexes one after another, creating countless time regression, rebirth and time travel, swaying strands of light, giving birth to thousands of good fortunes, which are all miracles in the world .

"Friends, you are free."

Luo Feng smiled slightly, and squeezed his hands lightly, as if the seal had been released, but the time and space were still the same time and space, and the long river was still the same long river, as if they had changed, but at the same time they seemed to remain unchanged.

There is nothing in the first place, so where does the dust come from?

All the great masters in the countless multiverses raised their heads with surprise on their faces, and then praised in unison.

"Praise Pan Gu Great Heavenly Venerable!"

"Praise the Innate Great Master!"

"Praise Luofeng Tianzun!"


"No hurry, no hurry, don't rush to thank me first."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "As a reward, you should answer me a question."

The big Luos of the heavens were stunned for a moment, and one of the big Luos hesitated for a moment, saluted and asked, "What's the problem?"

Luo Feng took down the hairpin on his jade crown, and took a closer look that it was not a hairpin, but a small and exquisite axe.

"Young Da Luo, yo."

"Did you see what I dropped?"

Luo Feng threw the ax in his hand towards the mother river of time, smiled and looked at Zhu Tian Da Luo and asked
A big Luo swallowed his saliva and said tremblingly: "It's an axe, it's a sky-opening axe."

No one can forget that the power of the sky-opening axe, the avatar of the Chaos Demon God, who claims to be indestructible, has infinite avenues, is like a piece of tofu in front of the power of opening up the world, and it will shatter when touched.

"What an honest Da Luo."

Luo Feng nodded approvingly and said, "Then I will leave the gold and silver axes to you."

The ax fell into the mother river of time, and immediately divided into three parts, gold, silver and black. Luo Feng stretched out his hand and pulled out the black axe, turned it into a small hairpin, and fixed it on the jade crown.

As for the remaining two axes, the golden one is engraved with the word Dao, and the silver one is engraved with the word Li.

The Dao Axe looks at the Da Luo in space, and the Li Ax watches the Da Luo in the time.


"We don't want it at all!"


Zhutian Daluo's expression was distorted, and he roared crazily in his heart, but no one dared to stand up.

This is a Pangu Great Heavenly Venerable who is about to leave.

Now he went up to provoke him and was beaten to death without anyone stopping him. Even Taiyi Daluo would be beaten to pieces with his innate aura, leaving no scum left.

"The Immortal God of the Precipitous Cliff, and the Daluotian on the other side, where all the saints sit in the same hall and discuss the Tao, and laugh at me at the end of the year."

Luo Feng laughed, sang and walked, and walked towards the depths of the chaos
Everything in the world can no longer stop his pace, he can come whenever he wants, and leave whenever he wants, and he is free and unrestrained when he thinks about it, which is the real freedom.

Listening to the prayers of all living beings in the ear, the faint incense and fire turned into bright beacons, which are the footprints left behind, crossing the heavens and worlds, the endless sea of ​​​​chaos, and eventually becoming a generation of Hunyuan Wuji Gouxian.

"I'm Luo Feng..."

Luo Feng's eyes moved, and the next figure came to the earth, watching a certain nerd turned into a keyboard warrior, conquering all directions, pointing out the world, and after drinking a bottle of happy water, he breathed a sigh of relief, opened the notebook, and wrote on the word document. Strike four characters - "God Immortals of the Heavens"

[cold, shaking]


With the sound of typing, Luo Feng smiled slightly, and followed a certain causal line to the land of nothingness, the highest place, and the space of the main god.

That's where dreams begin, someone seems to be saying.

"You are the worst quality among the people who came this time."

"Yes." Luo Feng sighed, "I'm too bad, I'm just an ordinary innate Taoist."

"You hit you, I slipped away first."

"Borrowed, borrowed."

After finishing speaking, Luo Feng laughed and retreated behind the crowd, sitting and watching the main god explode and blow down, the stars were like rain, beside him was a tall, thin and handsome Zheng Zha dressed in white collar.


Zheng Zha smiled and put on the sunglasses, then took out another sunglasses and handed it to Luo Feng, saying earnestly: "Life should be full of ritual."

"Eat melon, eat melon."

Luo Feng nodded in agreement, threw a bag of melon seeds over, and then, wearing sunglasses, the two of them chatted in a corner, admiring the rare fireworks of the main god.

"Where to go?"

"Go for a walk in other timelines first. Last time I wore it early, and went to the Republic of China. This time I went to 2016."

"Go to Honghuang?"

"Which prehistoric."

"The Great Desolation on my side."

"The Great Desolate Road, Hongmeng Continent."

"Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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