All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 966 Extra Story 1: If there is no crossing

Chapter 966 Extra Story 1: If there is no crossing

If there is no main god space, if there is no Zhutian Daluo, if there is no Zheng Zha... Then, what would a normal painting style look like?
cold, shaking...

Luo Feng broke free from the seal of the big devil quilt and came to the new world, but found that this world is not very beautiful. Countless cold is sweeping in, and the cold wind is biting, making people shiver.

A miserable wailing faintly sounded in my ears: "Don't...don't...get up!"

Luo Feng obeyed the wish of his heart and returned to the seal. Once a person accepts that he is a waste, nothing can defeat him.

Two words - lie flat.

I don't know how long it took.

"Drip drip..."

The phone next to the pillow rang. It wasn't a phone. A Zhai didn't have any friends talking on the phone. Instead, he set an alarm clock, and the bright display on the screen said: It's eight o'clock, and it's time for the guards to be on duty!
Take a look at the sky outside, it is already night.

"Damn it, it was updated yesterday, why do you need to update it today!"

In many novel worlds, there are laws, skills, and no ways.

Know the points of the five immortals, know the way of Taoism, the art of law, and the difference between Taoism and Taoism.


Luo Feng didn't look back, he knew who it was just by the voice.

There was a moment of silence in the group, and random replies flooded in, immediately washing away the sad atmosphere in the group due to the sudden death of a colleague.

"There's no need to leave the leave note."

"It looks like a temple. At noon, let's send some incense money to the Buddha." Bai Hefeng patted his stomach in a blank manner and smacked his lips.

"Tsk, I can have this. I type all day long, and my shoulders hurt like hell, and my waist can't do it either."

The phone slid down and clicked into the Tenda software, and many small red dots popped up, one of which was the author's pension group at the top.

Time flies, time flies, sand sculpture netizens, leave as soon as you say.

However, sword energy, fireball, summoning wind and rain, and turning stone into gold are all techniques.

Although it is the off-season, as famous mountains and rivers, there are still a few scattered tour guides leading the team.A young, pretty girl with a good face waved a small red flag and shouted from one side: "Dear tourists, please see that Yandang Mountain was formed 2000 million years ago, and it is the most volcanic belt on the edge of the Pacific Rim continent. It is a complete and typical rhyolitic fire-breaking place in the Rizhi period, and the four phases of volcanic eruptions have created the majestic and magnificent landscape of Yandang Mountain."

"Yandang Mountain, the chiseling of the mountain began in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, flourished in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Song Dynasty, and has a rich cultural heritage."


Luo Feng reluctantly climbed out of the bed, walking towards the computer desk as if rushing to the battlefield.

Suddenly a piece of news broke the series of silent mourning, and an administrator with a white crane head suggested: "Sitting all year round can easily cause physical fatigue, why not go for a walk and exercise your body."

Of course, sending some incense money to Taoist and Buddha is just a joke.

The richest man in Xingtai, the dog brother of the father of the heavens, the king of introverts, Ergouju who changes [-] a day, Tangzong who dares to do anything... They are all Nascent Soul old monsters who have reached the pinnacle on the road of breaking more, and transforming into gods. powerful.

"Would you like to hold a tour, let's go out together and have some activities."


"Clap clap clap..."

When we first met offline, a group of elders were a bit restrained, and a few insiders were still rushing to draft, but after getting along with each other for a long time on the bus, they learned each other's online nicknames and gradually became acquainted. The rhythm of nonsense in the group, laughing and joking, all kinds of jokes are flying.

The pursuit of Taoism is longevity, and it is the law and technique
Daoist real people do not seek longevity, but seek the unity of heaven and man, and seek the Tao.

One turned around and lay on the soft bed, lazily took out the mobile phone, tapped the 26-character mantra (English) with the fingertips, changed with the talisman of the foundation of all phenomena (mathematics), practiced the two ways of yin and yang (binary), and traveled to the illusion of the illusory world (Internet) , Discuss with Friends of the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains (sand sculpture netizen).

Don't look at this guy who looks like a dog now, when the two of them ate instant noodles in a shared dormitory that cost 600 yuan a month, they knew everything about it.

"Resist introversion, long live full attendance!"

Luo Feng's smile suddenly froze, and he typed a few words and sent them out.

"Old Feng, what are you looking at?" A handsome young man with gold-rimmed glasses who looked like a gentle scum came over and patted him on the shoulder and asked.

"Dove, dove."

The rabbit dies and the fox is sad, and empathizes.

"Where are you going?!"

"During the Southern Dynasties, Prince Liang Guozhaoming built temples and pagodas under Furong Peak, marking the beginning of Yandang Mountain..."

Daosheng method refers to formula laws, products derived from philosophical rules, a series of industrial systems, a factory operating according to rules, and a complete set of nuclear industry systems.

"Are you typing?"

The originally cheerful group of authors was suddenly silent.

Listening to the introduction in his ears, Luo Feng climbed up and looked far away, and found that there are indeed many places of interest, which are used as scenic spots to receive tourists, and the flow of people is good.

Luo Feng was also stunned for a long time, is this death?So close to myself.Ten years later, will I have this day too.

I don't know how many people were in front of the screen, and there was a slight sigh. What else can I say, only the word of silence.

These night owls who don't say anything during the day, when it's late at night, they're fully on duty, chatting in the group by chance.

Luo Feng looked up at the sky with his head in his arms, chuckled, and jokingly said, "See if there is any Nine Dragons pulling coffins, I want to cultivate immortals."

Internet writers know a little bit about everything, and a group of writers gathered together several scenic spots of Yandang Mountain while chatting, and determined the approximate route.

He is also one of the planners of this event.

Although unlikely, but the man died in the second.

"Oh, I asked for leave yesterday, so it's okay."

The two of them went there just to pay for cooking.

After the activity was launched, people continued to add one and apply to join the activity.

I usually don't speak, and when I speak, I can't stop, like a dam releasing water.

The truth is that the temples and Taoist temples in the scenic area have food and beverages. After worshiping Buddha and gods, tourists donate incense money, and the temples and Taoist temples will provide fasting meals.

Such as practicing Qi Jue, Taishang Sword Sutra, Yuqing Immortal Method, Shangqing Dao Method... This is the law, the method of cultivation.

Writers who rush to the street are often full of inspiration from the deep forest, and they can't code half a word during the day. Of course, there is a little bit of late update procrastination factor in it.

"Coding every day, it's so boring!"

Stiff shoulders, staying up late for myopia, increased folliculitis... these are all occupational diseases.

"It's not a crime to travel through!"

Luo Feng is no exception, follow suit and click a +1
Idle is also idle, it is better to go out for a walk, just to relax.

It is nonsense for ordinary people, but for writers with big brains, it is the plot setting of the next novel.

One of the few advantages of freelancing is that you can arrange your own time without having to ask your boss for leave.

"If you can go out and play, who can code?"

"Yeah, time travel is not a crime." Luo Feng said with a bit of melancholy. For modern people, time travel to cultivate immortals is just a fantasy of Mr. Ye who loves dragons.

Fashengshu refers to the nuclear bomb produced by the industrial system, industry is the law, and the product is the technique.

"Well, it is indeed a blessed place with beautiful scenery and many places of interest, which are worth seeing."

The introverted remarks immediately blasted out the other night owls in the group, who have been condemning introverts.

In the field of cultivating immortals, the Tao Te Ching and the Qing Jing Sutra are formulas, the way, and the general outline to guide the direction.

"That's right, that's right, it was updated yesterday, why is it updated today, how can it be repaired!"

"I don't code."

After all, writers who hit the street are all sullen contestants with superficial social fear and rich inner emotions.

After arriving at the scenic spot, there were already groups of three or five, forming cliques, and separated a few teams to hang out at the foot of the mountain, and agreed to gather at the top of the mountain.

"It's just a business..." Luo Feng muttered, but suddenly stopped, looked up at the sky, finally unwilling to reconcile, and quietly asked: "Dare to ask the sky, is there a fairy?"

Now, a piece of news put the bloody reality before their eyes.

Baihefeng, who owns a mine at home, and one of the second generation of the rich, because the family cut off financial exchanges, embarked on the unbearable road of code writing, cutting eighteen books a year, getting more and more courageous, more and more courageous , It can be called a mudslide in the Internet literature world, the head iron king.

Four hours later, Luo Feng, who was fishing while typing, successfully updated [-] words, then quickly turned off the computer, announced that he was off work, and ignored the reminders of many readers.

While chatting and laughing, Luo Feng saw a building at the end of the road, which was built against the mountain, with a beautiful view, so he couldn't help suggesting: "The scenery there is beautiful, let's go and have a look."


This proposal was quickly supported by many members of the group.


"Yeah, it's so boring, I coded [-] words today..."

"Yandang Mountain in the south of the Yangtze River is not bad."

Everyone knows that Sakyamuni and Lao Tzu have both passed away for thousands of years, but later generations consecrated their myths and turned them into harmless gods. If they get up to get incense money, they can scare a group of monks and Taoists to death.

A certain kind of inexplicable and unknown thing took root in the heart lake.

"That's a good proposal. I've been at home for the past few years, and haven't gone out to play for a long time."

What is the structure of spiritual energy? Is the immortal cultivator the master of spiritual energy or the slave of spiritual energy? What is the difference between cultivators chasing spiritual energy and secular people chasing money?

Everyone is an online writer, and has the habit of staying up late. Some people are even suffering from diseases, but they choose to ignore them on weekdays and trade their lives for money.

Tao is just a concept

renew?Four thousand characters is already the human limit!

As a writer on the street, Bai Hefeng obviously understood the stalk, and sneered: "This is not the Jade Emperor's Peak of Mount Tai. Although we collectively broke up this time, it is not as old as unknown, muddleheaded, and red-haired."

Luo Feng looked at the small black dot in the distance, but couldn't tell whether it was a temple or a temple, so he couldn't help jokingly said, "Maybe it's for the Taoist ancestor."

Suddenly, a piece of news exploded, bad news, a web writer who was already called an author had too many code words, stayed up late and died suddenly, and died young.

Things are mixed, congenitally born, lonely and lonely, independent without changing, traveling around without dying, can be the mother of heaven and earth.I don't know its name, the word is called Dao, and the strong name is called Da.

It is a place where a group of fellow writers chat nonsense, discuss out-of-text techniques, and spread mysterious little links.

The group was filled with a happy atmosphere, and several lsps also took the opportunity to swipe pictures and place links. After critical viewing, a sense of fatigue swept over. Luo Feng hugged the pillow without distracting thoughts, dreamed without trace, and had nothing to say all night.

The mass-energy equation is the avenue of nuclear energy, and Newton's three laws are the avenue of force.

At this time, a new writer in the group asked: "What about the update?"

The two talked nonsense for a while, discussing whether cultivating immortality is a flow of mind or a flow of matter.

The so-called Tao is philosophy, the laws of the universe, and scientific formulas.


As the author of the classification of Xianxia, ​​Luo Feng has read various materials, read Zhonglu Chuandao Collection, Huangdi Neijing, Taiyi Jinhua Tenet, also recited Qingjing Sutra, and passed Tao Te Ching.

It is precisely because of clarity that we are helpless and painful.

"The three mountains among the five mountains, Mount Huang, Mount Lu, and Mount Yandang?"

On the earth, there are all kinds of classics, one for ten yuan, and three thousand ways are all there.

There is a way, there is no way, there is no skill.

On the earth, one can seek the Tao, but the Immortal Immortal is illusory.

Being able to live more than 100 years is the limit of the human body.

(End of this chapter)

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