All Heavens Gou Xian

Chapter 967 Extra Story 2: 3 Teachings 1

Chapter 967 Extra Story 2: Three Religions In One
So are there any immortals?
The sci-fi author Bai Hefeng stood with his hands behind his back, and said proudly: "The light elements that make up my body come from nuclear fusion, and the heavy elements come from supernova explosions. I am the child of stardust, and my light spread throughout the universe 50 billion years ago. Why do you need to cultivate immortals?"

"I'm supposed to live forever!"

"You who live forever, don't drink my water if you have the ability!" Luo Feng angrily reprimanded Bai Hefeng for his shameless behavior.

Bai Hefeng smiled awkwardly: "It's almost there, it's almost there."

Immortal life is not eternal life, I don't know, Luo Feng felt that he was about to starve to death.

Wangshan ran dead horses. The temple on the mountain looked very close, but in fact the mountain road was winding and circling. When the two reached the temple, their stomachs were growling with hunger.

Yellow walls and black tiles, dark red gates, no different from ordinary temples, except that there is a tall and mighty Weituo Bodhisattva at the gate, holding a magic pestle in his hand and pestering the ground. Next to the stone statue of Bodhisattva is a monk in yellow, with a fair face and long ears. Put your hands together and say: "Sorry, two benefactors, this temple is too small to entertain you two."

"About three miles to the east, there is a Taoist temple that provides board and lodging."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the temple, and slowly closed the dark red door creaking.

Bai Hefeng looked surprised and said: "I don't entertain tourists, and I don't make money if I have money. Luo Feng, let's meet a real monk, or a fool?"

Luo Feng turned sideways, with a surprised face: "How do you know?"

"Pindao doesn't believe in evil anymore, let me do the math again."

Daoist Zhike really has such an expression on his face, the young people nowadays are really good looking, they both have a pure yang body, the old Taoist has seen and played with it back then.

Orthodox Taoists don't call Chunyang Patriarch, they also call Lu Zu.

"The three religions are one, don't shudder."

"According to Buddhist regulations, Hai Qingyi has two colors, one is black, which is worn by monks when they worship the Buddha, and the other is yellow, which is worn by abbots, eminent monks, presiding over pujas and grand ceremonies."

After burning three sticks of incense, Luo Feng put a sum of money into the merit box.

"Have you heard that @##%...something happened in the No. universe, forcing the Daoists to run into the evil god of the void every time they go on missions."

"Is there any follow-up charge?" Luo Feng looked wary. Who doesn't know that free is the most expensive thing these days.

"Awesome, this luck, is it the child of great luck born in the universe?"

The Taoist Zhike smiled and pointed at the third statue.

The know-it-all scoffed: "You're a pervert. You fish every day. You owe a hundred chapters to update, but you still have to update the women's clothes. Tsk tsk, the old man is much more normal than you."

Luo Feng nodded with a serious face, indeed, making money, not shivering.

Luo Feng made a sloppy eye and prepared to hide. From the three names of Guan Yu, Daoji, and Lu Dongbin, he became more and more sure that the Sansheng Temple was not a real Taoist temple.

In Huaxia Qianqiu, among all the gods, there is only one person, who looks like this.

"Pervert, let me go." Luo Feng said in horror, "I'm going to call the police!"

Behind the big tree, at the place blocked by Baihe Peak, there is a silver signboard, which records the tree's life in detail. Under the silver signboard, there is also a horizontal road sign.

Who doesn't know that the incense of Guanyin Bodhisattva is even more prosperous than Buddha.

Whoever remembers this thing in modern times can remember the date of birth at most.

The Taoist Zhike did some calculations again, and suddenly realized: "Without a wife and no children, and a long life, it's no wonder that the Yuanyang has been drained, and the Yang energy is so strong."

"I don't even say anything good about bluffing and cheating, that's all, I want to make money." Luo Feng sneered, and was about to walk away on the spot, ignoring this bluffing fake Taoist priest.

His eyes also lifted up, fixed on the central statue, with a large golden body, made of copper and iron, with a beard two feet long, a face that looked like dates, lips that looked like fat, red phoenix eyes, and silkworm eyebrows, his appearance was dignified and majestic.

"People can't go there unless they are research monks, and you don't have the right major."

"Damn it, how do you know."

Along the way, with beautiful mountains and rivers, shrouded in clouds and mist, it was like a blessed land of immortals. The beautiful scenery brought a lot of fatigue. When he really arrived at the Sansheng Temple, Luo Feng was not so hungry.

The front hall is not good, but there is also the back hall. This wave of operations is indeed possible.

In the Three Sages Temple, it was him who was enshrined.

Luo Feng was speechless, fortune-telling is scientific? !

Luo Feng carp rolled, turned over, took a closer look, and cursed with a smile: "Go to you half-immortal!"

Two Void True Immortals and Void True Gods passing by with documents in their hands, chatting.

Luo Feng startled everyone, and met a fairy in the mountains.

The main hall is like the name of the Taoist temple, with three golden characters written - Sanshengdian.Surrounded by incense in the hall, wisps of blue smoke rise slowly until they disappear.

Luo Feng blurted out, his delicate face paled suddenly, and many urban rumors and rumors appeared in his mind for a while, for example, a certain online writer was brutally murdered offline...

【Tourists go to】

Burning incense and worshiping gods does not cost money, but eating requires money.

Bai Hefeng pondered for a while, as if he had figured something out, and then he had a playful look on his face: "Old Zhang, you said that when we write novels, we rush to the street every day, when we can get ahead, why not become a monk, just sit and collect incense money, There is also a temple, and you don’t even need to buy a house!”

"Lu Zu!"

"Luo Feng."

Luo Feng pondered for a long time, then coughed lightly: "Think about the marriage."

The Taoist Zhike smiled slightly and said: "Guan Yu is a man, loyal, benevolent and brave, impartial and selfless, and upright in the universe, and he has been admired by generations to come."

Luo Feng retracted the foot that stepped out of the threshold, turned around with a look of surprise, as if asking how do you know?

"Do you think we two tourists can be greeted by the abbot?"

"I'm going to cook first." Bai Hefeng waved his hands and shouted, walking towards the kitchen excitedly.

"Orthodox monks wear gowns and gowns every day, and the color is also taupe."

The Taoist Zhike stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Such a majestic and handsome man, of course it's Lu Dongbin."

"Are you my book friend?!"

Suddenly, Taoist Priest Zhike laughed and said, "Sanxin, do you want to tell your fortune? Our Three Sacred Views are very good."

The street writer stays at home all the year round, relying on Setu to survive, which is difficult and hard to describe.

This is the place of board and lodging that the monk mentioned just now. Seeing the name of the cafeteria, the two of them looked at each other, regained their spirits, and walked towards the trail to the east with tired steps.

Baihefeng took a few steps, stood with his hands behind his back, and said leisurely, "1000 years ago, during the Tang and Song Dynasties, it was planted by Lu Dongbin."

The Taoist Zhike chuckled, and then directly touched it with his hands, just like a Chinese medicine diagnosis, and weighed his weight, and said with a surprised face: "The yin and yang have not yet been handed over, the yuan yang has been drained, and the yang energy is still so strong, it is so unscientific."

Bai Hefeng smiled mysteriously: "I'm a half-immortal who can do the math."

With such an image, there are many legends in Taoism, and many immortals have legends about slaying demons and eliminating demons, and saving the world, all holding the Fuchen Sword.

"Tsk, just this temple is worth the cash flow of my dad's small company."

"Forget it, don't use that thing."

"Daoist, who is the third one?" Zhang Huaizhen asked curiously when he returned to the front
Compared with Guan Yu and Daoji's obvious image, the third statue is a Taoist with a handsome face, holding a floating sword and carrying a sword.

"Guan Yu?!"

"I gave you the incense money, and I will go to you later." Luo Feng smiled, and led by a Taoist priest who knew the guests, he went to the main hall where the immortals and Buddhas were enshrined.

"Haha... It's important to eat."

Seeing Luo Feng walking out, Taoist Priest Zhike looked indifferent, but said confidently: "You are a child."


The know-it-all Taoist coughed: "Just kidding, believers who donate incense money, this temple will give a fortune-telling gift."

Luo Feng rolled his eyes: "In the past few years, the TV dramas have not been very good, and the Taoism is getting worse and worse. Those who cultivate immortality are all white robes, and those who are Buddhist are all big yellow sea green clothes."

Luo Feng's face turned dark, what's wrong with being a single dog, I've provoked you!

In the name of a Taoist temple, he opened a cafeteria.

Luo Feng went to the apse to pay homage to Avalokitesvara, and put a stick of incense on it. The incense was free of charge, so he had some faith.

The shoes are broken, the hat is broken, and the cassock on the body is broken... It looks like a madman, with a broken fan in his hand and a gourd of wine on his waist.

"The fourth life is a Buddhist monk. Damn, it turned out that the bald donkey of Ksitigarbha stopped you!"

Zhike Daoist also said with emotion: "At first, the main hall planned to put a statue of Guanyin, who is merciful and merciful, saves the suffering and rescues the suffering, and specializes in infertility, but then considered the difference between men and women, and finally released Monk Daoji."

Luo Feng complained, lay back on the lawn, looked at the canopy of the tree covering the sky and the sun, and felt inexplicably comfortable, and said from the bottom of his heart: "It's such a big tree, I don't know when it was planted."

This knowledgeable Taoist is probably from a professional background, and he may even be an ordinary person working part-time. Otherwise, how could he call Lu Dongbin directly by his name.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Zhike seemed to have thought of something, as if he had the power of a diamond, he pulled Luo Feng back abruptly, touched his chest, and said with an incredulous expression: "How could you be a good place in your previous life?!"

"Avalokitesvara is placed in the back hall, and the Bodhisattva sits upside down."

"Cleverness and integrity are gods, and the three religions respect each other, so the Three Sacred Temples enshrine him."

Zhike Taoist said confidently: "No, if it doesn't work, you don't need money. What do you want?"


"Uh, forgot."

As far as this incense is concerned, enshrining the main hall is nothing, but the question is, is this a Taoist temple? !
Guan Yu can still say that the three religions have gods, and Ji Gong is a proper Buddhist venerable.

"The dragon's negative picture came out of Luoshui, and the colorful phoenix carried the book in Biyunli. Because of fate, the wind will be translated into a novel, and the strange door of armor and magic will start from then on. Luofeng is a bit interesting, and it has a predestined relationship with my Taoism."

Luo Feng suddenly realized that Lu Zu was also widely circulated, and he was a group of gods who were the most friendly to the people. His incense was strong, and he was in line with the principle of making money in the Three Sages.

"There is also this particularity. Not all TV dramas wear yellow." Bai Hefeng scratched his head curiously. Although street writers know a little bit, he focuses on science fiction and cities, and is good at color descriptions. He has a reserve of traditional culture. Not as good as Luo Feng from Xianxia Channel.

"In your previous life, you were a Quanzhen Taoist priest, with a pure Yang body in the third life, you have to enter the way of heaven and humanity."

Tomorrow's news headline, could it be him? !
"The poor Taoist knows fortune-telling." The Taoist Zhike rolled his eyes, fixed him, and then touched Luo Fengtian Linggai, his eyes suddenly widened: "You were a scholar in your previous life, and your family background is good, why are you still a boy? , this is not metaphysics!"

【The me in another timeline, it turned out to be like this】

"Birthday horoscope."

Barely able to explain, Luo Feng looked to the right, completely unable to hold back, and said with a strange look: "Jigong?!"

Such an image, not to mention the history of Chinese mythology, even the history of religions in the world, cannot be found second.

"Your monks, Zhike monks wear yellow Haiqing clothes, and the scenic spots are full of professional monks." Luo Feng complained, sitting under the big tree in front of the temple to enjoy the shade, the tree canopy covered the sky, and under the sunlight, the light and shadow were mottled, quite taste.

At an infinite height, a certain innate Taoist withdrew his gaze, sitting on the steps of the palace, knocking melon seeds, with countless void gods coming and going by his side, as if he could not be seen.

The knowledgeable Taoist clicked his tongue twice, and joked: "Traveling without a sister, you are a single dog, and your yang energy is so strong, it's not a boy, you don't need to count to know."

The Taoist Zhike babbled on for a long time, Luo Feng was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to react, and asked cautiously, "Immortals? Monsters?!"

[Three kilometers to the east - Sansheng Temple]

Luo Feng was a little surprised. The main god enshrined in a Taoist temple was not the Sanqing Tianzun, but the widely circulated martial sage, Guan Shengdijun, Han Shouting Hou Guan Yu!

Luo Feng's face turned dark, he has no wife and no children, hehe, he has so many wives in Two-dimensional, at most he has no children.

"The sky is big and the earth is big, and the food is the biggest."

"I see."

"Maybe it's the son of bad luck."

"This unlucky boy, his boss has applied for a world tree as aid for him, otherwise, one day the real body of the evil god will come to the door, and he will be infected with the characteristics of the evil god, so he will have to enter the disability hospital."


Two Void Immortals, the Immortals didn't pay attention, when they passed a certain staircase, the World Tree seeds in their hands turned into melon seeds.

(End of this chapter)

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