Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 100 Is she blinded?

Chapter 100 Is she blinded?
Sun Chunxiang looked around for a while, but she didn't miss a spot where she could hide something, and she didn't find it, so she had no choice but to give up.

Perhaps, she is really dazzling!

There really is nothing here.

If she didn't find anything, Sun Chunxiang was no longer interested in staying here. She looked down on the Ye family.

"Oh! That's probably Auntie's misunderstanding,"

After speaking, he turned around and left without saying hello.

The attitude is somewhat arrogant.

But Ye Mingyan and Grandma Ye didn't take it to heart. Grandma Ye looked at her little granddaughter and didn't speak for a long time.

When Sun Chunxiang was far away, she squatted in front of Ye Mingyan and whispered, "Where's the stuff?"

Ye Mingyan pursed her lips, "I... hid it!"

"Where are you hiding?"

Grandma Ye was really frightened. There was a box of gold behind her just now, but as soon as she turned around, the thing was gone.

As long as her granddaughter is here, there is no one else except the little granddaughter.

Ye Mingyan didn't know what to say. In fact, she didn't want to tell anyone about her space, not even her mother and grandma.

After all, such a miraculous thing is really unacceptable to ordinary people, and the family will probably only worry about it.

Ye Mingyan didn't speak, and Grandma Ye was even more anxious. Such a big thing suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes, and the little girl said she was hiding it.

"Yanyan, tell grandma, did you hide it?"

Ye Mingyan had no choice but to say, "It's... hid in a place you can't see, don't worry, grandma, it'll be fine, it's not safe here, I'll show it to you when I get home."

"Can you take it out again?" Grandma Ye's eyes widened.

Ye Mingyan: "..."

The little granddaughter is only nine years old. Grandma Ye will never be relieved of such a bizarre thing. She rushed to Ye Mingyan, grabbed her arm with both hands, and said nervously: "Yanyan! You tell grandma, you What the hell? Where did you… hide? What kind of place was that? How did you know that place?"

Ye Mingyan was helpless, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he could only say: "Grandma, don't worry, it's very safe, don't worry, okay? I've owned this for a long time, and it's been fine."

"It's not safe here, I'll tell you when I get home, okay?"

Grandma Ye was about to die, but it was really unsafe here. Sun Chunxiang was an example. If anyone saw her again, it would be over.

After being persuaded by Ye Mingyan for a while, Grandma Ye could only stay on the mountain for a while.

After a while, she made an excuse and said, "Let's go home! I'm getting old, and I'm tired after walking too much, alas... It's useless to get old, Shuang'er! With a child, Let's go back!"

She couldn't wait.

Ye Weishuang was nothing, she didn't feel too tired, but after all, the old lady was old, and it was normal for her to be tired after working too hard these years.

"Mother, what's wrong with you? Why don't you take a break? We'll go back later, there's enough to eat."

"It's okay, it's just that my legs are sore and I have no strength. It's an old problem. It's like this when I get older."

"Mother, how old are you? Go back and have a good rest for a while. During this time of farming, you should be exhausted. Then go home! I'll get the things."

Ye Mingyan knew that grandma couldn't wait, and had no choice but to pack up and go home.

When we got home, it was actually past time for lunch. Tang Jingyun left lunch in the pot. The people who set up stalls on the street also came back, and the yard of Ye's house was very lively.

Grandma Ye said that she was tired from walking in the mountains, and she went back to the house to rest for a while, and everyone had no doubts.

Grandma Ye pulled Ye Mingyan into her room, closed the door, and then whispered, "Yanyan, speak quickly."

Ye Mingyan looked outside. Although there were many people in the yard, no one deliberately eavesdropped on it. She whispered, "Grandma, don't worry, things are really hidden by me, look..."

She said, getting the box of things out of the space.

Seeing the box that came out of thin air, Grandma Ye was so frightened that she was stunned.

"Grandma, grandma..."

Grandma Ye was so frightened that she hugged Ye Mingyan into her arms, her whole body trembling, "Yanyan! This...what the hell is this? can you change things back? "

"Are you all right? Ah? Don't scare grandma, kid, why didn't you tell your family about this... when did this happen?"

Ye Mingyan was also very annoyed by scaring grandma like this, and hurriedly put away the things, "Grandma, this is a portable space, it's very safe, I can use it anytime."

Seeing the thing disappear from her eyes again, Grandma Ye didn't know what to say.

Ye Mingyan said: "Grandma, don't worry, it's really safe. I've had this for a long time, Xumi mustard, you know right! I'm just an invisible portable space, don't worry!"

Mustard space?

She knew this, but she thought it was an exaggeration, and she never thought that it really existed!

"This can hide things, what else can you do? Are you uncomfortable? Tell grandma!"

Ye Mingyan smiled and said: "Grandma, don't worry, I'm fine, this is really a portable space, I can hide a lot of things in it at any time, grandma, don't worry!"

"Can... the Tibetans go in?"

Ye Mingyan thought for a while, but still said: "No, I can't go in, I can only put things in, so I treat it as a safe carry-on warehouse."

"I had it a few years ago, but when I was young, I didn't realize it. Now that I know it, I also know that I have hidden things. Today was an accident. If Aunt Sun hadn't come over, I wouldn't have used it easily!"

Grandma Ye heard that people couldn't get in, so she could only hide things in, and she immediately exhaled.

There are many magical things in this world, and there are many things she has never seen before. She can accept it. As long as her granddaughter is fine, she doesn't care about the rest.

"It's okay if you're fine. Grandma is most worried about smoking you."

"It's okay, grandma, don't worry, it's been so long, haven't I been fine?"

(End of this chapter)

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