Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 99 Koi luck reappears

Chapter 99 Koi luck reappears
Ye Mingyan smiled, "My luck is indeed a bit good, we have fish to eat when we get home!"

"Do you still eat pickled fish?"

Many people make fish that are not delicious, and you must put a lot of seasoning.The best fish Ji Chen has eaten so far is pickled fish.

Ye Mingyan replied, "We have pickled cabbage fish every day in our house. This can also be made into something else. When I get home, I will make it for my cousin to eat. If I catch carp, it can be braised and steamed."

Ji Chen smiled. I lived at my grandmother's house for the past two days, and I already had great expectations for the food at my grandmother's house. "Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll take care of these fish when I get home."

Ye Mingyan raised his eyebrows, "Cousin knows this?"

Ji Yufei next to him smiled, "That's right, my brother knows a lot. There is no distinction between men and women in our family. My parents said that boys and girls must learn to cook, at least it can help the family relieve some housework, and we can't just wait. eat."

This education is good.

Ye Mingyan nodded, "Okay, you can take care of the things when you go back, and I will be responsible for them."

Ye Mingyan still nets fish. Almost every time she goes down, she can get fish, big and small. She doesn't want the small ones, and she keeps the big ones.

Looking at Ji Chen's heart itching, "Yanyan, give me a few."

Ye Mingyan gave him the net, but after making more than a dozen nets in a row, he also got a small fish the size of a slap, making Ji Yufei, who was watching the play next to him, laugh happily.

Ji Chen's face was bitter, depressed.

"Give it back to you, I'll go pick up mushrooms!"

"Hahahaha..." Ji Yufei smiled even more cheerfully.

After netting more than a dozen fish, Ye Mingyan stopped netting fish and picked up mushrooms with a basket. However, it was obvious that her speed was much faster than others. It didn't take long for Ye Mingyan to pick up mushrooms. The basket is almost full.

Ji Chen was dumbfounded, "No! You can even pick up mushrooms faster than us, that's not scientific!"

Ji Yufei looked at Ye Mingyan's basket and then at himself, not knowing what to say.

Ye Mingyan laughed, "Open your eyes a little bit, like me, wide open, just like a small light bulb, you can find more mushrooms."

Ye Mingyan opened his eyes wide to show them.

Ji Chen: "..."

Ji Yufei: "..."

When it comes to finding mushrooms in the mountains, everyone will not gather too much together, and will basically be separated.

Ji Chen and Ji Yufei are twins, they are 11 years old now, Grandma Ye and Ye Weishuang should be more at ease, but Ye Mingyan is young, only nine years old, so Grandma Ye has never been too far away from her granddaughter.

Ye Mingyan came to the bottom of a small soil slope. There was a big tree here. It was older than the surrounding age. It was easy to recognize. She rested under the tree.

As a result, I saw a piece collapsed a little under the big tree, the soil was renovated, and there was a corner of something exposed.

She was stunned for a moment, walked over and pulled it away, Ye Mingyan didn't know what to say.

Is her luck a little better too?Can you find a baby on the mountain?

In front of me is a small box that is not too big or not too small. It is relatively old, and the surface will be blisters and a little rotten.

Also with a lock.

Ye Mingyan found a small knife in the space to pry it open, and there was a small box inside, and the box was well preserved.

Once again, I opened the lock and saw that it was filled with gold bricks, the so-called large yellow croaker, and a little gold and silver jewelry.

Ye Mingyan: "..."

Her luck!

I was about to put it in the space, but...

"Smoke smoke..."

Grandma Ye looked at her granddaughter squatting beside the mound and didn't move. There was something in front of her. She called out and came over to take a look.

"What are you looking at..."

The voice stopped abruptly because she also saw what was in front of Ye Mingyan.

Grandma Ye rushed over, "This... where did you see it?"

At this time, it was too late to hide, Ye Mingyan could only say: "In this mound, the corner of the box is exposed. It should have been hidden by someone before, and the soil collapsed under heavy rain, and it was exposed."

Grandma Ye also squatted over to take a closer look, and suddenly stopped talking.

Ye Mingyan asked in confusion, "Grandma, do you recognize these jewelry? Is it from the Ye family?"

In the past, the Ye family was the largest family in this place. Such a box of large yellow croakers and gold and silver jewelry was not something that a small family could have. Most of them came from the Ye family.

Grandma Ye picked up one of the bracelets and looked at it for a long time before sighing, "It belongs to the Ye family, this bracelet was your great-grandmother's dowry back then, but this box is not in the possession of the Ye family, it is estimated that something was stolen back then. Steal it out and hide it here privately."

Ye Mingyan was stunned, "No way! It's been so many years, if someone else hid it, why didn't they move it away? No one is looking into it now. Wouldn't it be better for them to go home and hide it?"

Grandma Ye sneered, "It is estimated that the person is no longer there."

Ye Mingyan: "..."

Grandma Ye said: "You are still young, you haven't experienced what happened back then. In the past, many people could only hope to survive. I don't know how many people died. This box is still here now, or the soil has collapsed. If it is exposed, then most of the people who hid it before are gone, and they didn't have time to tell the family."

Ye Mingyan: "..."

"Put it away..."

"Yanyan, Aunt Ye, what are you doing?"

Just as Grandma Ye said she was going to put it away, a very familiar voice came from beside her. This voice was from people in the village.

Grandma Ye was shocked!
Instinctively, he blocked the box with his body, turned his head, and said to Sun Chunxiang, "It's Chunxiang! What a coincidence! Are you looking for mushrooms?"

Sun Chunxiang walked very fast, and said that she was already near, "Yeah! Aunt, what were you looking at just now? Why did I see the golden light? Did you find some treasure?"

"No, no, in this barren mountain, where is there any treasure..."

Sun Chunxiang quickly approached and looked behind Grandma Ye. Grandma Ye also looked nervously, and both of them were dumbfounded.

There was nothing behind it.

Ye Mingyan was sitting there, fanning the fan with his hands hot.

Seeing Sun Chunxiang, she smiled and said, "Hello, auntie!"

Seeing that there was nothing there, Sun Chunxiang frowned and searched around with her big eyes, "That's not right! I just saw that there seems to be a box here."

Ye Mingyan smiled, "Auntie, did you read it wrong? Where is the box here?"

Fortunately, she hides quickly. This Sun Chunxiang is a well-known loudspeaker in the village. All day long, she likes to make irresponsible remarks.

She is the daughter-in-law of Accountant Liang in the village, and because of her man's status in the village, she often takes small advantage of the villagers.

If she saw the gold just now, it would not only be a matter of dividing her part, and the follow-up would definitely be troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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