Chapter 98
Even for the convenience of her studying medicine, she should just give her something for beginners, these...

Ye Mingyan opened the box and checked, and found that many medicinal herbs were quite valuable. All kinds of medicinal herbs were of high quality, and connoisseurs could tell at a glance that they were good things.

These medicinal materials, not counting those utensils, are worth 20 yuan.

Now it's 87, more than 20 is a sky-high price, so he just gave it to her?

Those appliances contained two small machines, and they were old and expensive.

Although Ye Mingyan didn't know why the boss treated her so richly and richly, he must find a chance to thank her for taking things from others.

This time, the movement was a bit big, so that the whole village knew that Qin Xiuheng had sent a lot of things to Ye Mingyan, and he also brought her family to do business. Now the whole yard of Ye's family is busy with things to sell to Qin Xiuheng!
In an instant, it attracted a lot of jealous people.

When Xie Yujiao heard the news, she rushed over immediately.

Seeing the big box in the yard being carried into Ye Mingyan's house, she was instantly furious, "Ye Mingyan, who asked you to take things from Brother Qin? You didn't learn well at a young age, that's what your mother taught you. ?"

Xie Yujiao had such terrible acne on her face. She was treated in the hospital for a few days, and then she kept it at home. Finally, there were no traces on her face, and she came out.

As soon as he went out, he heard that Qin Xiuheng had sent Ye Mingyan a large carload of things.

Xie Yujiao was jealous.

Ye Mingyan was happy to receive the gift, and she was still thinking about how to repay Qin Xiuheng!Then a nasty ghost appeared, and she suddenly felt less beautiful.

She stood in the yard, and the warm sunshine did not make her eyes warm at all, "Middy about your own affairs all day long, is that how your mother taught you?"

"You..." Xie Yujiao gritted her teeth, "I am your elder, why are you..."

"I don't have an elder like you, get out of here immediately."

Elders and elders, she is tired of hearing such words.

Xie Yu said coquettishly: "I won't leave, what can you do to me? Who asked you to take the things from Brother Qin? You know how to seduce people at such a young age? Don't you feel ashamed?"

Ye Mingyan sneered, "I wanted to seduce you, didn't you? Come and talk to me about shame? You'd better ask your mother what shame is!"

Xie Yujiao gritted her teeth. She already knew what had happened these days. Today's Xie family is not as rich as before, but the Ye family is prosperous.

Having been the eldest lady for so many years, she has long developed a sense of superiority, and she will never allow the Ye family to be better off.

Xie Yujiao looked at the little girl in front of her. This little girl has been spoiled since she was a child. When Ye Weijiang was there, she was spoiled by this girl. She never stopped eating and playing, and she was never short of new clothes.

There are always new clothes to wear. In Qingshan Village, this is the patent of Xie Yujiao. What is this dead girl?
Xie Yujiao stared at Ye Mingyan with resentment, seeing the big watery eyes of this little girl, she could not wait to poke her blind.

"Where's Brother Qin? I'll tell him your true face right now. If you return these things to him immediately, you don't even look at what you are. What qualifications do you have to receive a gift from Brother Qin?"

Ye Mingyan stopped talking, and glanced at a water basin in the yard. Inside, there was the dirt left by killing fish at home.

She walked over, picked it up and splashed it at Xie Yujiao.

Xie Yujiao couldn't react in time and was splashed right on.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this time, Xie Yujiao was really frightened, the screams were not much worse than the pockmarked face she saw.

She was wearing a white dress, but at the moment, the dress was covered in blood, and the pot was filled with dirt that was pulled out of the belly of the fish after killing the fish, and the fish intestines and fish bubbles were all on it!
splashed her all over.

"Ah, Ye Mingyan, you little bitch, I'm not finished with you!"

Ye Mingyan ignored the stunned eyes and stood there calmly, watching Xie Yujiao scream and jump, "Don't get out?"

"" Her angry face twisted, but she couldn't say anything. In the end, she could only speak harshly.

"You wait for me!"

Having said that, he hurried back home.

Seeing the back of Xie Yujiao running away, Ye Mingyan's eyes were cold, she was a little annoyed by this woman, she had to find a way to solve it, otherwise, she would pop up from time to time and go crazy, wouldn't she be in a good mood? Will be destroyed?

How does that work?
With so many medicinal materials sent by Qin Xiuheng, Ye Mingyan made medicine refining much more convenient.

At night, she brought some of the medicinal materials into the space.

After a period of tidying up, the space has changed a lot. Now she has planted a lot of fruit trees, vegetables, and medicinal herbs.

These are the seeds that she found time to buy when she went to set up a stall. Even the pond behind the small building has raised a lot of fish. In today's space, it can be said that it is full of vitality.

After making some wine from the grapes in the space, I went to research those ancient remedies.

The medical books sent by Qin Xiuheng were also good, but as for Ye Mingyan's level, he could just read it in his spare time. He didn't need to spend a lot of time studying it, but the ancient prescriptions that had been lost in the space were different.

That night, it rained heavily, and the next morning, it rained again and it was fine. Because of the high temperature in summer, the ground dries faster, and the construction of the new house can barely continue.

Ye Mingyan still didn't go to set up a stall today. My cousins ​​and cousins ​​were all there, so I couldn't stay at home to work all the time. So on this day, Grandma Ye decided to take Ji Chen, Ji Yufei and Ye Mingyan to the back mountain to pick mushrooms.

"Yanyan, are you alright? Let's go. Take your cousin and cousin out for a walk. Let's go to the street together tomorrow."

"All right!"

Ye Mingyan was holding a small backpack and had already changed into the clothes for going up the mountain.

Ji Chen and Ji Yufei were also ready, and their sister-in-law, Ye Weishuang, followed, and Ye Mingfeng was still at home, so Tang Jingyun stayed at home to take care of the children.

It had just rained, and the ground on the back mountain was still very wet, and the air was full of moisture, but the mountain was cool, which was much more comfortable than at home.

"A lot of mushrooms! Mom, grandma, let's pick them quickly." Cousin Ji Yufei's eyes lit up with excitement.

In the forest after the rain, there are many wild mushrooms. Everyone is holding small baskets and looking down.

Ye Mingyan set up the trap for hunting, and took the fishing net to the river to fish. There is a small river that converges at the foot of the mountain, and there are many fish in it.

After going down a few nets, a few big grass carp came up, screaming at cousin Ji Chen.

"My God! Yan Yan, you are so lucky!"

What she was holding was a small fishing net, how many nets she went down, and so much that she got up?
He usually does this too, why has he never gotten so much?

 See you tomorrow!mwah!It's New Year's Eve!Make a fortune with Yan Yan!

(End of this chapter)

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