Chapter 18
Although Qin Xiuheng is the only seedling in the Qin family's direct line, there are still some cousins.

Qin Xiuheng ignored him and continued to eat.

Han Yue couldn't figure it out. Anyway, this guy in front of him was always doing things in a mysterious way, making it impossible for people to guess. It was only 400 yuan, and it was not a big deal. He didn't take it seriously.

In any case, Han Yue never thought that Qin Xiuheng had a crush on other girls.

Not to mention his family background, Han Yue didn't think about his age alone.

Ye Mingyan was only nine years old, and she was still a little girl.

And Qin Xiuheng was ten years older than her. He was nineteen this year, and he was studying at university, so he was an adult.

With this age gap, he wouldn't think about it.

The two were eating, and Han Yue was sitting facing the door. When he looked up, he saw that the little girl had not left, but was standing in the yard looking up at a tree in the yard.

He hurriedly gestured to Qin Xiuheng who was facing him.

Qin Xiuheng turned around and saw Ye Mingyan standing in the yard, looking up at an apricot tree in the yard. At this time, the apricots were already ripe.

He came to the yard and looked at the little girl, "Want to eat?"

Ye Mingyan turned to look at him, blinking her big eyes, her face full of innocence, "I want to eat dried apricots, I can make them myself! Brother Qin, can dried apricots be sold for money? I've seen them in the store."

Make money!
She wants to make money!
She was a foodie in her last life. When she was severely suppressed by the Tang family and the Chen family, she tried her best to get up because of her suffocation. When she couldn't stand it and had nowhere to vent, she would cook all kinds of delicious food.

Now it's 87, and the supplies are very scarce. Those dried fruits, snacks, canned food, etc. are all very valuable, and she can make them!

Qin Xiuheng raised his eyebrows, he was just thinking about improving the conditions of the Ye family, this little girl thought of making money by herself?
"You can do it?"

Ye Mingyan nodded, "I have a friend, her sister can do it, I have seen it before."

If someone asks who the other person is, she says she doesn't remember.

After all, she's a child!

It's normal not to remember.

Qin Xiuheng went to get a small basket and picked ripe apricots for her.

The apricot tree in the yard is not big. Qin Xiuheng is tall and can pick it without climbing up.

Soon, he picked up a small basket and handed it to Ye Mingyan, "Take it, make some first and see if it's delicious. If you make it well, I'll give you all these apricots, I won't sell them if you make them, Brother Qin will help you. sold."

Ye Mingyan's eyes lit up, "Really? Thank you Brother Qin!"

The people Qin Xiuheng knew were all rich.

As long as she does well, she won't be able to sell it.

She took the small basket and ran home excitedly.

After arriving home, Grandma Ye hadn't come back yet. Seeing Xingzi in front of her and the 400 yuan on her body, Ye Mingyan thought, just take it!
She also really needs start-up capital. The big deal is to do more good things in the future to repay others.

It's just that she didn't expect that she wanted to repay her kindness here, but then the kindness seemed to be repaid more and more, and finally, she even got in.

When it was getting dark, Grandma Ye finally came back.

"Yanyan, does your head still hurt?"

Ye Mingyan smiled and said, "It's alright, grandma, I've made dinner. You wash your face and you can eat."

Grandma Ye wondered, "At such a young age, don't cook when there are no adults in the future, so as not to burn yourself."

Her granddaughter's delicate skin, in case of any scars left by burns, it will be a lifetime event.

Ye Mingyan smiled and replied, "I will be careful when I know grandma."

The three went to the main room for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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