Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 19 The Grandpa Ye Family

Chapter 19 The Grandpa Ye Family

At this time, the Ye family consisted of only Grandma Ye, Ye Mingyan, and Ye Mingfeng.

Grandma Ye has four children, two sons and two daughters. After she divorced her husband, she lived alone with her four children.

The eldest is a daughter, already married and having children.

The following two are sons, Ye Mingyan's uncle and father.

Then, there was a little aunt who was adopted, and the little aunt was already married.

In the early years, the eldest son went out to do business, and there was no news of an accident. The people who followed him said he was dead. Then, within half a year, the eldest daughter-in-law remarried, leaving behind a son, Ye Mingyang, and never came back.

Two years ago, the second son, Ye Weijiang, Ye Mingyan's father, also went south to do business. He went to inquire about his eldest brother Ye Weichang. He started sending money to his home, but there was no news.

Mother Tang Jingyun was an educated youth who went to the countryside. After marrying Ye's father, she stayed in the countryside and is now a middle school teacher in the county town.

The children in junior high school have a late holiday, and now, the mother is still at school.

My cousin Ye Mingyang and my brother Ye Mingchuan have not returned from the holiday.

In the main room, Grandma Ye took a sip of chicken soup and thought it was so delicious!
"Yanyan's soup is so delicious!" Grandma Ye couldn't help but praise.

Ye Mingyan smiled, "Hehe, granddaughter boiled it, of course it's delicious."

For this little granddaughter, Grandma Ye definitely loves her in her hands.

It's just such a female doll, can't be spoiled!
After eating, the yard took a cool break for a while, and the hot water was already hot in the pot. After taking a bath, the three went back to the house to sleep.

Ye Mingyan has her own independent room. After locking the door, she entered the Moyu space.

The vegetables in the space have already survived, and the fruit trees have also survived. The growth ability here is beyond Ye Mingyan's imagination.

The next morning, Grandma Ye went to the field again. Ye Mingyan had breakfast and went to toss with the apricots.

Last night, she had washed and removed the core, sprinkled with sugar and marinated it. In order to improve the taste, she specially added diluted spiritual spring water and soaked it for a while.

She took a clean basket cloth and threw it in a small sieve, spread out the pulp of the apricots evenly, and placed them in the sun.

Too bad there is no oven.

However, the sun at this time is very poisonous, and it should be successful after two or three days of sun exposure.

After that, Ye Mingyan went to wash the clothes that grandma, younger brother and her three changed yesterday. Grandma has been working in the field these days, so she must be exhausted.

She washes the usual clothes when it is too hot at noon to go to the fields. Now that she has washed them, grandma can rest a little longer at noon.

After washing the clothes, there is nothing to do.

She looked at the dried fruit in the yard and knew that what she made tasted so good that she would definitely sell it.

If you make a lot of it, you need a bamboo sieve to dry. She doesn't have that many at home, so she has to find someone to do it.

The grandfather's family in the village will do this, weaving some baskets with bamboo, bamboo baskets and the like, they will do it.

Moreover, their family life is more difficult, just can help them.

Ye Mingyan closed the door and walked towards the grandfather's house.

The eldest grandfather here is not Ye Mingyan's own grandfather, but a relative of the Ye family.

Grandma Ye is the only descendant of the Ye family's direct line, but it does not mean that there are no males in the Ye family's collateral line.

In fact, in the early years, my grandmother had a biological brother, but in the turbulent years, he was studying abroad. In the turbulent times, he had no news. After inquiring for a long time, the Ye family learned that he had passed away long ago, and even the ashes could not be brought back. .

In turbulent times, those who can survive are the lucky ones, and those who have accidents are the majority.

The current eldest grandfather is the cousin of Grandma Ye's clan. According to his seniority, Ye Mingyan naturally wants to call him grandpa.

(End of this chapter)

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