Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 20 Buying Bamboo Sieves

Chapter 20 Buying Bamboo Sieves

As the eldest of the collateral line, the grandfather's family had some background back then, but unfortunately, there was a daughter who was confused and reported to the family.

As a result, all the property of the grandfather's family was lost, and even the hidden ones were not saved. The losses were heavy. It is a miracle that he can survive to this day.

When I arrived at the grandpa's house, I saw that the grandpa, who was already in his 70s, was turning over grain, and a lot of grain was drying in the yard.

Ye Mingyan took out a few candies from his pocket and handed them to the little grandson of the eldest grandfather's family, and then said hello to the eldest grandfather.


As soon as the grandfather turned his head, he saw a beautiful girl doll standing in the yard, and immediately laughed, "Yanyan! Why are you here? Come and stand in the corridor, it's too sunny outside!"

Ye Mingyan came to stand under the corridor and said with a smile, "Grandpa, I'm here to find you to buy a bamboo sieve. My family needs such a big bamboo sieve, and I want [-]. Can you help me make it as soon as possible?"

The eldest grandfather was stunned for a moment, and it took a while to come back to his senses, "Bamboo sieves? Thirty?"

"That's right! There may be more in the future, but for now, I want thirty, just as big as this."

Ye Mingyan made a gesture of the size. It was about one meter in diameter. Most of the ordinary people used this size.

"In addition to the bamboo sieve, make me a few more wooden shelves. You can make a few more wooden shelves."

"How much is your bamboo sieve, grandpa?"

Grandpa looked at her for a while, and then hesitantly said: "Yanyan! Why do you want so many bamboo sieves? Does your grandma know?"

Ye Mingyan said without hesitation: "Go home and dry some dried vegetables! Dried fruits! My grandma knows, do you have any stock at home? I'll take a few to use first, and make the rest for me within three days. Well, if you don't have enough time, give me as much as you can, I brought the deposit."

Ye Mingyan took out 50 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Grandpa.

This time, the grandfather has no doubts at all.

Many people in this era are very simple-minded, or relatively simple and simple. Ye Mingyan is a child in the same village, so the grandfather naturally doesn't think there is any problem here, not to mention that he even brought money.

"That's fine, I'll make it for you. A wooden shelf costs three yuan. I'll make a three-tier one for you. A large one costs six yuan and a bamboo sieve four yuan."

"There are six ready-made ones at home, you can use them first, and I will make the rest and send them to your family."

"Okay! Thank you, Grandpa."

The six bamboo sieves are quite heavy, at least Ye Mingyan's small arms and legs can't be lifted.

Grandpa helped her take her home.

Back at home, Ye Mingyan went to the backyard to pick peaches and apricots until he used up all the bamboo sieves.

At this time, the sun is already very high, the temperature is up, and the heat is not good, and the earth is about to be scorched and smoked.

Thinking that grandma was still working in the fields at this time, Ye Mingyan made some sour plum soup to relieve grandma from the heat.

This grandma and mother used to make it at home a lot, and she did it two years ago.

After it was done, it was chilled in the well for a while, and Ye Mingyan went to the field with the sour plum soup.

There is a flat land at the foot of the mountain, many people's land is there, and there are only two roads to go in that direction, so although Ye Mingyan came back from rebirth and hadn't been here for so long in the previous life, she can still be very happy at the moment. easy to find.

Follow this road in the backyard of the house, walk slowly, take a closer look, and you can see where grandma is.

(End of this chapter)

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