Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 21 The boss is helping my family cut wheat

Chapter 21 The boss is helping my family cut wheat

Now is the harvest season, the fields are full of busy scenes, and every household is busy harvesting grain.

A golden wheat field, Ye Mingyan walked on this field road, feeling inexplicably relaxed.

It's still early, she must have time to change the fate of her family in this life.

When passing through a field of wheat, I saw a young woman bent over and desperately mowing the wheat, and she seemed to be crying.

She took a closer look, and then recognized who this person was.

It is a poor household in the village named Wang Xiaofang. Her parents have passed away, her grandmother is in bed, and she has younger brothers and sisters to support at home.

She and her elderly grandfather are the only two workers in the family, and her grandmother needs to spend money when she is sick.

Wang Xiaofang had a terrible fate in her last life. She was dismissed by her fiance's family. I heard that she was raped by her fiance.

This is the countryside in 87, very conservative.

They have a customary rule here. After getting engaged, the marriage will be cancelled. If the man regrets the marriage, he will not refund the bride price.

Repentance of marriage damages a girl's reputation very much, and some girls who have been withdrawn from their relatives are not able to marry, so the man who breaks the marriage usually does not return the betrothal gift.

But Wang Xiaofang's family is old, weak, sick and disabled, and the other side has several brothers, so the Xie family can only accept their fate.

The husband's family ruined her reputation everywhere, and Wang Xiaofang never married. Her natal family was poor, and with that reputation, she became an old girl in her late thirties, and finally married an old bachelor who was almost 50 years old. It was violent.

She was beaten to death when she was pregnant!
This incident was a bit of a sensation in Qingshan Village at the time. The reason was that the daughter-in-law that the old bachelor spent money on died in less than a year. He sent the body back to the Xie family. He insisted that Wang Xiaofang committed suicide and asked the Xie family to commit suicide. Return the original betrothal money to him.

Grandma Wang saw the tragic death of her eldest granddaughter, so she couldn't stand the excitement and hacked the old bachelor to death with a kitchen knife, and then committed suicide.

This was too tragic. There was a sensation in the village at the time. Her mother was afraid that she would be afraid, so she locked her at home for a long time and did not let her go out.

Looking at the young life of the other party at the moment, Ye Mingyan thought, if there is a chance in this life, it is best to help her.

Although she is not a Virgin, she doesn't mind doing good deeds.

It's okay to do more good deeds just as thanks to God for giving her rebirth.

When she came to the ground with the sour plum soup, she was dumbfounded.

This... what did she see?
Under the scorching sun, in the golden wheat field, the golden big man was wielding a sickle to cut wheat for her family, and that movement was quite fast and decent.

Not only Qin Xiuheng is here, but even Han Yue, a spoiled one, is helping her family cut wheat!

Ye Mingyan couldn't believe everything in front of him.

Although Qin Xiuheng grew up in Qingshan Village before the age of 17, he should have done a lot of farm work while living with Grandpa Du at that time, and it is probably not uncommon to harvest wheat.

But Ye Mingyan has a big age gap with him, and he doesn't remember much about his childhood. His impression of Qin Xiuheng is more of his appearance as the head of the Qin family in later generations.

Still as imagined.

In her last life, she had only seen him from a distance twice.

It was an emperor, the pinnacle of existence.

Now that she saw such a big boss cutting wheat in her field, she really couldn't accept it for a while.

Qin Xiuheng was cutting wheat quickly, and when he looked up, he saw a little girl standing there carrying a basket on a ridge not far away, as if she was looking at him.

"Why are you here? Stand under the tree, don't you like the sun?"

(End of this chapter)

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