Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 328 Want to be in debt, loot one

Chapter 328

Lin Fang raised her head in a daze, and said to Mrs. Lin: "My little brother said... Tang Jianguo stopped our family's order and said that he would never cooperate with us in the future."

Mrs. Lin frowned, "If you don't cooperate, you won't cooperate. I'm afraid he won't succeed? Without Tang Jianguo, our family can't survive?"

Lin Fang's face was a bit ugly, "Mom, in our factory, there are only orders from the Tang family. It can be said that they are supported by the Tang family. Don't let the big customers, the younger brother can't maintain it well, and there is no order at all."

Mrs. Lin was taken aback, "What do you mean?"
"Mom, what you usually hear from Xueyi is all fake. He doesn't know how to run a factory at all, and he owes a whole lot of debt to the factory. It has been supported by orders from the Tang family all these years. If Without the Tang family, my little brother would never be able to find customers, and the factory would have closed down long ago."

"Now that Tang's orders have stopped, it means that the factory will have no income in the future. Unless we can find other customers, otherwise, it will go bankrupt soon."

It is not yet known how much Lin Xueyi owed outside. If he owed too much, he might not be able to repay it, or even go bankrupt immediately, or go to jail.

Mrs. Lin didn't expect this result at all. The youngest son told her a lot about the family's business before, saying that he was running a good business, making a lot of money, and that the family would soon become a wealthy family. only one customer of the Tang family?
Before Mrs. Lin could react, the phone calls came in one after another, from Lin Xueyi, and from old man Lin. Both of them were spending time and drinking outside, liked to gamble, and owed a lot of money.

In the past, with the relationship of the Tang family, many people were willing to let them owe money. After all, there was no other way in the end, and the Tang family came forward.

Tang Jianguo had come forward to solve their problems a few times before, and the two got used to it. There was a steady stream of money in the factory, but in the end there was still Tang Jianguo, so they had no fear at all.

Unexpectedly, this time, something went wrong suddenly, the creditors came to ask for debts one by one, and they had already blocked the door of Lin's house.

Hearing this, Lin Fang and Mrs. Lin couldn't sit still anymore, so they hurried back to Lin's house to have a look.

When they arrived at Lin's house, they found that it was a mess. Countless creditors came to ask for money as if they had agreed, and they were all arrogant. They were no longer like Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin before.

"Exchanging money, repaying debts is justified, exchange money now, or I will sue you!"

"That's right, pay back the money quickly. I have an IOU, so you can't play tricks."

"Living in such a big villa, it doesn't make sense that you don't have any money. Isn't your Lin family always generous? Pay back the money!"

"That's right! Pay back the money! Pay back the money quickly, if you don't pay back the money, we will move things!"

Lin Xueyi and Mr. Lin blushed with anger, "When did we not pay back the money? When did we not pay back the money we owed you before? Why are you all yelling? Did our Lin family send you some money?"

"Then return it to us quickly? We used to be supported by the Tang family, so of course we were not in a hurry, but now that the Tang family has said that he will not pay you back any more, then who do we ask for money in the future?"

"Repay the money quickly, the Tang family has stopped your orders, don't think we don't know, hurry up, return the money to me, and I'll leave right away."

"Pay back the money! Pay back the money!"

Where does the Lin family have money at this time?

Both Lin Xueyi and Mr. Lin had lost all their money. When they were about to ask Tang Jianguo for money, they realized that the Tang family would not give them an order. Now that the factory has no money to withdraw, their future life will be a problem. Where can they have money? these people?

"We will pay it back. The Tang family is in-laws with us. It's just a little conflict. How could there be no money?"

"The only grandson of the Tang family is my grandson. The entire Tang family belongs to my grandson, and it will be returned to you soon. Don't worry."


After calming down for a while, the debtor still refused to leave without paying. Mr. Lin and Lin Xueyi had no choice but to ask Mrs. Lin and Lin Fang for money.

Before Lin Fang could speak, she received a call from her husband, who wanted to divorce her, and asked her to go back and divorce immediately.

This time the other party was firm and made a lot of noise. Lin Fang was so frightened that she didn't care about anything and immediately went home.

Lin Fang had left, leaving only Mrs. Lin and Lin Rong.

Lin Rong had no money, but Mrs. Lin had some savings, but she was reluctant to take it out.

In the end, the debtors got anxious and rushed into the villa to grab things.

Everyone rushed forward and snatched all the brand-name jewelry, clothes, bags, shoes, watches, etc. in the house, as well as those expensive furniture and appliances. Anyway, as long as they were valuable, they all moved away. drove away.

Seeing this, Mr. Lin and Lin Xueyi naturally wouldn't let them move. The two sides got angry and clashed, and finally fought.

These creditors are numerous, and they have IOUs in their hands, so they are not afraid at all. Both Lin Xueyi and Old Man Lin were injured.

The Lin family was ransacked, and both Lin Xueyi and Mr. Lin were taken to the hospital.

However, those small things can only make up for the money of small creditors, but they still can't cover all the debts. The Lin family still has a villa, and what awaits them is the lawsuit from other creditors.

In just one day, Mrs. Lin and Lin Rong felt like the sky was falling.

Tang Jianye, Tang Yi, and Tang Lin came after knowing the situation at home, arranged for Lin Xueyi and Mr. Lin to be in the hospital, and they returned to the empty Lin's home.

Facing the empty room, Mrs. Lin burst into tears.

Nothing was left, including her tens of thousands of yuan bed, which had been moved away.

The kitchen can't even cook because it's been emptied.

Several servants at home stood there, and Mrs. Lin couldn't afford to use them anymore, so she had to let them all leave.

Without the support of the Tang family's orders, Lin Xueyi went to the hospital again and owed so many gambling debts that the factory had to close down.

Lin Xuehai only went out for two days, and when he came back, his family was completely turned upside down.

His dream of a famous family, his dream of a wealthy family, is gone.

Ye Mingyan still heard the news about the Lin family from Tang Wei. When he knew that Tang Jianguo was so ruthless, Ye Mingyan raised his eyebrows, "Did your father really do it? So thorough?"

Tang Wei was holding the phone, her hands were still shaking, not from fear or excitement, but a kind of inexplicable panic.

It's too miserable, it's so miserable that I don't have the ability!

It was destroyed overnight.

"It's my dad. Dad didn't hide from me. He told me everything. Mom also knew about it. Lin Fang got divorced, and her husband ran away with Xiaosan. The key point is that he took away all the family's money and owed a whole lot of money." Debt, something happened to Lin Fang's child, it seemed like he was about to go to jail, but Lin Fang settled it with money."

(End of this chapter)

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