Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 329 The anger escalates, and the street is murdered

Chapter 329 The anger escalates, and the street is murdered

"In order to pay off the debt and keep the child, she almost spent all the money in her hand, even sold the house, and now rents a house."

"The factory closed down, and the Lin family's villa was taken away by creditors. Lin Xueyi and Mr. Lin gambled away all their family savings. Without the supply of our family's money, they have no money left."

"Oh, by the way, one more thing, Lin Xuehai ran away!"

Ye Mingyan was taken aback, "Run away?"

"Yes, he ran away with the whole family. The key point is that he not only ran away, but also defrauded Mrs. Lin of the only savings in her hand. The second aunt and the others had no money in their hands, and the real estate of the Lin family was not enough to pay off the debt. Yes, Lin Xuehai is a doctor and has some property under his name, he can make money, maybe he was afraid that those creditors would ask him for money, so he ran away with his wife and children."

"Ms. Lin has some money, and my father can't control it. I didn't expect that he was cheated by Lin Xuehai. Lin Xuehai is the most promising in the Lin family. Mrs. Lin believes in him so much. He wants to get Mrs. Lin's money." It’s too easy for money.”

"Yanyan, now the entire Lin family is ruined, and no one will end well."

After hearing this, Ye Mingyan didn't feel anything.

She had heard this kind of thing a lot in her previous life.

There are too many wealthy families that collapse overnight, and she has seen them all worse than the Lin family.

"Weiwei, you don't have to feel guilty, they asked for it themselves, don't forget, your father and your family are raising their family, now your father just doesn't raise them, it's not too embarrassing for them wrong?"

"If they are capable, the factory will only lose your father as a customer, so it won't go bankrupt immediately. If they don't gamble, at least the family's property can still be kept. How can it fall to the present situation?"

"Besides, at the critical moment, their own family members, including Lin Xuehai, ran away, and cheated away the little money left in the family. When a son doesn't care about the life and death of his parents and brothers, your father has no obligation to support them gone."

Tang Wei was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Ye Mingyan to say such words, she thought that Ye Mingyan would think that her father's actions were too ruthless!

"Yanyan, you... don't you think my father's actions are too harsh?"

Ye Mingyan smiled, "Why do you think so? I've said it all, they have a chance to live a good life, as long as they put in a little effort, even if they don't do anything, just rely on your father to support them Well, as long as they keep a good relationship with your Tang family, it's the same as before, as long as they don't come to trouble you, and don't bully you and beat you this time, your father should always support them, right? ?”

Tang Wei: "..."

"It's all their own fault. Your father has shown mercy. Otherwise, if Lin Xueyi and Mr. Lin can be sent to prison, that Lin Xuehai won't be able to escape."

Tang Wei: "..."

She took a deep breath, "Yanyan, I finally know where the gap between me and you is. When I heard the result, I was stunned for a while, and suddenly I felt that my father had gone too far, and there was no way to survive." I didn’t leave it to them, but I didn’t dare to say it.”

"My mother saw my thoughts and analyzed it with me. It was similar to what you said, and even worse than what you said! I understood a little after listening to it, but I still feel that the Lin family is miserable. Now listen to you So, I feel like I should go and apologize to my dad."

Ye Mingyan smiled, "Little girl! It's great that you are protected, you are very soft-hearted!"

"Also, I guess your father shouldn't completely ignore your second uncle and Tang Yi, right? It's sure to teach them a lesson, but it won't make them starve. At most, they won't give them food."

Tang Wei admired Ye Mingyan so much, "My God, Yanyan, you guessed it right, how did you guess it? My father gave the second uncle and Tang Yi [-] yuan a month for living expenses, and a set Let them live in a small house, no one will take care of them, and there is no way to spend more. As for the second aunt, Dad doesn't care, and the second uncle wants to live with her, so he can raise it himself."

"Their father and son have a total of 4 yuan a month, which is enough for a small family to live on."

Ye Mingyan smiled, this is already a very good life, well, it was 4, [-] yuan a month, considered rich.

Ye Mingyan was in the garden, picked a flower and played with it, and asked with a smile: "Is your face healed? Have you come out to play recently? Grandma Qin decided to go back to her hometown with us. We haven't bought all the things yet, and we are going to go again Buy some souvenirs, after I'm done, I'm leaving!"

"Okay, okay! Your medicine is so good. My injury will heal in two or three days. I'll go shopping with you."


After a time was agreed upon, Grandma Ye and Grandma Qin led everyone out in a mighty way. The two old ladies were in good spirits for the last battle before leaving Shanghai.

Grandma Qin still holds Ye Mingyan's card in her hand. She is going to live in Ye Mingyan's hometown. This time, she must buy more daily necessities. Besides, no one is in charge of her now, and it's not that she has no one to support her. Now, she can naturally buy some valuable things for use, her eyesight and aesthetics are there, if she was not forced to have no choice in the past, she would not want to live in such a sloppy life!
After getting along during this period of time, she found that Ye Mingyan really wanted to learn embroidery from her. This little girl is simply a treasure in the world. No wonder Qin Xiuheng took a fancy to her because she knows too much.

At such a young age, not only can she embroider, but her craftsmanship is not bad!

Grandma Qin already regarded Ye Mingyan as her apprentice, so she naturally accepted Ye Mingyan's pension.

The two old ladies were extremely powerful in combat, and the four brothers and sisters of Ye Mingyan and Tang Wei helped carry the bags. They also brought two empty cars, and the drivers were responsible for delivering the things to the cars one by one.

With such a large group of people who bought so much, one could tell they were rich people. As a result, they were spotted by Lin Xueyi and Mr. Lin when they were on the street.

The two have been looking for Grandma Qin for several days. The Lin family is now bankrupt, and they don't even have a place to live, but this old lady is willing to spend money on others rather than give it to them, she's damned!
Seeing that Grandma Qin and Tang Wei were both there, Lin Xueyi's eyes were full of ferocity. Both of them deserved to die. If Tang Wei was killed, Tang Yi would be the only heir left in the Tang family. What should he do?
When Lin Xueyi and old man Lin saw such a glamorous Grandma Qin and Tang Wei, their anger went straight to Tianlinggai, they snatched a knife from a food stall not far away, and slashed at Grandma Qin and Tang Wei.

"Damn girl, go to hell!"

"Damn old woman, go die!"

(End of this chapter)

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