Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 48 Fishing by the River

Chapter 48 Fishing by the River
There is a lot of rain in summer, and it must have rained heavily in the upper Qinghe River. Although it has not rained here for the past two days, the water level has risen a lot.

Many fish were washed down.

When Ye Mingyan and the others rushed to the river with tools, they found that many people were busy catching fish, but the fish had not yet reached the level of flooding. Most of them were using nets or directly fishing.

Some children just get a little fish and shrimp to play with.

Ye Mingyan watched for a while, then said, "Let's go upstairs! There are few people upstairs!"

Several people ran upstream and found a place to cast their nets.

There are many large and small stones by the river, and the three of them used stones to surround a little place to stop some fish that came down from the river. They did not dare to go to the deep water.

Just halfway through, Ye Mingyan felt that something was wrong.

"Second brother...Second saw the fish!"

Ye Mingyan stared into the water with wide eyes, Ye Mingchuan took a closer look, and his eyes lit up!
"It's really a fish, it's not too small! Hurry up, hurry up, get bigger!"

As soon as several people finished the pit, they found that dozens of fish had already entered it. Now, the three of them were dumbfounded.

The second brother Ye Mingchuan stammered when he spoke.

"This...isn't our luck a little better? So much?"

Not so lucky!
It would be good if a lot of other people caught a few fish, but some still couldn’t get one or two, but they were quite good, there were dozens of them, and the nets haven’t been cast yet!
Ye Mingyan took out the fish food she brought, which was actually some cornmeal. She added some water and stirred it, and she added some spiritual spring water into it.

"Brother, prepare to cast a net."

"it is good!"

Ye Mingyan sprinkled some fish food around, especially near his own puddle.

After that, something miraculous happened. The fish that were visible to the naked eye began to gather in front of them. The eldest brother Ye Mingyang was so frightened that he forgot to cast the net.


Seeing the dense fish coming towards them, the three brothers and sisters couldn't even speak.

The younger brother Ye Mingfeng, who used to play with his friends downstream, and saw his elder brother and sister above, chased after him. Seeing so many fish here, he stared at him for a while...

"Meat, a lot of meat!"

Ye Mingyan: "..."

Ye Mingyan came back to his senses, and immediately said to the three of them: "Big brother, cast a net quickly and catch all you can, Xiaofeng, watch here, don't let the fish run away, second brother, hurry back, Call Brother Xiuheng, remember to bring some more fish in buckets, it's better to pull a small cart."

The three did not respond.

"Go!" Ye Mingyan shouted.

"Oh oh oh! I'll go right now!"

The second brother Ye Mingchuan woke up, turned around and ran home.

Ye Mingyang went to cast the net, and Ye Mingyan helped him pull the net together, but they were small and not strong enough to pull the net slowly.

However, the two of them are very lucky, and they can pull up several strips in one net, which is quite large.

Younger brother Ye Mingfeng was so excited.

"It's great, great! There will be fish to eat every day in the future, hahaha!"

After half an hour, Qin Xiuheng came, and Han Yue came over to take a look, and almost jumped up in shock.

"My God! So much!"

During this period, Ye Mingyang and Ye Mingyan only pulled three nets, and the three buckets they brought were already full, and there were already hundreds of fish in the pit over there.

Han Yue was amazed, "This is amazing, why don't these fish run away!"

 It's a new year, babies, let's make a fortune with Yanyan!mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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