Chapter 49

The puddles were only partially surrounded by stones, and they didn't dare to go through the deep water, but these fish stayed here and didn't know how to run.

Ye Mingfeng laughed, and from time to time, he even threw the fish food his sister had gotten into it to feed the fish.

"I've been feeding them. The fish food made by my sister must be delicious. They are reluctant to leave."

Han Yue: "..."

"Brother Qin!" Qin Xiuheng looked at the little girl who ran towards him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Qin, where's the big bucket?"

Ye Mingyan looked behind him and saw that there were several large buckets on the trolley, and immediately laughed.

The little girl was sweating hot, her face flushed, and she was very cute.

Qin Xiuheng put the straw hat he brought on her head, "Stand on the side, don't suffer from heat stroke!"

Then, he went to cast the fishing net himself, and a few children put the fish in the pit into the bucket.

Qin Xiuheng is tall and dares to go to the deep water. He is also strong and fast. He goes down and pulls up more than Ye Mingyang.

In the two hours before and after, I got a few hundred catties of fish, and two very large ones.

Han Yue was almost as excited as Ye Mingfeng.

"This country is so fun, I've never seen such a big fish! It's so heavy!"

The fish, which is more than one meter long and weighs dozens of pounds, is extremely powerful. It took them a lot of effort to get it up.

The buckets he brought were all full, and there were still quite a few in the net pocket. Qin Xiuheng glanced at his watch, it was noon, and he said, "It's almost there, let's go home!"

A few people pulled the scooter home. Grandma Ye and Tang Jingyun came to the yard and were dumbfounded when they saw the fish in the car.

"This... so much?"

Han Yue laughed, "Grandma, we are very lucky. I think many people can get a few fish and they will be beautiful. We got a car here."

Tang Jingyun simply didn't know what to say, "This... this weather is going to be broken!"

"No, we can just sell it. Someone in Qinghu County must have bought it."

Ye Mingyan jumped out of the car and answered.

Tang Jingyun was taken aback, "Sell it?"

Ye Mingyan raised his head, "Yeah! Make it into pickled fish, I'm going to sell pickled fish noodles on the street."

"It's the sauerkraut fish I made that day, Xiaofeng, is the sauerkraut fish made by my sister delicious?"

"Delicious!" Ye Mingfeng is my sister's little fanboy, and my sister will cheer for anything she says.

Everyone unloaded the fish and put it under the big tree. Ye Mingyan said to Qin Xiuheng, "Brother Qin, will you stay and eat together? I'll make braised carp for you to eat."

Qin Xiuheng smiled, "Okay, teach me how to do it by the way."

There is a big age gap between these two people. It would be fine if they both grew up, but now Ye Mingyan is only nine years old, while Qin Xiuheng is already an adult.

But I don't know why, the two are inexplicable tacit understanding and harmony.

Ye Mingyan found three carps, and Qin Xiuheng took them out and cleaned them up.

"You can do this too!" Ye Mingyan felt that the big guy in front of him became more and more down-to-earth.

Qin Xiuheng smiled, "I'm very smart, I can learn everything quickly!"

Ye Mingyan was stunned for a moment, then he laughed out loud, the big guy is so cute!
Qin Xiuheng was quick to kill the fish, and Ye Mingyan squatted to the side to talk to him. Because there were so many people, he made three of them. Originally, Ye Mingyan was in charge. In the end, Qin Xiuheng was in charge and Ye Mingyan was at the side. command.

The two cooperated very well. The carp came out of the pot and tasted very good.

Han Yue was amazed, "Xiuheng! You are a good cook!"

(End of this chapter)

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