Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 54 I Will Visit You Often

Chapter 54 I Will Visit You Often

Qin Xiuheng also forgot how to make dumplings, but after all, he had lived in the countryside before, and he had a better foundation than Han Yue. Ye Mingyan taught him by hand, and he quickly got started.

Holding a beautifully wrapped dumpling in the palm of his large hand, Qin Xiuheng smiled, "Why shouldn't it be? It's normal for your IQ to make such ugly dumplings."

Han Yue: "..."

Han Yue was furious, "What's wrong with my IQ? Isn't it just a dumpling! Wait, I'll make it look better than you later."

Han Yue angrily began to study how to make dumplings look good, after all, he is a smart person, and he quickly wrapped them in a decent manner, but Han Yuele couldn't.

Qin Xiuheng glanced at him, lowered his eyes and continued to make dumplings, um!As long as this guy is willing to work, there are only working people in Yanyan's family.

The wrapped dumplings were frozen in the refrigerator bought by Qin Xiuheng. After they were frozen, they were placed in a clean bag and kept in the refrigerator.

Ye Mingyan didn't pack too much. After all, she wasn't sure how much business there was on the first day.

After that, go to the sliced ​​fish to make pickled fish.

When it's done, put it in a large bucket with a lid on it.

After all this work, it was already evening. Grandma Ye and Tang Jingyun cooked dinner together, and Qin Xiuheng and Han Yue ate here together.

After dinner, Ye Mingyan was playing with Wang Cai in the yard, Qin Xiuheng said on the side: "I went out before and bought three sets of tables and chairs, as well as tableware and chopsticks, and I also gave the place where the stall was set up. You've found it, the place is big and convenient."

"Everything I use now is put in a house next to me, and I just need to pay a little money every month."

Ye Mingyan was stunned for a while, "You just went out to do this?"

"Yeah!" Qin Xiuheng nodded.

Ye Mingyan felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Looking at Qin Xiuheng in front of her, she suddenly didn't know what to say.

He was born so well, and after returning to the Qin family, there must be a lot of things waiting for him.

The Qin family was so large, and there was no direct descendant like him, but now such a direct bloodline suddenly appeared, and Qin Xiuheng was still so smart, those people in the Qin family must have regarded him as a thorn in the flesh.

He has only returned to the Qin family for two years. At this time, he must have a lot of things to do.

However, he stayed in this small mountain village, accompany her to do these insignificant little things, and arranged for her very thoughtfully.

All this, obviously never happened in the previous life.

"Brother Qin, how long will you live here?" Ye Mingyan asked suddenly.

Qin Xiuheng was stunned, his dark eyes looked at the little girl in front of him, go?
He was reluctant to leave. He couldn't accompany her or protect her in his last life. He finally came back again. Of course, he hoped to stay with her and watch her grow up and teach her with his own hands.

But no, he can't stay here forever.

The Qin family still has many things for him to do, and he must have enough power to be able to protect her.

"At the very least, I will live until the end of the month. I have already contacted you a good Chinese medicine teacher. After everything is arranged for you, I will leave. In the future, I will visit you often."

Ye Mingyan just looked at him like that and didn't speak.

Qin Xiuheng smiled and rubbed her little head, "What's wrong? Don't want me to go?"

Ye Mingyan actually didn't know what to say, but he had a vague idea in his heart.

I missed him in my last life, so... what about this life?
(End of this chapter)

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