Chapter 53

Speaking of this, Wang Xiaofang was very grateful, "My grandma seems to be more energetic these past two days, and she got out of bed for a while today."

Ye Mingyan smiled, "That's good, continue to drink honey, and also drink this fish soup, I'll say it! If you are healthy, people will naturally feel much better, and some minor problems will naturally be overcome."

He went to get two more fish and handed them to her, "Take it, go back! Just wait for us at the intersection tomorrow morning."

Wang Xiaofang didn't catch any fish at home. Looking at the things in her hand, her eyes were a little red.

"Smoke smoke..."

"I'm grateful, just keep it in my heart, and I'll just work hard in the future. I'm still young, and I can't do many things. There will be many places where you will be used in the future."

Wang Xiaofang immediately swore, "Don't worry, Yan Yan, I will definitely work hard."

Ye Mingyan smiled and said, "That's alright, I won't say much else, just hang out with me, I can't let you eat even a little meat, go back! See you tomorrow."

Wang Xiaofang took her things and left gratefully.

Ye Mingyan turned around, made another serving of sauerkraut fish, put them in different jars, and said to eldest brother Ye Mingyang, "Brother, take this portion to Grandpa's house and give it to Grandpa to taste."

"When you come back, take this one to my aunt's house, and bring a few more fish there. I'll stay at my aunt's house for one night tonight, and you will wait for us on the road to Qinghu County tomorrow morning."

"There are so many people in my aunt's family, but there is no river there, but there is no fish to eat."

Ye Mingyang is definitely a person who speaks less and does more work. Hearing that, he agreed and went to the grandfather's house with the pickled cabbage fish.

At home, Tang Jingyun and Grandma Ye looked at each other and suddenly thought, why does this little girl look like a little adult?

This arrangement is well organized!
After the little adult arranged others, he began to arrange his mother and grandma.

"Mom, grandma, help me make some dumpling wrappers and wonton wrappers, I'll make the stuffing!"

Grandma Ye frowned, "Yanyan, do you want to do it now? The weather is too hot, even if you go to the street early tomorrow morning, these things will be broken."

"No, brother Qin has a refrigerator, it won't be broken."

Lingquan water is kept fresh, and it will not go bad so quickly if it is not put in the refrigerator.

Tang Jingyun and Grandma Ye looked at each other, a little helpless.

Tang Jingyun taught: "Yan Yan, you can't use other people's things casually."

Ye Mingyan paused, "But if I don't grow up quickly, if I lose to Brother Han, Brother Qin will lose even more."

Thinking of the bet, Tang Jingyun suddenly stopped talking.

This afternoon, Ye Mingyan made the stuffing for the dumplings and wontons, and then made the pickled fish. Qin Xiuheng went out with Han Yue, and when they came back, they just started making dumplings.

Picking up the soft dumpling skin, Han Yue was very interested, "Oh, I can't think of it! My young master even has a day to cook."

Qin Xiuheng glanced at him, "You can make a dumpling first and then squeak!"

Han Yue raised his eyebrows, "You look down on me! I'll wrap it up for you to see."

Ye Mingyan was making dumplings by the side. He saw that the little girl made the dumplings very simple!
Han Yue had never done this before. He followed Ye Mingyan to learn and watched the little girl move her fingers very flexibly, but if he did the seemingly simple movements by himself, the fingers would not be so obedient.

I pinched a few, and they were all... so ugly!
Han Yue looked at the dumplings in his hand with a bitter face, "It shouldn't be! Why is this so ugly?"

He was lying on the table, lazily as if he had fallen asleep, but Ye Ming's cigarette pack was straight, and the pattern was very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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