Chapter 57
I was busy until after ten o’clock in the morning. The two big buckets of pickled fish prepared were all sold out, and there were still many people who were eating wonton dumplings. Many people felt a pity that they didn’t eat pickled fish.

Everyone packed up and got ready to go home.

On the way, Ye Mingchuan was so excited that he shouted to count the money.

The money was all in Ye Mingyan's hands, she was holding the money bag, but she didn't give it.

"Go home and count again, calm down, don't be known by outsiders, people will be jealous if you are too public."

Ye Mingchuan scratched his head, "I... I'm not too excited!"

Ye Mingyan smiled and said, "There's nothing to be excited about. Today we will prepare a little more, and we will sell it with lunch tomorrow. We will earn more by then, and you will get used to it later."

Ye Mingchuan reacted immediately, "Yanyan is right, I can't be too excited, otherwise when others see it, they all know how to set up a stall to make money, and they must all come to grab business with us!"

Ye Mingyan was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect the second brother to react so quickly, she glanced at Wang Xiaofang out of the corner of her eye, and said with a smile, "There are a lot of people doing business on the street, but who do you think has such a good business as ours? If you want to do a good business, you must not only have good things, craftsmanship, but also brains, and the key is luck.”

"Our family's food is delicious, so there are so many people. Our business is so good, it is estimated that some people will imitate it after a while, and then the competition will come!"

Ye Mingchuan paused, "What should I do then?"

Ye Mingyan smiled mysteriously, "Of course I have a solution, just do as I say!"

Han Yue has washed so many bowls today, and his mood is not beautiful. Hearing this little girl's words, his curiosity is aroused, "What are you going to do?"

Ye Mingyan raised his eyebrows and smiled proudly, "I won't tell you!"

Han Yue: "..."

Qin Xiuheng was driving the car in front, listening with a smile on the back of the group of children bickering, feeling that his cigarettes were really cute at this time.


She should be so confident and lively. Yan Yan in her previous life should have been like this before she went to the capital. Unfortunately, she encountered too many misfortunes later.

With him protecting her all her life, she will always be so happy.

When they got to the village, they put Wang Xiaofang at the door of Wang's house.

Ye Mingyan said: "Tomorrow morning will still be the same place and the same time. If you need it in the afternoon, I will have someone call you. If anyone asks, you will say that you are here to help me. Brother Qin bought it at your house that day. There are so many fruits, you are a little sorry."

Wang Xiaofang was very obedient, nodded and said, "I see, you must call me when you need to work."

Today's business has given Wang Xiaofang a little confidence. The better Ye Mingyan's business is, the more reassured she is.

"Understood, you go back!"

Ye Mingyan said something and went back to his home.

On the Ye family's side, Tang Jingyun and Grandma Ye were already waiting. A few children had to go to the stall and not let them follow, which really made them uneasy.

Now that I see people coming back, I finally feel relieved.

"Smoke! How is it? Did it go well?"

Ye Mingchuan jumped out of the donkey cart and rushed to Tang Jingyun in excitement.

"Mom, our business is so good that we don't have enough to sell."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly dragged Ye Mingyan into the house, "Let's walk around and count how much money was sold."

(End of this chapter)

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