Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 58 The Family Counts Money 2

Chapter 58 Counting money at home 2
Grandma Ye brought water, everyone washed their faces, and went to the main room to count the money.

At this time, the money was relatively fragmented. Several people counted it together, and then added it together, a total of 310, two yuan and six cents.

After getting this number, except Qin Xiuheng and Ye Mingyan, everyone else was stunned!

"This... so much?"

In this era, stable work is the most respectable existence in people's eyes, and self-employed people are looked down upon.

In 87, many people's monthly wages were only a few dozen yuan, but they earned more than 300 yuan in one day... no, in one morning, which is really amazing!

Even Han Yue, who has always lived affluently, was surprised.

"Little girl, this...all earned this morning?"

Ye Mingyan said: "Yeah! But it's not a profit! After all, we have also paid a lot of costs. Brother Qin bought the table and chairs!"

"I didn't make it at noon today, tomorrow we will make it together for lunch. A small portion of pickled fish is sold for [-] yuan, a medium portion is sold for [-] yuan, and the largest is [-] yuan. The rice is free. I believe many people will come to eat it. "

"We don't lack fish here. There are a lot of fish in the river, and there are also in the green lake. You can also make money by spending money."

Looking at Han Yue with a thoughtful face, Qin Xiuheng suddenly said, "What are your thoughts?"

Han Yue recovered and turned to look at him.

Qin Xiuheng said: "Many people now think that a stable job is the most decent thing, but decency is only superficial. That month's tens or hundreds of wages are actually not enough to spend a lot of money. Of course, save money. You can live a good life if you are frugal, but if you think about it comfortably, of course, the more money, the better.”

"Materials are scarce in society, and everyone's desire to consume that has been suppressed for so many years will become stronger and stronger. As long as there are good things in the market, someone will definitely buy them. Moreover, many people have not realized this yet, so at this time, It's definitely the best time to do business."

"Those who go south to do business have made a lot of money these years, and the common people don't seem to be as poor as everyone thinks."

Poverty is indeed poor, but there is too little competition in the market, so at this time, money is the best way to make money.

But on this point, Qin Xiuheng didn't say much, and Han Yue might not understand.

Ye Mingyan glanced at Qin Xiuheng and said with a smile: "Of course, my father made a lot of money when he went to the south to do business. It must be easier to make money in the south than here."

Mentioning Ye Mingyan's father, Tang Jingyun and Grandma Ye both looked a little sad.

After seeing it, Ye Mingyan held Tang Jingyun's hand and comforted: "Mom, don't let dad become a taboo in our family! He won't abandon us for no reason. Dad loves us the most, if he is true If something happens, then we will always remember him bad?"

"I will always remember Dad, he hopes we can all live well."

Grandma Ye pushed back the tears in her eyes, nodded and said, "Yanyan is right, don't worry, just mention it. He has always been in our hearts, just live a good life."

Tang Jingyun nodded, a little silent.

After a busy morning, the children were a little tired. Tang Jingyun and Grandma Ye made lunch. After lunch, Qin Xiuheng and Han Yue went back to Grandpa Du's house.

Seeing that Han Yue kept looking at him, Qin Xiuheng smiled, "What do you want to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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