Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 65 Fight until she dares to bite no more

Chapter 65 Fight until she dares to bite no more

The little girl in front of her was really unfamiliar. This was not the cute and well-behaved little girl she was familiar with.

Tang Jingyun lost her husband, all her hopes are on her children, she will never allow her children to grow up with hatred.

"Yanyan, the matter of Xie Wenkang hitting you will be dealt with by adults, and your grandmother didn't let them go, right? Now his legs are broken, this is the retribution, don't hate the Xie family, let's live a good life, wait for you grown up……"

"I don't hate them, but don't provoke me. If you dare to provoke me, you will have to bear the consequences!"

Does Ye Mingyan really hate it?

How can it be?

When her father disappeared when she was a child, how many times was she laughed at by the Xie family?

How many times have you been sarcastic?

Those were the saddest memories of her childhood, and they remained a shadow in her heart for many years later.

She was bullied so badly in her last life, she hated everyone who had hurt her, whether it was the Xie family, the Tang family, or the Chen family, she hated it all.

But these can't be told directly to my mother, and she will not live with hatred for a lifetime.

For Ye Mingyan, hating these enemies is not at all contradictory to his happy life.

Tang Jingyun said helplessly: "Yanyan, those people have no quality, you can treat them as a mad dog, if a mad dog bites you, you can't bite back, right?"

Ye Mingyan laughed, "The mad dog bit me, I really won't bite back, but I will bring the mad dog over and beat her until she dares to bite again!"

Tang Jingyun: "..."

The whole yard looked at her in a daze, and no one thought that a nine-year-old girl would say such a thing.

After a long time, Qin Xiuheng was the first to speak. He smiled warmly and looked at Ye Mingyan's eyes sparkling.

"Yanyan is right. For those who have hurt you, you are welcome. Kindness is reserved for those who deserve it, and bad people should use violence to defeat violence!"

With Qin Xiuheng's support, Ye Mingyan suddenly smiled.

In the small farmyard, under the huge jujube tree, the two looked at each other and smiled. The unspeakable tacit understanding was deeply imprinted in their hearts at this moment.

Han Yue also smiled, looking at Ye Mingyan with admiration, "I can't tell, little girl, you are quite powerful at a young age."

Ye Mingyan raised his eyebrows and looked bright, "Of course, I'm the one who wants to be the boss. Even a small Xie family can't be cured. How can I be the boss in the future?"

Han Yue was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, and sat down on the ground, laughing loudly!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

This incident was just a small episode for the Ye family. Everyone didn't take it to heart and continued to work.

As for Xie Yujiao, she ran home crying to find an adult to complain, but her parents were not at home. She had no choice but to cry in her room for a long time.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Mingyan and the others continued to set up a stall in the county town with their belongings.

Originally Tang Jingyun was going to come, but she is a teacher after all, and there is still prejudice against self-employed people in this era. In order not to attract too much gossip, Tang Jingyun stayed at home with her young son.

It was only five o'clock when we arrived at the county seat, it was already dawn, and people gradually began to be on the street.

Half an hour later, they had everything ready, and there were already many guests waiting.

Wang Xiaofang made the next post. Others prepared dumplings and wontons. These two were prepared last night. Now I have time to prepare a little more, so as not to be insufficient during peak hours.

(End of this chapter)

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