Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 66 Is this still his master?

Chapter 66 Is this still his master?

In the morning, there were still more people eating dumplings and wonton noodles. Gradually, more and more people came. Wang Xiaofang was too busy by himself, and his eldest brother Ye Mingyang came over to help.

"Little girl, bring me another bowl of wontons and put them in this lunch box. My grandson is waiting at home! I ate your wontons yesterday, and I'm still clamoring for them today."

People in the county town dress more decently than in the countryside. This grandma seems to be in much better condition than the average person. She ate a bowl of pickled fish noodles and brought a ravioli back to her grandson.

Ye Mingyan smiled and said: "Grandma, wait a moment, it will be fine soon. Grandma, do you want to eat my dried fruit? Sweet and sour is delicious! There is also twist, which is a handicraft handed down from our family's ancestors, but it is fragrant and crisp. ."

Grandma Ye came over today, and another important task is to sell these things.

The first batch of dried fruit at home has been made, and the packaging bags made by Qin Xiuheng will arrive soon. Today, Ye Mingyan specially brought some to sell in the county.

In addition to dried fruit, there are also the twisted fruit she fried last night, and even some pickled vegetables.

They are all things that have been treated with Lingquan water, and the taste is excellent.

Ye Mingyan had already brought some twists and dried fruits for this grandma to taste. After the grandma tasted it, she really felt that the taste was very good, and she immediately said happily: "Little girl, your food tastes really good, okay, I'll buy some. Go back and try it."


Dried fruit is five yuan per pound, and twist is much cheaper. These things are scarce materials in this era, so the price is relatively high. Instead, things like food are very cheap.

After a good start, the next sale went a lot better. Grandma Ye didn't expect the business to be so good, and she was very busy at the stall for a while.

There was a period of time in the middle when there were relatively few guests, and everyone had a meal in their spare time. At around eleven o'clock at noon, the people who had lunch gradually came.

There is rice for lunch, plus the hot and sour sauerkraut fish, business is excellent.

So, when Qin Yi appeared by the stall, he couldn't believe his eyes.

What did he see?

The master of his family is busy with the noodles, and the incomparably delicate young master of the Han family in the capital is squatting beside a large water basin, wearing a straw hat on his head and a towel around his neck, and is struggling to wash the dishes...

Is he dazzled?

"Lord... Brother Heng!"

As soon as Qin Xiuheng looked up, he saw Qin Yi standing there. There was no surprise in his eyes. He asked Qin Yi to come over, and the packaging bags for those dried fruits were ready.

"Come on! Go help him wash the dishes, I'll be too busy soon!"

Qin Yi: "..."

He's so old, he's never done that.

Behind him was his brother Qin Shi, who was standing there with a bewildered expression.

However, Qin Shi is more obedient. He can do whatever the master asks him to do. Qin Yi is helpless. The master is all working, what can he do?
Don't wash the dishes!
Can't you still learn?
So, the two tall and tall people squatted by Han Yue's water basin. Han Yue, who was concentrating on washing the bowls and felt uncomfortable, didn't look up. When he saw someone beside him, he lifted his head and saw the familiar Qin Yi and others. Qin Shi.

Han Yue: "..."

How do you feel when your subordinates see you working hard?
Qin Shi: "Young Master Han, your dishes are so clean. You've only been out of the capital for a few days, and you'll be doing the dishes. It's amazing!"

Han Yue: "..."

Qin Yi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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