Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 717 Chapter 717 Qin Feng's Death

Chapter 717 Chapter 717 Qin Feng's Death
Ye Mingyang smiled suddenly, "She treats me like this, if I still protect her, don't you think I'm too aggrieved?"

Ye Mingyan shook his head immediately, "No, I just know that my brother is happy, you can do whatever you want, if you don't want to worry about it, then you can tell the uncle and let the uncle solve it, this is the wife he once found. , he made this woman your mother, he has to be responsible!"

Ye Mingyang was instantly happy, and rubbed Ye Mingyan's little head, "It's still my sister who treats me well."

"Of course!" Ye Mingyan raised her chin and said confidently: "We have grown up together since we were young. Besides, the Yan family is not a good thing. She is your biological mother. In the future, someone will definitely use this to attack you, and it is really not good for your future development. If you let her stay in the Yan family and let the Yan family let her live a decent life, there is nothing wrong."

"The Yan family is not a good thing, just let them hurt each other, and don't let her be a demon outside and affect you, brother, you have a long road ahead!"

This is the eldest grandson, the great-eldest grandson, and the successor of the Zhou family who has tried their best to cultivate. Ye Mingyang has an unlimited future. His resume must be clean, and there must be no elements that can be criticized.

Now that Xu Lingling is crazy to this extent, she really needs to spend some effort to deal with it.

Ye Weichang secretly shot, the most suitable.

After returning home, Ye Mingyan mentioned this matter to the uncle, how to decide for themselves, that is the mother of the eldest brother, and she is not easy to intervene as a junior.

Recently, Qin Xiuheng seemed to be very busy. Ye Mingyan hadn't seen him for several days. Now she has nothing to do except go to school. When she gets home, she cooks a herbal meal for Zhou Xing.

He had been taking the medicine and medicated diet for a while, Ye Mingyan actually thought, to find a chance to check the pulse of the young second grandfather to see if he recovered.

However, Zhou Xing seems to be very busy recently, and he often sees no one.

Today, after finally waiting for Zhou Xing to come back, Ye Mingyan immediately brought the medicine over. Zhou Xing frowned when he saw the medicine, "Girl! Do you still want to drink?"

Ye Mingyan nodded, "Of course, this is good for the body, our family is thin, second grandpa, you must take care of your health! Grandpa is so old, if we get into trouble in the future, we will have to Looking for you to clean up the mess for us! We dare not go to Grandpa."

Zhou Xing: "..."

"I'm in good health and I'm full of energy every day. I've been eating what you asked me to eat before. Don't worry, I'll definitely live a long life."

Ye Mingyan disagreed and said, "What is a hundred years old? You have to be over one hundred years old. We can't live without the protection of our elders. Second grandpa, I'm still young! I need protection when I get married in the future."

"I can protect you even if I don't drink these!"

Ye Mingyan said nothing, "Hurry up and drink it, or I'll tell my great grandfather."

Zhou Xing: "..."

Helpless, he still drank obediently.

I have to say that after these little guys came back, he was really in better spirits.

Although he didn't want to drink the medicine, and the taste was a little bitter, it was still not too hard to swallow.

I'm in good spirits recently, I don't know if it's the effect of this medicine.

"I'll go to your great-grandfather, and you can play by yourself."

Ye Mingyan nodded obediently.

Thinking of finding an opportunity to give the second grandpa a pulse.

She could see that the second grandpa's body was much better than before after this period of conditioning, but she didn't know to what extent it had recovered.

Ye Mingyan's side was calm in the Zhou family, but Qin Xiuheng's side was not calm all the time.

After so many days, he finally received a call from Ouyang Lu on Hong Kong Island.

"Dealt with it!"

Qin Xiuheng held the phone and didn't speak for a long time.

Qin Feng!

His biggest enemy in his last life, really ended like this?
In his previous life, he was not reborn, but grew up in the countryside step by step, and was later brought back by the Qin family.

After returning to the Qin family, he began to receive training and began to learn some skills of the big family. From the beginning, his strength and starting point were always a lot worse than Qin Feng's.

It took him many years to catch up, and he had an advantage in terms of identity. His father and mother fully assisted him, and he finally settled down as the head of the family.

In fact, when a person reaches middle age, until Yan Yan died in his previous life, he and Qin Feng are equally powerful.

It's just that he occupies the identity and sits firmly in the position of the head of the Qin family.

And Qin Feng has a strong background and strong external forces, and the Qin family also maintains a certain position inside.

In this life, Qin Feng died before he officially took over as the head of the Qin family?
"Did you settle it yourself?" Qin Xiuheng asked.

Ouyang Lu affirmed: "Yes, don't worry, I have confirmed with my own eyes that he is dead, I have finally avenged this revenge, thank you!"

Qin Xiuheng didn't speak for a while.

It wasn't until Qin Yi came in and handed him a video file that he regained his senses.

On the phone, Ouyang Lu's voice was still there, "I heard Qin Yi's voice, the video data was sent to you, right? Just receive it, you can see for yourself, I can guarantee that he is no longer in this world, No matter how capable he was before, he is gone when he is gone."

Qin Xiuheng opened the video file and watched the video while holding the phone.

The person inside was indeed Qin Feng, and Ouyang Lu was indeed present, and he took it personally. He saw Qin Feng's body examined by Ouyang Lu with his own eyes, and he was sure that it could not be alive.

The video is very clear, and he can clearly see every expression on Qin Feng's face. The biggest enemy in his previous life has finally been resolved in this life.

Qin Xiuheng took a deep breath, "The news is covered, don't let the outside world know, especially, don't let the Qin family know."

"Qin Li doesn't know yet?"

Qin Xiuheng sneered, "I don't know for the time being, but he knows that something happened to Qin Feng, but he is not sure where Qin Feng is, and he is suspicious of me."

Ouyang Lu smiled, "Then it's up to you, I dealt with it very cleanly, and his charges are also convicted. I will not interfere in the internal affairs of the Qin family, but I have written down this favor. If you need help in the future, just say it."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Xiuheng sat in the study and watched the video many times.

He kept replaying many things from his previous life in his mind.

In particular, it was Ye Mingyan's death.

At that time, she was pregnant with his child in her stomach. It was his only child for so many years. If she was born, it would be the heir of the Qin family.

He hid it so carefully, but he couldn't hide it, and Yan Yan still left.

Moreover, which way he went, even the murderer was so random.

Qin Xiuheng took a deep breath and suddenly laughed.

Finally solved it, great!

He got up and went to see his father.

(End of this chapter)

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