Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 718 The trouble is solved, let's get married!

Chapter 718 The trouble is solved, let's get married!

Qin Xiuheng went there because he wanted to discuss with his father how to deal with Qin Li, but he didn't expect that after Qin Shuo knew that Qin Feng had been dealt with, he directly said to Qin Xiuheng, "I will deal with him, you have done a good job. , Although there is no solid evidence for your disappearance back then, the suspicions all point to him, even if it is a real brother, I have no intention of letting him go."

Qin Xiuheng frowned, feeling a little worried, "Dad, he has been running the Qin family for many years. When the Qin family went abroad, he followed him. At that time, he was the heir of the Qin family. You are alone..."

Qin Shuo smiled, "No matter how powerful he is, I have to deal with it. Counting on my wife and children is absolutely unbearable."

"At that time, my mother and I stayed and suffered. He went overseas with the family to enjoy happiness. Due to the status, my mother and I could only stay, but now the inheritance of the family is also hindered by the status, and I am justified by his name. "

Thinking of the past, Qin Shuo sighed with a firm tone.

"Whenever he did something to me back then, I wouldn't be so heartless. Although the Qin family is such a big family, although according to the rules, the eldest son inherits, but each generation of family heads is not necessarily the eldest son, the survival of the fittest, the survival of the fittest, the survival of In such a big family, enjoying the boundless wealth of the family, it is natural to take the risk of competition."

"But he shouldn't, shouldn't, at the time of the survival of the family, when I risked the risk of sacrifice to fulfill the responsibility of the eldest son, he should not do anything to my wife and children, one of you and your mother is a child, and the other is a child. The woman who just gave birth is so ruthless, if I can let him go, what qualifications do I have to face your mother and face you?"

Qin Xiuheng understood, nodded, and left the matter to his father.

The troubles of the past and present are almost resolved. In fact, the latter matters have nothing to do with their juniors. Ye Mingyan and Qin Xiuheng finally became the simplest couple. Ye Mingyan went to school every day, and Qin Xiuheng went to work every day.

When he is free, he will pick her up from school, go shopping and watch movies together.

When she is free, she will also go to the company to see him, deliver him meals, and chat with him.

The Yan family's business suddenly developed, and they also opened up overseas markets. At the end of the year, the Yan family went abroad, and the domestic assets were handled cleanly.

From then on, there was no Yan family in the capital.

Such a small family, not many people care when they leave, and they are quickly forgotten.

On the Qin family's side, in the spring of the second year, Qin Li finally got news of his son, and immediately went to the Middle East to check, but he encountered turmoil on the way and died in a firefight.

When Ye Mingyan heard the news, it had been three months. In the past three months, Ye Mingyan had not seen Qin Xiuheng very much. He had been flying all over the world, and many things had happened to the Qin family.

When she saw Qin Xiuheng again, he had just returned from abroad, and he was very haggard.

Ye Mingyan frowned, and before he had time to let him in, he pressed down and leaned on her shoulders, half the weight of his body resting on her.

Ye Mingyan hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, "Why are you so haggard?"

Close the door and help him to lie down on the sofa. This is the house he prepared for her when she first came to the capital for school!

Qin Xiuheng was lying on the sofa with a tired expression, but his eyes were gentle, "I've been busy recently, something happened to the Qin family, my parents and I are flying all over the world, and we don't have time to accompany you anymore. Didn't you miss me?"

Ye Mingyan was wronged, "It's no wonder you don't want to!"

Qin Xiuheng smiled and immediately pulled him into his arms, "I'll stay with you in the future, I'll have a lot of time recently."

Ye Mingyan was very happy, "Really?"


She raised her head to look at him and wanted to talk, but seeing that he was so tired, she couldn't bear to continue talking.

"Would you like to take a bath and sleep?"

Qin Xiuheng glanced at himself, and indeed, in the past two days, he didn't seem to take a shower.

"Come on, go upstairs!"

Upstairs, Qin Xiuheng was taking a shower in the bathroom, and Ye Mingyan went to get him pajamas. It has been unoccupied for a long time. Although people have been arranged to clean it and the clothes have been washed and put away before, no one has lived there for a long time. , the clothes here have not moved for a long time.

Ye Mingyan looked at the close-fitting clothes in the closet, thinking about washing them all?
When she picked out a few commonly used sets to wash, she turned around and Qin Xiuheng just came out of the bathroom.

He was only wrapped in a bath towel, and he was wiping his hair with the towel in his hand.

"So soon? The pajamas here have not been used for a long time. I will pick up a few commonly used sets to wash and dry for you to wear. Go to sleep first. The quilt I just changed today."

Qin Xiuheng sat on the bed and stretched out his hand towards her, "Come here!"

Ye Mingyan put down his clothes and walked over, taking the towel in his hand to help him dry his hair.

Men's hair is very short, and it is really easy to dry, and it is almost enough to wipe it carefully with a clean towel for a while.

"I'm going to get a hairdryer and blow it for you, so it's completely dry!"

Just as she was about to leave, she was pulled back by Qin Xiuheng and fell on the bed. The weight of his entire body was overwhelmed, and the long-lost kiss fell, lingering and eager.

Ye Mingyan pushed him after the dress was taken off by him, "I'm so tired, why don't you sleep for a while?"

He looked at her eyes full of desire, "Didn't you mean you miss me? Kiss for a while, just for a while!"

The warm kiss fell again, and it had not been seen for a long time, and Ye Mingyan was naturally reluctant to reject him. When she was in love, she heard him say a word in her ear.

"Yanyan, it's solved, all the troubles are solved, let's get married!"

The person who was already exhausted didn't have much energy. After making out, he hugged her and fell asleep.

Ye Mingyan was lying on the bed with his full weight still on his body. He just lay on top of her and fell asleep. Although it was heavy, she was reluctant to push him away.

This kind of weight is pressing, but inexplicably makes her feel very stable and at ease.

Solved, all troubles solved?

Are the people and affairs of the Qin family resolved?
Qin Feng died last year, Qin Li, has it been resolved?

If so, then they could indeed get married!


Her wedding date with Qin Xiuheng is scheduled for this fall.

Before getting married, the Tang family disappeared from the capital.

Ye Mingyan knew that it was her great grandfather who moved the hand.

Whether it is the Qin family or the Zhou family, the older generation seems to have a tacit understanding to help the descendants to clear obstacles, even if it is a little threat, they all want to help the descendants clean up.

During this time, Ye Mingyan knew that not only the Tang family had left, but even the Zhou family's sideline, who had been reluctant to do anything, was cleaned up by the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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