Chapter 719

The old man is getting older and older. Obviously, he knows that his days are running out, and he wants to clean up the family while he is alive and before the children get married.

In the past, Ye Mingyan thought that it would take a lot of hard work in this life to avenge the revenge of the previous life, but later found out that everything was different from what she imagined.

In this life, she has too many people who love her, and the people around her have been protecting her, and she gets more and more.

So after these things, she and Ye Mingyang gradually reconciled with their past.

After returning to Zhou's house, they no longer had the pressure of being a leader, and they really changed back to a child, a child supported by their elders.

The marriage of the two families was personally discussed by the old man of the Qin family. Ye Mingyan was a little surprised to see him this time, because the old man in front of him was obviously much more haggard than he remembered.

Moreover, he looked a little anxious. At this time, the Qin family needed this marriage very much.

After the negotiation, Ye Mingyan and Qin Xiuheng also sent the old man out with everyone. The old man went back with his son and daughter-in-law. Qin Xiuheng had something to say, so he stayed for the time being.

Before leaving, the old man of the Qin family looked at Ye Mingyan, and what he said to her was very simple and common, but Ye Mingyan just felt that there was a little more vicissitudes.

"You are not too young. Getting married is a good thing. When you get married, I am relieved!"

Seeing the back of the old man leaving, Ye Mingyan sighed.

Big family, sometimes it's really not easy.

Perhaps back then, when he became the head of the family, he also used methods and was ruthless, but now this kind of thing falls on his son and grandson, he watched helplessly, but could not do anything.

Does this old man know about Qin Feng and Qin Li?
Perhaps it was precisely because he knew that he had no reason to blame the eldest son.

Qin Li and Qin Feng, father and son, had no reason to ask the big room to forgive what they did to the big room.

The wealthy family is so cruel, no matter how sad he is, he can only accept it.

"Grandpa, do you know about Qin Li and Qin Feng?"

Qin Xiuheng replied, "My father did it very cleanly. Whether it was Qin Li or Qin Feng, neither of us did it ourselves, so we couldn't find it in the end, but grandpa should have some guesses in his heart."

Even if I guessed it in my heart, I couldn't say it, and I would still come out and run, planning for his marriage and the future of the Qin family.

"After Qin Li and Qin Feng were gone, their estates were in chaos. I was so busy during that time that I took over their estates with my father. Those two people were trained by the Qin family as heirs for many years. , there are still many followers, and now that the master is gone, those people can't just ignore it."

"No matter what happens, Grandpa still hopes that the family can be united, so at this time, the status of my heir is very important. He wants us to get married soon. It is also because of this that my marriage with the Zhou family will make it easier to stabilize those people. Qin Only then can the family transition smoothly and avoid infighting.”

Ye Mingyan lowered her eyes, "Our children will..."

"No!" Qin Xiuheng interrupted her, held her hand, and said to her seriously, "No, I will try to avoid it."

"Yanyan, not everyone has to fight for life and death. If a family does not have enough children, it is difficult to survive. In many cases, only the family exists, and everyone has a good life. Maybe the brothers in each house are not so outstanding. , No one will be able to stand apart if they are separated, but if they are united, it will be completely different."

"This principle is to be instilled into the brains of children from an early age. Although I can't guarantee that our children and grandchildren will be united and friendly, as long as we as parents do our best to guide us, then we will be worthy of our hearts!"

Qin Xiuheng stretched out his hand and took Ye Mingyan into his arms, "Trust me, in fact, there is a very wise elder in the family, and the descendants of the family seldom fight to the death, at least, when the two of us are still alive, we Children in the family will not be allowed to do that."

"My father was in a special situation. Back then, my grandfather... It can be said that he gave up my father. The heir cultivated my second uncle, and my grandmother always favored the second room. After a long time, the second room will naturally make calculations. , Delegating power too early, giving all the family power to the children, but he has no ability to control himself."

"In the future, let's not be such parents. We can neither be partial nor condone. This will avoid a lot of things, okay?"

Ye Mingyan was silent for a while, then suddenly figured it out, leaned in Qin Xiuheng's arms and nodded.

"Well! We just do our best. Children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren. We can't deny our qualifications to be parents because of some bad children. Our family is good! The Zhou family has more power than the Qin family. I see how many brothers we have. But when we are united, I have never seen the second brother thinking about grabbing the status with the elder brother all day long."

"Dad is still directly on Hong Kong Island! If Dad wants to let the second brother inherit the Zhou family and he comes back to develop, he will have the power and status of Hong Kong City, and I and you, the uncle and the elder brother are really not ours. opponent."

Qin Xiuheng smiled, "Yeah! Look, your family has more power than ours, but they still live well if they are different? Everyone still has to fight for themselves, and the position of the old man cannot be inherited. In the future, they will fight to the death. , there is no benefit at all, but by uniting, the Zhou family's power can be stabilized."

"So..." Qin Xiuheng lowered his head and looked at the girl in his arms, "How many are you going to give me?"

Ye Mingyan: "..."

It was quite sad just now, why did he turn around so quickly?

Ye Mingyan glared at him angrily, "If you want me to have so many children, will you bring them?"

Qin Xiuheng thought for a while, "It's not impossible, no matter what, I'm the child's father, so of course I have to take care of the child."

Ye Mingyan didn't believe him. When the child cried and made a fuss, anyone who heard it would want to run away.

"The wedding date is set, and this year's graduation season, I want to graduate early."

Qin Xiuheng raised his eyebrows, "Can your teachers let you go?"

Ye Mingyan shrugged, "Grandpa has agreed, and no one will say anything. The teachers really don't want me to get married too early. They are worried that you will suppress me after I get married, and only let me have children and take care of children, wasting my studies. As long as I continue to practice medicine, they have no reason to stop me!"

"Besides, that's all in the past. They don't know that I'm a child of the Zhou family, so they're afraid that I'll be controlled by your family. What's there to worry about now?"

Qin Xiuheng smiled and said, "I won't stop you. In our family, my mother's medical skills are the best, and my father's medical skills are incomparable. Whether I will be able to sit firmly as the head of the family in the future will depend on you!"

"There are many good teachers in the Qin family's medical team. You can also engage in this field in the future, no matter what, as long as you like it."

Ye Mingyan raised his chin proudly, "Of course, with my great-grandfather here, forgive me and you don't dare to bully me, hum!"

Her father is the richest man in Hong Kong, and her great-grandfather is the old grandfather of the Zhou family, who is very powerful.

Ye Mingyan is not afraid at all now.

In her last life, she fought alone, and in this life, she is a backer everywhere. She is very confident.

(End of this chapter)

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