Chapter 79

"This bastard! He... he... When I find him, I will definitely break his legs."

Zhou Yun gritted her teeth angrily, thinking of so many good things, and 2 yuan, but she was taken away by that prodigal son, she was so angry to death.

"Mom...Mom...I'm so itchy, I can't stand it woo woo woo..."

Xie Yujiao's face became more and more itchy, she couldn't help scratching it with her hands, but the more she scratched, the more severe the injury.

Zhou Yun was taken aback and didn't care to scold Xie Chengcai, so he rushed over and grabbed Xie Yujiao's hand, "Jiaojiao! You can't catch it, the more you catch it, the worse it is, you must not catch it, this... old man, this can be What should I do?"

I have no money, how can I go to the doctor?
Xie Qinshan was also very angry, but the most important thing at the moment was his little daughter, so he immediately said: "Go to Jiaojiao's house to get some money, go to the hospital first, I'll go to get the money, and then go over, she's here. The face cannot be delayed."

After saying this, Zhou Yun was relieved, Xie Qinshan must have a lot of money in his hands.

"Alright, alright, I'll go right now, you hurry to get the money."

Zhou Yun went to Xie Yujiao's house to get some money and took it with her first. She also had some change in her own pocket, and she took it all.

Usually, this precious daughter is not short of money at all, so Xie Chengcai only took over Zhou Yun's house, others didn't move, Xie Yujiao naturally had some money there.

Zhou Yun took Xie Yujiao, Xie Chenggui and his wife followed.

Only Xie Qinshan and two granddaughters are left at home.

Xie Qinshan looked at the two granddaughters and said angrily, "Hurry up and pack up and go hunting for hogweed. What are you doing?"

"Your sister-in-law has become so ill, and I don't see how you are in such a hurry. Get out of here for all things that have no conscience."

The two little girls were taken aback. Grandpa was obviously angry. When such a big thing happened at home, they knew that Grandpa was in a bad mood.

The two were very scared. Originally, because they were girls, they had no sense of existence at home. At this time, they didn't dare to stay at home. They hurried to clean up, took the basket and went up the mountain, not even daring to eat breakfast.

Xie Qinshan was relieved when there was no one at home. He closed the yard door, waited for a while, and made sure that the two granddaughters were gone, and then came to his bedroom.

The family is naturally rich, especially the treasures of the Ye family back then, and he kept a lot of them in his hands.

The ones that were outside before were all small objects that were easy to take out to exchange money.

The ancestors of the Ye family were really rich back then!Not only rich, but also expensive, the ancestors were high officials, accumulated for hundreds of years, the wealth can be imagined.

When he grew up in the Ye family, he saw the wealth of the Ye family. Later, when the Ye family had an accident, more wealth was exposed. Unfortunately, he only had time to get a part of it. If he got it all, he would thank the Qinshan family. , is now developed.

But for now, it's enough to thank the family for their prosperity.

Thinking of this, Xie Qinshan is happy again, and the days are full of hope.

The doors were all locked from the inside. Xie Qinshan moved the bed and poured the pot of water that he had brought in just now onto the hard ground. After waiting for a while, he began to dig.


Ye Mingyan didn't go to the county to set up a stall early today. She knew that something would definitely happen to the Xie family today, so she naturally wanted to stay and watch how Xie Qinshan and Zhou Yun got money.

She is a child, just make any excuses and stay at home.

(End of this chapter)

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