Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 80 Sure enough, good things are still in the Ye family

Chapter 80 Sure enough, good things are still in the Ye family
At this moment, she is not far from the back mountain, looking in the direction of the Xie family.

She saw that Zhou Yun and the others took Xie Yujiao away, and then Xie Wenxue and Xie Wenqing also went up the mountain with baskets, and only one Xie Qinshan stayed at home, which was already obvious.

Xie Yujiao needs to spend money to see a doctor. For such a serious illness, it will definitely cost a lot of money. Xie Qinshan will definitely take the money.

Now that Xie Qinshan has not come out at home, it can only mean that there are still a batch of treasures hidden at home.

Ye Mingyan pursed her lips, no, based on her previous life experience, she remembered that the Xie family was rich later.

Back then, Xie Chengjin, the youngest son, had a very good life in the city. He spent a lot of money, just like a son. He bought a house and a car, raised several girlfriends, and lived a rich second-generation life.

Later, he started a company and made a lot of money.

Even Xie Chengcai, the prodigal son, had a good life afterwards. Zhou Yun and Xie Qinshan also went to the city later. When Xie Yujiao got married, it was said that the dowry was very rich.

What does this mean?
It shows that the Xie family's family is very rich.

Xie Qinshan, an old man, still has some brains. Although the grandfather and grandmother were in a special period, maybe they thought things were not so perfect, so they misread this person, but Xie Qinshan is definitely not a fool.

It can be seen by seeing how he can endure it for so many years and wait until his younger son is a little more capable before taking out a large amount of money.

Therefore, Ye Mingyan really didn't think that he would put all his property in one place.

There is definitely a part of it at home, maybe there are other places too!
How can she find it?
No way, although it was broad daylight, she still decided to take a risk. The village was not crowded, so if you were careful, you might not be seen.

Ye Mingyan went down the mountain and ran cautiously to the Xie's yard.

Xie Qinshan in the house dug for a while before he dug out something, it was a wooden box one meter long and half a meter high. He opened the wooden box and put a smaller box inside.

Open this small box, and the contents inside are all revealed.

Xie Qinshan looked at the treasures in front of him and stroked these things with his hands obsessively. This was his hope, his wealth, and the key to his Xie family's future prosperity.

Ye Mingyan was watching from the back window, and when she saw the contents of the box, her pupils shrank.

Here, is the real good quality goods.

Except for a few small boxes, you can clearly see a lot of big yellow croaker and small yellow croaker, which are all gold.

Even in the most chaotic times, gold is hard currency, and this is the most precious thing.

There were some bead chains and bracelets next to them, and Ye Mingyan also saw a few jade fingers.

The more Ye Mingyan looked at these things, the more angry Ye Mingyan became. This was the property of the ancestors of the Ye family, and was taken and enjoyed by these bastards.

Xie Qinshan looked at everything in front of him obsessively. The more he looked, the more proud he became. He couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

"This is my Xie family's hope. In the future, it can help my son to flourish! It was my most correct decision to keep these things back then, hahahaha!"

After touching it for a while, he opened a few smaller boxes next to it. One box was full of pearls, and the other small boxes were still filled with rings, diamonds, and various gems.

I didn't see how big the diamonds were, the gemstones, Ye Mingyan looked at them, and they seemed to be very gorgeous!
Looking a little weird.

 Well, see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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