Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 86 Found a way to make a fortune 1

Chapter 86 Found a way to make a fortune 2
"Besides, they have been hiding for so long, and maybe they will be stolen one day. This third uncle is a prodigal. I compliment him a few words, and he feels that he is going to go to heaven. The last time he came to me, he was I stimulated a few words, and immediately went home to ask for money and said that I would do a big business."

Ye Mingyang: "..."

Looking at the cute and cute little sister in my eyes, inexplicably, I feel that my sister seems to have changed!
The two talked for a while, and Xie Chengcai over there was almost finished eating the noodles, and called to bring him the packaged things quickly.

Ye Mingyang glanced at him, and rushed in front of his sister to pack the pickled fish. In addition, there was a bowl of dumplings he wanted, which he probably brought back to Xie Wenkang to eat.

Ye Mingyang took it over, looked at his third uncle, and shouted: "third uncle, I saw you again today! Third uncle, do you eat in the city every day! Third uncle, you are amazing, these are for friends Anything to eat?"

Xie Chengcai was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Ye Mingyang.

He knows this guy, but yeah!Relatively speaking, I was not impressed. After all, Ye Mingyang was relatively taciturn, unlike Ye Mingyan, who was young, well-behaved and cute, and played more in the village.

Ye Mingyang lives on campus, and when he was in the countryside, he mostly helped out at home.

However, because of Ye Mingyan's relationship, Xie Chengcai at this time had a good impression of the Ye family's children, and said, "This is for Wenkang. Wenkang broke his leg and is in the hospital!"

Ye Mingyang suddenly looked envious, "Brother Wenkang is really happy. He is hurt and your father loves him. When he is wronged, his father supports him. Unlike me, my father is long gone, and even my mother doesn't want me."

"Third uncle, if I can be like Wenkang and have a good father like you, I will wake up laughing from a dream. You will buy fish for brother Wenkang and dumplings for brother Wenkang. shoes are broken. In this way, there is no money to buy a new one.”

Ye Mingyang lowered his head and looked at the broken shoes on his feet with reddish eyes. The soles of his feet were about to rot away, and his toes were still exposed.

Ye Mingyan, who was watching all this from a distance: "..."

She was stunned!
Is this really her taciturn big brother?
This is obviously a black and white!

Like Xie Wenkang, he is 13 years old, but he is a month younger than Xie Wenkang.

Xie Cheng is the one who likes to be praised. He has been looked down upon by his family for many years. He is very eager to be recognized. He looked at Ye Mingyang, thinking that this child has no father since he was a child, and then his mother remarried, which is worse than his family Wenkang.

He is not yet at Wenkang University!
Xie Chengcai was immediately moved by Ye Mingyang's pitiful appearance, and gave him ten yuan from his arms, "Don't be sad, the third uncle has money, take it and buy two new pairs of shoes to wear."

When Ye Mingyang saw the money, his eyes immediately lit up exactly like when Ye Mingyan saw the money, his face full of gratitude and admiration, "Thank you Sanshu! Thank you Sanshu, Sanshu is the best, I finally have new shoes to wear. Well, that's great!"

Ye Mingyan helped her forehead, it's over, she seems to have taught her eldest brother badly!

Xie Chengcai smiled and patted Ye Mingyang's head, took the things and left.

When Ye Mingyang waited for him to leave, his face changed immediately, back to that expressionless look.

When I came back, I put the ten dollars in Ye Mingyan's arms, "Take it, don't take it for nothing, but I'm wearing a pair of broken shoes today, otherwise I'll have to find another excuse."

Ye Mingyan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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