Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 87 Found a way to make a fortune 1

Chapter 87 Found a way to make a fortune 3
She looked down at the shoes on her eldest brother's feet...

Well, it's really broken!
Ye's family is not poor. Grandma and mother love their children very much. In fact, their children don't need to wear ragged clothes or shoes.

Ye Mingyan didn't have torn clothes or shoes at home, Ye Mingyang, Ye Mingchuan, and younger brother Ye Mingfeng all had torn shoes and clothes, just to wear them out for a few laps from time to time to show their family's poverty.

After all, there is only one old lady and one woman in the family, with so many children, they must be poor.

Coincidentally, my eldest brother wore these shoes today.

The second brother Ye Mingchuan stood aside and saw all this.

Looking at the ten dollars in his sister's hand, he turned to look at the back of Xie Chengcai who had left, and had an epiphany!

"Sister, I seem to have found a way to make a fortune!"

Ye Mingyan: "..."

The stalls continued until the afternoon. With Ye Mingyan there today, business was much better. After the items were sold out, everyone packed up and went home.

After a busy morning, I went home to eat and rest.

In the evening, Qin Xiuheng brought Qin Yi over and brought over the ready-made packaging bags.

There are a lot of dried fruits that have been made. The packaging bags are divided into two sizes, one big and one small, one small bag for three dollars, and the large one for five yuan. As for how much it will sell for Qin Xiuheng in the capital, That's not what Ye Mingyan would consider.

During this period of time, the people of the Ye family were all diligent. In fact, there was nothing they could do if they were not diligent. Ye Mingyan brought so many fruits back, and they paid for them!

You can't watch it break, so it's all done.

The small one contained 3000 packages, and the large one contained [-] packages, totaling [-] yuan.

Qin Xiuheng gave the money to Ye Mingyan, and Ye Mingyan wanted to give him the money he bought the fruit before. Qin Xiuheng smiled and said, "No need, you still calculated the money so clearly with me?"

Ye Mingyan was stunned, shouldn't she figure it out?
Qin Xiuheng's tall body bent down, looked into Ye Mingyan's eyes, and rubbed her little head, "In the future, you don't have to be so clear with me, remember, if you need any help, feel free to ask me, do you know? "

Ye Mingyan's big eyes looked at him without blinking, and she always felt that in this life, her luck was a little too much.

Qin Xiuheng and her are not of the same age. Even if they were in the same village in their previous life, they didn't have much interaction.

Why is reborn once, everything is different?

Qin Xiuheng pulled her over, got closer, looked at her, "The teacher you're looking for will be here the day after tomorrow, settle him down, I'm going back to the capital, you study hard here, don't be afraid, if you have any questions, look for it immediately I, you know?"

"Grandpa Du's house, I pressed a number, you remember to call me, I originally wanted to press a number at your house, but after thinking about it, it's okay for now, your family is developing too fast. Hurry up, it's too eye-catching, wait for you to stabilize, wait for you to get some relatives around, and it's not too late to call."

"You are still young, don't be in a hurry to make money, learn your skills hard, you will have opportunities when you grow up, Brother Qin will teach you, you know?"

He seems to have arranged all her paths, as if she doesn't have to think about anything, just follow in his footsteps!
Ye Mingyan couldn't tell what it was like in her heart. The only man who she admired so much in the past, the only man who made her heart flutter, has planned everything for her so gently at this moment, she has no other thoughts, it is definitely fake.

At this moment, Ye Mingyan decided to be brave again. She made a bold decision. In this life, she wanted to get this man.

"Brother Qin, when I grow up, I will repay you!" she said firmly.

Qin Xiuheng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "How do you want to repay?"

(End of this chapter)

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