Chapter 89
Qin Xiuheng is mysterious, powerful, and unfathomable, and those eyes can see it.

But this little girl looked much more harmless than Qin Xiuheng, her big watery eyes gave him a feeling that he couldn't see through.

This is the two extremes of Qin Xiuheng, but it is equally unfathomable.

Qi Songyan smiled. He didn't expect that there would be such a young girl with aura in this country.

Qi Songyan looked at Ye Mingyan's eyes with a lot of love, and asked with a smile, "Little girl, what's your name? How old are you?"

"My name is Ye Mingyan, I am nine years old this year! I have graduated from primary school, and when school starts again, it will be the first year of junior high!"

Ye Mingyan unabashedly showed his intelligence.

Sure enough, Qi Songyan was stunned, "You are nine years old and graduated from elementary school?"

Ye Mingyan nodded, "Yeah! My mother is a teacher and she taught me a lot since I was a child. I skipped a grade."

Qin Xiuheng said with a smile: "Yes, Yanyan is very smart, and the little things in school are not enough for her to learn. Her grandmother was a rich family member in the past, and she knows a lot of pharmacology. Yanyan has learned a lot from her grandmother since she was a child. I also saw that she has a talent for traditional Chinese medicine, so I asked Qi Lao to teach her."

"At her age, it's too early to go to junior high school, so there's no need for that, so what I mean is to let Yanyan take a break from school in the past few years, study medicine with peace of mind, and go to school after a few years of age. agreed."

The Qi family was also born into a big family. If it weren't for the fact that there were many doctors in the family, the blow he suffered would not be small, so Mr. Qi, in his bones, liked people with family heritage.

Hearing that the Ye family had this background, he instead gave him a high look.

Being able to have more time to study medicine is naturally something that Mr. Qi would like to see. He smiled and said, "This is a good thing, such a small child, if he goes to junior high school, he probably won't be able to play with the older children. It's better to learn something else at home in two years."

"Since Young Master Qin has spoken, then I will accept this apprentice, and I will teach it carefully in the future."

Qin Xiuheng nodded, "Thank you!"

He said to Ye Mingyan: "Yanyan, call me Master."

Ye Mingyan looked at the old man in front of him and was filled with emotion.

In her last life, she worked so hard and became a well-known genius doctor in the capital. She also failed to meet Qi Songyan several times, and she was not qualified to be a teacher.

Being reborn once, at such a young age, Qi Songyan was able to come to her house to accept her as his apprentice, all of which were attributed to Qin Xiuheng.

It is good to have a thigh hug!

Ye Mingyan called out with a smile, "Master!"

Don't worry, you have accepted me as an apprentice, and you will thank me in the future.

In this way, Ye Mingyan got such a master.

After Qi Songyan, he will live in the village and teach Ye Mingyan to study medicine. Qin Xiuheng will arrange a place for him and build a yard for him alone.

I chatted with Qi Songyan for a while at Grandpa Du's house. The more we talked about Qi Songyan, the more he liked her. For students with basic skills, Qi Songyan naturally liked her. He could see that this little girl knew a lot.

Qin Xiuheng took Ye Mingyan's hand and went back and said to her, "Let's get acquainted for the time being, it's not so easy for Qi Lao to accept an apprentice, their family's medical skills are inherited, and when his yard is repaired, there will definitely be an official apprenticeship ceremony. Yes, just listen to his arrangements."

"At this moment, do whatever you need to do, don't be nervous."

Ye Mingyan raised her head and looked at Qin Xiuheng, smiling with frowning eyes, "Brother Qin, you are amazing! Isn't this teacher amazing? You have only returned to the capital for two years, so you can have someone come to this small mountain village to teach me? "

Qin Xiuheng glanced at her and smiled confidently, "In the future, you will find that your brother Qin is far more powerful than you thought, so be smart and hold my thigh tightly."


Ye Mingyan was happy and immediately responded.

At this time, Xie Chengcai, who had been playing outside for several days, finally ran out of money on him. The only thing he did was probably to treat Xie Wenkang's leg, otherwise he would be disabled.

This man has a big heart. At that time, he hid the money very secretly. He was very relieved. Now that the money has been spent, he thought to get it. As a result, he searched the whole place and couldn't find his own money.

This time, Xie Cheng panicked. After finally getting out so many valuable things, they were gone?

Where did it go?

Xie Chengcai was sweating profusely, "How could this happen? Where's my money?"

This place deviates far from the main road and is full of stone walls, so people who are grazing cattle will not come here, nor will people who travel to and from the county seat, so it is very safe.

Now that it's gone, who would steal this?

"No, only the Xie family know that I have this money, and only they know that I took the money and went to the county seat. They must have taken it."

Xie Chengcai was instantly furious, "There is so much money in the family, I just took so much, and I have to take it back for me, my parents are too much."

Xie Chengcai rushed home angrily.

In the village, Ye Mingyan was collecting fruit at a villager's house. From a distance, she saw Xie Chengcai running home with an angry face. She raised her eyebrows, so angry?

Could it be that he discovered the things that were lost?
That's right, it's been several days, and the 3000 yuan should be spent.

Ye Mingyan hooked her lips into a smile, now there is a good show to watch.

She smiled and pulled Qin Xiuheng's sleeve with a look of excitement, "Brother Qin, why is the third uncle so angry? You said, do you want me to go take a look? I can also comfort him a few words."

Qin Xiuheng looked at the little girl's unconcealed schadenfreude, and smiled fondly, "If you want to go, I'll take you there."

Ye Mingyan's eyes lit up, "Go, go, go!"

Pulling Qin Xiuheng to Xie's house.

After arriving at Xie's house, it turned out that the Xie's house was already in trouble, Xie Chengcai thought that his parents must have found out the money and took it back, and Xie Qinshan and Zhou Yun felt that this son must be lying. It's only been a few days, If you lose so much money and return it to fight, both sides are so angry that they will fight.

Xie Chengcai is still a son after all, a junior. It's not easy to beat the old man, and he doesn't dare to do so with so many people outside. So, being forced by Xie Qinshan and Zhou Yun, he starts to throw things.

When Ye Mingyan arrived, the Xie's yard was full of pots and pans, furniture, benches, and the like were thrown out in a mess.

"Beast, stop it, stop it for me!" Zhou Yun was so distressed that he was shaking with anger.

"I don't!" Xie Chengcai shouted, "You all know how much money you spend on your brothers and sisters, and you are willing to spend as much as they do, why can't I? I am the son of the Xie family, and I have a share of the Xie family's property, why should I give it to me? My money to spend on them?"

"Since you don't give it to me, then I will smash the whole family. I can't get it, and no one can get it!"

 There is one more chapter tonight, ah!
(End of this chapter)

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