Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 90 Find a job for the little uncle

Chapter 90 Find a job for the little uncle

Xie Chengcai was frantically smashing and smashing at home. The second room had a very low sense of existence in this home, and the benefits were not in their turn. At this moment, seeing Xie Chengcai's ruthlessness, they didn't dare to stop them, for fear that Xie Chengcai would beat them.

The big family is not at home.

The two old men couldn't stop Xie Chengcai at all.

Ye Mingyan watched with relish.

Seeing these people watching the lively around, Ye Mingyan thought about it and smiled!

Deliberately said: "Brother Qin, what the third uncle said seems to be right! I feel that my aunt is usually very rich! Why don't you give the third uncle money?"

Qin Xiuheng looked down at the little girl, his eyes were very interested, what was this little thing doing?

"Maybe she likes your sister-in-law better!"

Ye Mingyan said: "But I'm willing to spend so much money for my aunt, so it shouldn't be a problem to spend a little for my third uncle, right? Grandpa's family is really rich, and the whole family doesn't work very much, and they still have so much money to spend, brother Qin. , didn't you say that making money is difficult? Many aunts in the village say that making money is not easy, and you have to save money, why do I feel that it is easy for grandpa's family to make money?"

Qin Xiuheng: "..."

He seemed to know what this little girl was doing.

Qin Xiuheng said: "Indeed, your grandfather's family seems to be really rich, and the family is not very good at work, but they have raised so many children. Although your uncle has a job in the county, but that A job that costs dozens of dollars a month is not enough to support his own small family, right?"

"Your aunt's life is better than many young ladies in the city! Many girls in the city don't have the money to change new clothes often. Your uncle goes to school in a big city, and the cost is also high."

"Think about your eldest grandfather's house. The eldest grandson goes to school outside, and the whole family works. They can also weave bamboo sieves. Isn't the family still living a tight life?"

Indeed it is.

The eldest grandfather's family is very diligent, and the whole family is diligent. The eldest grandson goes to school outside and has good grades, but the family life is very tight.

Ye Mingyan said: "Where did grandpa's family get the money? It's so rich! If only our family were so rich!"

She was full of envy.

Qin Xiuheng held back his laughter, feeling more and more that this little girl was funny.

As if he was suddenly reminded, he asked, "Your family?"

"Yes! I want to be rich too! If I have money, I can buy new clothes as often as my sister-in-law."

Qin Xiuheng raised his eyebrows, "Yanyan, maybe the money from your grandfather's family was given by your great grandma and grandfather back then."

Ye Mingyan laughed immediately, "No way! The Ye family had nothing in those days. Besides, even if the grandmother and grandpa were really rich, they would give it to grandma! Grandma is so poor, how could grandpa be rich? ?"

Many people around were listening. Children were ignorant, but there were always a few smart adults who could figure it out.

Qin Xiuheng looked at the glances of the people around him, and only said solemnly, "Your grandma, grandpa, and grandma all believe in the wrong person."

After watching the excitement for a while, Qin Xiuheng took Ye Mingyan home.

The situation in the village needs to come a little bit. This is Yanyan's hometown and the happiest place in her childhood. He is willing to let Yanyan grow up here for the rest of her life.

There are also Grandpa Du and Grandma Ye.

Therefore, this village needs to be cleaned up, cleaned up, and it is better.

At this time, the Xie family became more and more noisy, Xie Chengcai rushed into the house of Xie Qinshan and Zhou Yun and started smashing things. He smashed and smashed the place where Xie Qinshan had hidden things before.

Xie Chengcai naturally didn't know that there was something hidden in this place, but Xie Qinshan knew!

Seeing that after the small box was smashed open, the small box he hid in it was gone, and he was dumbfounded on the spot.


Obviously a few days ago, after he took out his things, he hid a little here before going to the county seat. Why is it gone?

Quickly rushed over to rummage.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Yun asked, "Old man, what's the matter with you?"

"Why is it missing? What? What?"

Xie Qinshan was about to cry, rummaging around for the things he hid. Seeing Xie Qinshan like this, Zhou Yun also reacted and hurriedly asked, "What? The things are gone again?"

Xie Qinshan rummaged through, but couldn't find it. This is really urgent.

"No, no more, where did this go?"

The two looked at Xie Chengcai on the side, and their faces suddenly turned hideous, "Is it you? Is it you again? Where did you get all the money in your family?"

Xie Chengcai was stunned for a while, then suddenly smiled, "What? I just said you hid the treasure, sure enough! Now it's gone again? Shouldn't I steal it now? Why do you say I stole it? How much? Hurry up and take out the money, I'm waiting for the money to do business!"

Xie Qinshan and Zhou Yun can no longer care about Xie Chengcai at this moment, and they are also stunned. Could it be that Xie Chengcai stole the money before?

"No, he must have stole it. We haven't been following him for the past few days. Who knows if he has sneaked back? He must have stole it from the house and found that we still have money to see Yujiao's doctor, so we came back and stole it again. , this beast, get out of here, get out of this house, and never come back."

Zhou Yun angrily picked up the broom beside him and started hitting Xie Chengcai.

When Xie Qinshan was told this, he felt right, so he was ruthless and beat Xie Chengcai with Zhou Yun.

Xie Chengcai continued to smash at home, and for a while, the Xie family was in trouble.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Mingyan. The more violent the Xie family is, the happier she is. It seems that the Xie family will soon find out that all the babies in the family are gone, and then there will be a good show to watch. .

Qi Songyan was going to live in the village, Qin Xiuheng took him to go through the relevant procedures, he picked a piece of homestead by himself, and was going to build a small yard.

When Ye Mingyan heard this, he immediately said, "Brother Qin, have you hired someone to build a house?"

Qin Xiuheng said: "No! Do you have a choice?"

Ye Mingyan smiled suddenly, "Hee hee, my little uncle knows this, they should be here soon, and then let my little uncle do it! Some of the Ye family members in the village can do it, too many people can build a house. Hurry up."

Qin Xiuheng rubbed her little head, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Ye Mingyan: "..."

So listen to her!

She ran home immediately, Wang Xiaofang was already making pickled fish for tomorrow's stall, Ye Mingyan hurriedly took out some of it and put it in a crock pot, and went to pack a lot of dried fruit and twist, and handed it over to his eldest brother Ye Mingyang.

"Brother, take this to my aunt's house and tell my uncle that he'd better come over tomorrow. Grandpa Du's friend wants to build a house. I have already told eldest brother Qin, let my uncle do it, and he can bring a few Come help, don't bring too much, because there are people from the Ye family who want to participate."

Ye Mingyang was taken aback, "Build a house?"

"Yes!" Ye Mingyan said with a smile, "The wages are very high! If your uncle has time, come over quickly."

"Okay!" Ye Mingyang has always been straightforward and strong in action. He went to Aunt Ye's house on a bicycle with some things.

That night, neither Xie Qinshan nor Zhou Yun slept. They waited until the second half of the night, and then got up carefully to check whether the place where the things were hidden was stolen.

The two gently moved the bed, and Xie Qinshan started digging with a hoe.

 See you tomorrow, alright!
(End of this chapter)

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