Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 91 All stolen, Xie Qinshan dizzy

Chapter 91 All stolen, Xie Qinshan dizzy
The two home burglaries really made them panic.

After so many years of not going abroad, this kind of thing suddenly appeared, and the good money hidden in the family was gone, and they didn't even notice it at all. Is it worth it?

If they don’t doubt Xie Chengcai, it’s impossible. Until now, they all felt that Xie Chengcai stole it. However, the batch that was taken out later disappeared. , Xie Qinshan could not sleep peacefully.

It was the first time that Zhou Yun knew where Xie Qinshan hid things, and he was nervous and excited for a while.

"Old man, you have hidden things here for so many years?"

Xie Qinshan hummed and buried his head in digging.

"How much is hidden here? Does the ancestor of the Ye family have a lot of treasures? Didn't you say that her ancestor was a big family? There must be a lot of them. Oh, it's been so many years, why don't you take out more? Like this? We can also live in a big house and live in the city, so we don’t need to suffer in the countryside.”

Xie Qinshan did not speak.

He knew what Zhou Yun's temperament was, how could he have taken all of it out?If he did that, the family would have been wiped out by Zhou Yun long ago.

After all, he grew up in Ye Family, he gained some knowledge and foresight. He knew that he couldn't enjoy great wealth and honor for a while. He was waiting for his younger son to make a name for himself. This money is enough to make the family prosper.

Xie Qinshan kept digging, and Zhou Yun complained endlessly on the side, hoping to make Xie Qinshan feel a little more guilty towards her, and after taking out the things, he would exchange some more money for her to spend.

"You're true, you don't even know how to take out more money when you have money. Think about how hard I was when I was alone to give birth to your children and take care of them! At that time, I was so poor that I couldn't even eat stuttering. Don't hide anything."

"Now that we have a better life, you want me to enjoy some blessings! Take it out and let's go shopping in the city!"

Zhou Yun said this, Xie Qinshan didn't say anything, he kept digging, digging, but the more he digged, the more wrong he felt.

"It's been dug for so long, where is it? Is it buried so deep?"

There was a big hole in front of him, and Zhou Yun couldn't wait to see something.

Xie Qinshan panicked, "Impossible! It's impossible..."

He buried the thing with his own hands. He knew how deep it was. It should have been seen by now, why haven't it been?
He accelerated his speed in a panic, and dug for a while, but the ground became harder and harder, and it was no longer the soil he had dug before.

If it has been dug once before, it has only been a day or two, and the soil should be very loose and not so hard.

"Where's my stuff? Where's my baby? No..."

Xie Qinshan went crazy, "I don't believe it, it's impossible..."

After making sure that the things here were gone, he didn't care about anything else. He got up and rushed to the backyard. He was going to see if the last point was still there.

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment and knew that something was wrong, "Old man, why are you going?"

She followed suit.

Xie Qinshan rushed into the cowshed and started digging with a hoe, digging frantically.

Unfortunately, things drove him crazy again. There is still nothing here. He dug twice the size of the previous hole, and he dug a lot deeper. He desperately wanted to find the treasure in the soil, but unfortunately, it was still black. Huhu mud, nothing.

Xie Qinshan suddenly collapsed in the deep pit, drenched in sweat and in a state of embarrassment.

" is my baby? It's not"

Xie Qinshan let out a shrill scream and fainted on the spot.

Zhou Yun was immediately terrified, "This... old man? What's wrong with you? Come on! Come on!"

Xie Qinshan was so angry that he fainted on the spot, Zhou Yun was frightened and shouted loudly.

The first to hear it was naturally the Xie family. The second Xie family rushed over and saw their father and mother in the pit, and they were dumbfounded.

"This... Mom and Dad, what are you doing?"

Xie Qinshan's scream was really scary, and the neighbors around him heard it. In summer, everyone got up easily, and some people even slept directly in the yard. When they heard the scream, they thought that something had happened!

They also ran over to have a look.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

When everyone arrived, they saw Xie Qinshan fell unconscious in the pit, Zhou Yun was holding him, a big pit was dug around, and there was mud everywhere. The picture was a little weird.

Everyone: "..."

The more and more people gathered, everyone hurriedly carried Xie Qinshan back and put it in the bedroom to ask the village doctor to see it. As a result, when they got to the house, they found that a deep hole had also been dug in the house.

Everyone: "..."

In this case, some people with slightly more flexible minds have already guessed some.

The eldest family was not there, so Xie Qinshan was placed in the eldest family's house.

This scream was too terrifying, and the night was very quiet. The whole village heard it. Anyway, Ye Mingyan heard it, Qin Xiuheng also heard it, including Qi Songyan, who had excellent eyes and ears.

"What happened?" Qi Songyan studied medicine, but he also knew martial arts and reacted very quickly.

Qin Xiuheng, Han Yue and the remaining Qin Yi all got up.

Qin Xiuheng said: "It seems that something happened over there, I'll go take a look."

When he walked to Ye's house, Ye Mingyan just came out of the yard, his eyes met, Qin Xiuheng could clearly see that the little girl's eyes were full of schadenfreude.

Qin Xiuheng: "..."

"Why go?"

There was a smile in his voice.

Ye Mingyan was really excited, she wanted to watch the fun.

"I heard someone screaming. There seems to be a commotion over there. It came from the Xie family. I'll go take a look."

The Ye family won't take care of the Xie family's affairs. Grandma Ye and Tang Jingyun both heard the news, but they didn't come out.

Qin Xiuheng said, "You are a little girl. Your brother and the others didn't come. You should go home too."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Mingyang and Ye Mingchuan came out of the yard.

Qin Xiuheng: "..."

Ye Mingyan raised his smiling face, smiling very slyly, "Hee hee!"

She jumped over and shook Qin Xiuheng's hand, "Brother Qin, take me to see it! Listening to that voice, it's very miserable, but that's my grandfather! As a granddaughter, I should be the one who cares about you. right?"

Qin Xiuheng smiled and rubbed her little head, shook his head and laughed, "Okay, I'll take you there."

Qin Xiuheng took Ye Mingyan's hand and went to Xie's house. There were many people in the Xie's yard, and many people were discussing.

There were children talking in the yard. After Ye Mingyan heard it, he ran into the house to take a look, and immediately laughed, "Are you digging treasures in such a big hole?"

She turned her head and looked at Qin Xiuheng with a smile, "Brother Qin, is there a treasure underground? Did grandpa find a treasure?"

 There is one more chapter tonight, ah!
(End of this chapter)

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