People are full of pirates

Chapter 142 The Unlucky Ghost Spider

Chapter 142 The Unlucky Ghost Spider
Dawn is rising.

The G2 branch shrouded in a pale golden halo, the seaport wharf, warships coming in and out, and from time to time, whole teams of sailors hurried past and went to combat missions.

Occasionally, someone noticed the blue-haired girl standing in the sea breeze and looking at the sea quietly, and couldn't help casting curious eyes.

This girl seems to have been guarding the pier early in the morning for several days, right?Who is this waiting for...

Several trainee recruits from the elite battalion of the headquarters also happened to pass by at this time. After seeing each other, they looked at each other and walked up together.

"Are you still going to stay here and wait for Nuo Xia today, Shia?"

A short-haired girl showed concern and asked, "I'm afraid he won't be back for a while, and the probationary period will end in a few days. Time is precious, why don't you go with us to carry out the mission?"

"You go."

The blue-haired girl was still staring at the other side of the sea, shaking her head slightly, "I'll just wait here."

This is really not taking the assessment ranking seriously. The short-haired girl sighed and didn't try to persuade her any more. She pulled the partners next to her, turned and left, and walked towards the warship moored at the pier.

"I really envy Boss Nuo Xia, not only is he strong enough to defeat Shichibukai, but also there is a beautiful girl like Shia who has been waiting for him..."

He Chuan Xiuma, who looked like a skinny monkey, followed behind, sighing sadly:

"Hey, I can't count on killing Qi Wuhai, I can't do it in my life, but when will I have a beloved girl who is willing to wait for me like this..."

"Wait until you become half as handsome as Nuo Xia."

The short-haired girl gave him a blank look.


A few black lines appeared on He Chuan Xiuma's forehead, and he said with a bitter face, "Forget it, let's kill Qi Wuhai and be realistic."

"I heard it all, Xiuma."

At this time, a chuckle suddenly came from the top of the head, "When you kill Qi Wuhai, remember to be the first to call me to witness."

This voice is too familiar.

Several people looked up in astonishment, and found a handsome black-haired boy squatting on the railing on the bow of a warship that had just sailed into the port, looking at them with a smile.


"Boss Nuo Xia!"

Everyone was surprised and happy at once, and He Chuan Xiuma climbed up the ladder excitedly to the deck, "You are finally back, how are you, have you been escorted to Judicial Island, those bastards from CP didn't do anything to you Bar?"

He stretched out his right arm subconsciously, and was about to lift Nuo Xia's shirt to check the scar. Nuo Xia immediately held his hand, and said helplessly, "Don't worry, it's okay, don't even think about it, just those guys from CP9, Together they are not my opponents, are they?"


He Chuan Xiuma nodded in agreement, and suddenly wondered, "Hey, that's not right, why did you come back on a warship, didn't they send you back?"

Looking at the harbor, there was no sign of CP's speedboat.

"It was originally given by them, but halfway through the drive, I happened to meet this guy."

Nuo Xia pointed behind him, and when everyone looked at it, they found that the captain, Colonel Ghost Spider, just happened to come over, "It happened to be on the way, so I simply changed his ship and came back together."

"Is that the way?"

The ghost spider's face darkened, "I'm going out to carry out a hunting mission. Just when I saw the trace of the pirate ship, I was cut in half by your sword. What can I do if I don't turn around and come back?"

"It's almost the same."

Nuo Xia patted his shoulders with his arms around him, and laughed loudly, "Besides, this saved you effort, you should thank me."


The corners of Ghost Spider's eyes twitched, and he almost wanted to punch the face that deserved a punch, but in the end he clenched his fist and held back.

There is no way, I can't beat it at all.

Recalling the overjoyed and relieved expression of CP9 Commander Spandain when Nuo Xia transferred to his warship, the ghost spider began to wonder if this black-bellied guy was on the way and did something to those agents what……

"So on the way, he also killed a pirate group?" He Chuanxiuma exclaimed, "As expected of Boss Nuo Xia, how much is the reward for the captain of the pirate group?"

"Forty to fifty million, I don't remember this kind of small character very clearly..." Nuo Xia just answered half a sentence, then suddenly stopped talking, looked over He Chuan Xiuma's head, and looked into the distance in a daze.

what happened?
He Chuan Xiuma turned his head in doubt, and when he saw a slender figure galloping towards him, he immediately understood, and silently pulled his companions back to one side, watching Nuo Xia turn over and jump off the deck, laughing at Xi Ya who rushed over. They hugged each other deeply.

"so good……"

Several sour sighs sounded faintly at the same time.


Among the bustling streets.

A commotion suddenly came from the street corner. Pedestrians stood on their tiptoes curiously, looked towards the place where the commotion was caused, and found that the source of the commotion was a pair of young couples.

The blue-haired girl snuggled up to the side of the black-haired boy. The girl was charming and the boy was handsome. People who saw this scene suddenly realized that there were so many guys running to join in the fun.

Especially that boy, he is really handsome...

Quite a few girls held their flushed cheeks, starry eyes had already begun to emerge.

"It's really troublesome."

Sensing the gazes gathered around her, Nuo Xia rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, and sighed, "So, I hate shopping the most..."

The place where the two of them are at the moment is the town behind the G2 branch fortress. The place is not too big, but it is unexpectedly prosperous.

The street is full of people, and there are all kinds of snack street, clothing and entertainment shops, which is quite lively.

The reason why he came here was because he had to go back to the headquarters in a few days. He planned to prepare some gifts for the big bosses who helped him out, especially the unfamiliar Warring States and Cranes. He would have to pay a special visit to thank him then .

"I never thought there would be such a place behind the fortress..."

Shia hugged his shoulders tightly, and her eyes kept moving around those small booths, "I remember that the G2 branch was first established on an uninhabited island, it was a purely military base..."

"It's normal. After it develops, these supporting facilities are necessary. Isn't it the same for Marin Fando?"

Nuo Xia said casually: "There must be a place for entertainment and relaxation on the island. You can't train and fight all the time. Then no one can hold back. Sailors are also human."

"But Nuo Xia..." Shia looked up at him blankly.

I am not human.

Nuo Xia pursed her lips and murmured in her heart that with his current monster physique and the strange ability to regenerate broken limbs, it seemed that he was no longer a human being in the biological sense.

Just at this time, there was a rather large gift shop on the right. He thought for a while, and brought Shia in. The proprietress, who was in her thirties, was lowering her head to sort out the books. .

ten minutes later.

While the proprietress was reluctant to part with her, Nuo Xiati slipped out with a bunch of presents.

The store was too enthusiastic about the sales, and even offered a [-]% discount. As a shy and simple boy, he couldn't refuse, so he simply prepared some small gifts for the two roommates who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Want to go there for a stroll?"

There is a clothing store at the intersection, and Nuo Xia suddenly felt like a boyfriend, she lowered her head and asked Xi Ya softly, "You haven't bought new clothes for a long time, have you gone to pick some?"

It seems that if you go shopping with a girl, you have to go to this kind of place to torture yourself. Fortunately, he is so powerful that it doesn't matter how many bags he carries.

"No need."

Xi Ya glanced at the clothing store, hesitated for a while, and shook her head lightly: "It's too much trouble for Nuo Xia, and I don't need it."

The moment the words fell, the white cadet navy uniform on her body suddenly changed into an elegant and clean off-white dress.

Oh yes, when Nuo Xia slapped his forehead, he almost forgot to imitate the fruit.


"It's all fake, you should buy it or you have to buy it, you can pick and choose, even empty the whole store, I'll pay for it!"

He waved his hand domineeringly, without any explanation, grabbed Shia's tender and slender arm, and rushed directly into the door of the clothing store.

The girl let him pull her and ran all the way, her gaze was fixed on his eyes, and when the latter noticed something and turned her head strangely...

She turned her head and couldn't help pursing her lips into a sweet smile.

 I just got home late today, I’m very tired, I can’t move anymore, let’s make an update for now, but I will definitely make it up in the fourth update tomorrow!
  The transition routine is over, and the next step is the graduation-related plot, I have to sort out the details.

(End of this chapter)

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